C&C - Grids/Cubes/Connectors

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Looks really good @PiggyOinkOink.

A quick question, I take it your piggies can't climb over the correx where there are no grids? I'd hate for one of them to take a tumble when you're not there as it looks like it could be quite a fall. That's not me trying to sound negative as I know you've spent ages on it...just a concerned piggy owner.
Looks really good @PiggyOinkOink.

A quick question, I take it your piggies can't climb over the correx where there are no grids? I'd hate for one of them to take a tumble when you're not there as it looks like it could be quite a fall. That's not me trying to sound negative as I know you've spent ages on it...just a concerned piggy owner.

No. Actually I had it on the floor initially as I needed someone to help me to put it on the table and the bottom two didn't even try to climb out despite me only having one grid on the side at the time. I know that none of my piggies would try to climb out (except perhaps Cappuccino in the 3rd cage) and when I had cages before I always kept the doors open and they never even tried. Cappuccino is a bit of a Houdini and used to manage to get out of the small temporary cage I had him in when him and his dad had to be separated (when they fell out) solely in order to get back with his dad! He is super curious and will try to jump on everything if I put him on the sofa but I think it's because he wants to get back to his cage.

Fortunately, all my piggies are happy in their cages with their cage mates and have never felt a need to get out of them!

I should add that the sides are 6"/17.5cm high so they won't tumble and fall out by accident either. I think I saw this measurement from an online C&C cage maker in the USA as being the maximum they would make the cage sides as otherwise it would affect the airflow. I have put the grids on the sides solely to help support the levels and also to prevent any slippage out of the bases; although this is highly unlikely as the bases are wedged in tightly to the grid connectors.
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Hi all, does anyone have any recommendations for fleece liner suppliers(UK)? I wanted to hold out until cande cosies were taking orders again but I can't put it off any longer! Thanks.
Hi all, does anyone have any recommendations for fleece liner suppliers(UK)? I wanted to hold out until cande cosies were taking orders again but I can't put it off any longer! Thanks.

I got mine from Ziggy's Piggies and I received them by 4 days after ordering.
I'm also adding a website not in the first post, but hopefully not previously mentioned.


I have just purchased the 5x2 grids and connectors for £32.95, and £2 is optional postage (for a tracked package). This price includes 14 black metal grids and the necessary connectors. There are instructions and a template on this website for the correx insert. I ran the website through scam advisor and it was marked as a safe site. I will let you know when my grids arrive!
g r e n d l e? (you can't type that word for some weird reason, it blocks it).

I've used them and so have others on here :D they are usually quite fast with sending them as well.
Oh that's great! Haha, how strange to block that word! I suppose somewhere in the world it must be rude. I'm glad to hear that, I always get a bit nervous when using a small website for the first time. I'm really excited about building it now, and bringing my boys indoors. With such a huge storm I was awake at 3am this morning, making sure they were okay in the garage! The things we do, hm?
Try c&ccages.co.uk. Get everything u need to build a cage and hammockyhammocks.co.uk for liners etc x
g r e n d l e? (you can't type that word for some weird reason, it blocks it).

I've used them and so have others on here :D they are usually quite fast with sending them as well.

I got mine from here too and they were excellent!

I am now looking to buy a single grid as I need one more for a ramp, does anyone know anywhere that sells singles without charging an absolute fortune for postage?
I got mine from here too and they were excellent!

I am now looking to buy a single grid as I need one more for a ramp, does anyone know anywhere that sells singles without charging an absolute fortune for postage?

I have individual grids available at £2 each if that's any help:

C&C Cage white wire grid cage panel

Postage for 1 would be £3.50 though as the size means they have to go as a RM small parcel
I have individual grids available at £2 each if that's any help:

C&C Cage white wire grid cage panel

Postage for 1 would be £3.50 though as the size means they have to go as a RM small parcel
Thank you for this, that sounds like a reasonable price for postage, I found some on a website with a standard postage charge of about £14!
If they don't start using the bridge I made them out of cortex I will order!
Thank you for this, that sounds like a reasonable price for postage, I found some on a website with a standard postage charge of about £14!
If they don't start using the bridge I made them out of cortex I will order!

£14.99 to post one grid :eek: Wow - you could post dozens of them for that price :nod:
Is it possible to make a 4x2 cage with a 2x2 loft? i think I would need 24 grids?

I think you would need 31 grids - don't forget about the outside grids for the loft. You'd need 2+2+2 for the sides and back, plus one more for the front. The 'hole' is where you would then put the ramp.

If you also wanted a 'lid' on the loft, you'd need 4 more grids. However, a lot of people just drape a piece of fleece (or similar) over the top to make it more cozy. Piggies like somewhere to hide and the loft is an ideal place for that. :)
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