Betsy's Guinea Pigs

Doesn't every Slave?
We all do... which is why this forum believes that the girls are telling the truth! You made them wait 'eleventy billion years for veggie dindins!'

And as punishment for this heinous crime, you must now carry the Cup of Disgrace! 😱

(Whoever has it at the moment needs to launch it at Betsy before she can get to Miss Bramble and bribe her silly)
I don't actually know who has it now, lol. I was able to pass it along around the time Bann's eye was injured and I don't even remember who I passed it to 😱

Miss Bramble says that her Slave did give her veggie dindins and lovely long stem (3ft long actually) of grass this morning so the Cup of Disgrace needs to stay with whoever is the keeper of it at the moment as her Slave is forgiven. (its @Minnou along with the Bucket of Shame 🤫)
May you forever enjoy wearing it then!
I do! 😃

*catches Gaia staring and shaking her head from side to side in a disapproving manner*

I mean.... I hate it! It's so awful! It's one of the worst things Her Majesty, Gaia could do to me! I feel so punished! But I deserve it because I am such a terrible slave!
Just gone into the garage to check on the piggies and there was Thea fast asleep with her eyes closed in the corner of the hutch. By the time I'd got the camera out she'd scarpered!
That's Gaia and Minerva but especially Gaia.

And Gaia has the loveliest little front pawsies... 🥰 All black with silky long hair; she looks like she's wearing velvet evening gloves. Her nails are perfect too. She knows I want a pigture of them, so she hides them. 🤬

I'm not allowed to touch them either. She'll lay there with all her paws on display and let me stroke her and will rumble/purr away but if I take one finger and delicately stroke just one front paw, she gives me one hard stare then whips the paw away and tucks it underneath her faster than a retractable tape measure. 🙄