Betsy's Guinea Pigs

Poor Betsy! She was starving and was wheeking loudly for food and her slave just stands there, taking a video of her and her begging, and then not gave her anything! GPU we need you! :help:

Then One and Only Thea MUST of heard Betsy’s pleas.

Betsy had her forage after the video was taken so no GPU needed.

Breakfast forage 1.webp
Do you have any pigtures of Lenny and Gizmo, perhaps?
Unfortunately not as we were burgled years ago and the laptop with pigtures of Lenny & Gizmo was nicked. Lenny was an agouti similar to Velvet pigtured below but he didn't have any patches on him. Gizmo was a ginger Abby.
Velvet Chookin 1.webp
Dear GPU

My fellow piggies, Shy Little Meg and The Ever Beautiful Betsy, Shop Steward (Retired), have brought a couple of shocking misdemeanours to my attention. Not only did our Slave not have any treats when Betsy asked for them, she also woke Meg up from a deep sleep! Betsy was so very disappointed at not having a treat that she nipped Slave hard on the finger and Meg gave Slave that serious stink eye look only us piggies know how to execute to perfection.

Yours hoping our slave has learnt her lesson

The One and Only Thea
Shop Steward
My Happy babies 😍 started of with two about 4 weeks ago... 4 in the crew now 😂✌️
Ah right. It was my first post chill obviously still learning the forum.
Welcome to the forum.
The reason we start our own threads is so that each one gets the attention it deserves.
It allows you to keep all the photos of your piggies in one place for us to drool over :D

It takes time to work out how the forum operates so feel free to ask questions about the hows and whys.
My girls always have unlimited access to hay 24/7. Its very nice meadow hay from the Alpaca Farm down the road. The only foreign thing I ever find in it is a bit of dried clover.

However, Betsy and Meg would like to complain about the Food Delivery Service to their Penthouse Suite. Although the hay is lovely and tasty and always available, the "oat hay" (forage) delivery was a couple of hours late this morning as the Waitress was at the gym and didn't have time to give it to them before she went. Then "din dins" (veg) was late too. Breakfast was early though as the Waitress got up early as she had loads to do today. Lexi and Thea didn't care that their Food Delivery Service to their Granny Annexe was late as they are more than happy to scoff loads of hay and are just pleased that food arrives at all!

Thea as Shop Steward will not be writing to the GPU as she is more than happy with the service and thinks that Meg and Betsy should be too.