Betsy's Guinea Pigs

Dear GPU

The Ever Beautiful Betsy (Shop Steward, Retired) has asked me to write to you. Her Slave has just told her that she will be with holding her veg dinner for THREE WHOLE EVENINGS! Betsy can't survive without veg! Its a travesty! As any self respecting guinea pigs knows veg is absolutely E S S E N T I A L. She will be on a diet of hay and pellets only until Thursday! Poor thing she may actually starve! The reason for this harsh action? According to her Slave Betsy has squodgy poops! What's a few soft poops every now and then? It certainly is no reason not to have veg dinner.

Yours pitying poor Betsy

The One and Only Thea
Shop Steward
Dear Betsy, we are horrified to read The One and Only Thea’s letter to the GPU on your behalf.
We know slaves keep saying it’s for your own good but we don’t believe it.
Our slave says that to Phoebe every day as she forces her to take yucky medicine.
We are so upset on your behalf that we will contribute poops 💩 in payment for the letter to the GPU.
Eat lots of hay and demand extra rations of pellets.
Love from Priscilla, Phoebe ( the abused one ) and Micah
So happy for you that they’ve adjusted so well! They’re so pretty and adorable.