Betsy's Guinea Pigs

This morning I managed to hold both Lexi and Thea and Lexi wasn't making unhappy noises like she when I first held her last week and Thea was talking to me quite happily. Then I put them in the run and there was a mad session of popcorning and zoomies. I think they are feeling settled now after nearly 4 weeks.:)
I'm sure Lexi and Thea's old owners loved them and looked after them as well as they knew how to. I know that the owner's wife was upstairs when I went to adopt them as she was too upset to see them go.
It was the same with Priscilla and Phoebe.
They were loved and looked after but the owner really didn’t know how to care properly
Tonight I managed to take Thea out of the run without a hidey and give her a lovely cuddle (she made lots of happy noises) before putting her back in the hutch. It's the first time she has let me do this since I adopted her nearly 5 weeks ago. I have absolutely no chance with Lexi.
Aw how lovely! :luv: Hopefully Lexi will get there soon!
I’ve had my Lolo two years next month and she’s finally starting to enjoy a little fuss, even caught her on camera yesterday, was so chuffed! It’s been sooo slow with her, Thea’s definitely a very brave girl! :wub:
Thea’s definitely a very brave girl! :wub:
She certainly is! I've only had Thea and Lexi 5 weeks on Christmas Day. Thea will let me pick her up out of a hidey with only a bit of protest and give her a cuddle. Lexi I have absolutely no chance yet. I have taken her out once for a quick cuddle but she wasn't happy. When I pick her up in a hidey to transport her from hutch to run and back again, she will let me play with her ears a bit and stroke her cheeks but she's not happy about that. They need to get used to being handled for when and if I need to give them medication or eye drops but I really don't like making my piggies do anything they don't want to but this is necessary. Sometimes it's tough love and you have to be cruel to be kind.
Here are my two Metacam Junkies asking for their fix.

If I could speak piggy that would translate to “put the camera down and get on with it. We neeeeeed it nowwwwwww. And then some more veggies too. Thea can you see this? Making us wait for our next fix. Outrageous. “