Betsy's Guinea Pigs

Lexi had lulled me into a false sense of security. She would willingly go into the Snuggle Sack Express to be moved from hutch to run and back again and has been doing so for the last couple of months. This evening Thea, unusually, went in first and left Lexi on her own in the run. This must have left Lexi feeling very nervous without her best friend because it took me about 10 minutes to persuade her into the Snuggle Sack Express. I had to go into the run in order to get her which I don't like doing as it's the piggies territory and I don't want it to smell of Hooman. The only way I could get her to go into the Snuggle Sack was by trapping her so she had no option but to go in. I don't like doing that either. Poor piggie she was just so scared. I have tried my best to make friends. I've used all the piggy whispering techniques, when I have given her a cuddle, I've fondled her ears and stroked underneath her eyes to try and show her I want to be friends. She is just not a people piggy. I'll have to remember in future not to take Thea out first. She is such a pretty piggy with her huge grey eyes, fluffy cheeks and little pink nose.

Lexi Sleeping 2.JPG
She’s so pretty 🥰

It took Phoebe months to stop running away and hiding whenever I approached.
Lexi just needs more time to stop feeling scared.
She will come around and feel safe and secure and loved 🥰
That's what I'm hoping. She's quite happy to take food out of my hand which she wouldn't do first of all. That's what 6 months every evening hand feeding veggies does. She's not quite as skittish as she was and today for the first time she let me stroke her side.:wub:
What a gorgeous photo. Clearly she’s got her new favourite spot for snoozing.
Fantastic news this morning! Lexi hit the scales at 1003g which means she has put on just over 200g since arriving here in November and Thea was just 2g shy of 1000g which means she has put on 150g since her arrival. The vet said they were both underweight but generally in good health. Hopefully now they are at their correct weight.
Aww that’s brilliant news! Happy munching girls!
Aww that’s brilliant news! Happy munching girls!
They can't have enough hay. They must eat twice as much hay as any other piggy. Aunty Lucy (guinea pig boarder) was very surprised at how much hay they actually ate! I put it down to the fact that it was a bit restricted in their last home. Hay is always available here in vast quantities.