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Bertie's op

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Poor Bertie and poor you. You must be very worried. Try not to though because your looking after him very well. Let us know how you've got on at the vets.

Piggie cuddles for you both :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
thanks. we went to see the vet, and she said that the wound was healing nicely, which is a releif. :) she also said that it's quite normal for them to be sleepy for up to 6 days (what?!) that seems like a long time to me, but there. she said to bring him back on wednesdy/thursday, if he was still not back to his old self. she said he seems a bit poorly and under the weather. she said to carry on with the syringe feeding as a supplement, as he isn't eating as much as he used to and to carry on syringe feeding water until he starts to drink. she said he's not dehydrated, so thats good, i'm obviously giving him enough. so really, it was a pretty unproductive meeting, but at least i know his wound is ok. today he seems quite dopey and quiet, he came out occasionally, and had another small jog, but he's lying down and sleeping quite a lot. he does seem under the weather, a bit droopy, his hair looks all out of condition and greasy, and his ears are like droopy, he never used to sit still, but when i get him out sometimes he moves around, sometimes he has a cuddle.
sooo i told her all that, and thats that, he has his last dose of tummy stuff can't remember what it's called, tonight, and his last lot of metacam tomorrow.
Very good news that the wound is not infected.

It will be interesting to see if the drowsyness improves when the meds are stopped.

Paws crossed that he will improve soon
the vet said to try and get him to have some veggies with very high vitamin content, as this will help boost him, and also i think he is looking a little thin, i'm going to start weighing him every day. the thing is most of those things, like tomatoe, pepper, carrot, orange, beetroot, and stuff he doesn't like, so she suggested pureeing them . the thing is, i have just tried him with some, and he won't take it off the spoon, and it cloggs up the syringe. ::) so how can i feed it?
Hi, so not good but not bad. Like Mary I'll be interested to see what he's like when he comes off his meds. My pigs haven't read the book that says to be sleepy for 6 days :) I can only think of Cereal Grass and Sunflower seeds that have guaranteed vitamin content, though celery is good. Did she mean High Vit C? You can use the ABIDEC ones, Mary has the dose.
i'll try him with some sunflower seeds then, can you give the ones you get from shops, if there isn't anything added to them? i'll look into growing some cereal grasses aswell, i know planet guinea does some great seeds. i weighed him this morning, after he'd eaten a bit and had his last lot of metacam, and he is 1 lb 8 oz is this ok for a just gone 4 months old boar? he has been up and about this morning, eating, and jogging a little bit. he still seems fairly sleepy, he lies down a lot and sleeps a fair bit still. i'm going to get some drops to put into the water i'm syringing him. he still isn't drinking on his own. the last thing is, i looked at his wounds today and they had white dry/slightly crusty stuff near the cuts, do you know what this is? it doesn't look yellow or anything.
Do not give too many sunflower seeds as they are high in fat content that piggies do not digest very well.The weight you mentioned is a bit low,but not worryingly so.

When I have a piggy that is being awkward with syringe feeding I resort to buying jars of pureed baby food from the supermarket.I use the organix range,but they are all good.The favourite one is potato and carrot which is high in vitimin c.They seem to love this and it will go easily into a syring. I also use the pear and yoghurt, and the potato and spinach .I rotate the veggie ones with the fruit ones so they do not get too much of the same thing.

When I am syringe feeding I give about half a ml of water after every 2 to 3 mouthfuls of food.This helps the swallowing process,and helps to stop the food getting gunged round the mouth.

After the feed is finished I rinse the mouth with water to remove any stale food,because if left this could cause an infection.

There are quite a afew of the aforementioned baby foods that you can use,any of the veggie or fruit ones,just make sure that there is no added sugar or sweetener in the fruit ones.

Another trick is to soak a small bit of wholemeal or granary bread in the dry mix "soup" ,hold it in front of them and they will often eat the mixture from the bread,and sometimes,the bread as well.It is safe to give the bread every day for a few days if they will eat it.

The dosage for Abidec is one drop per day.The way I give it is to put the drop onto a spoon,add half a ml of water,then syringe in.

The crustiness is most likely just dry skin.Gently bathe it off with cotton wool soaked in either,salt water, or diluted Hibiscrub.Dab dry then apply either olive oil or aloe vera gel.
That's great news, I'm so happy for you. Do you have to go back again or is that its now? :) :) :) :)
if he's still so sleepy and not back to normal, we have to take him back on thursday/tomorrow. but if he's back to normal before then, no. he seems quite thin. :-\ i might be over reacting, but he's a bit bony and looks a little thin,and his twin sister is very well covered and the others are too, he gets fed the same
he still isn't eating AS much, what foods can i give him to fatten a little, not too much though.
Is he eating his mix or are you still syringing?

If hes eating mix, scattering a few oats over the mix will add weight, but not nutrients :)
what do you mean mix? sorry ::) if you mean pellets, he doesn't seem to be having much if any, so i am syringing that.
Sorry, I mean Sunflower Greens grown from sunflower seeds! Don't feed him any seeds :) Have made this mistake before :embarassed: The greens have lots of vitamins including 7 B vitamins, they are high in Protein and very nutritious but should be fed sparingly or as a source of Protein (30%).
I have a low starch wheat grain at the moment, its an Italian variety thats not bred for its high starch content so is much healthier and I prefer to grow it because I get ressults quicker. Within 10 days of germination (which takes about2 days max) you have grass you can feed :)

Cereal Grass

£3.50 for 250g including package and postage. That'll grow a full size seed tray. Approx. 20% Protein.
oh! that's fine, i haven't given him any, cos i don't think he'd eat them, and also i was worried about him choking on them. i've just given him some pellets mushed up with water, through a syringe, and he likes it. we've got some baby food now, carrot and potatoe and apple and pear. so i will try him with that, i'm still giving him water too. he's much the same today, his hair looks like all droopy and out of condition, you know like our hair goes if we're ill. ohhhh that looks good.
ok forget that, he did this morning, now he seems worse. unresponsive to bag rustling, which usually sets him wheeking, and just staying curled up, trying to hide, do you think he's still in pain?
cavy love said:
oh! that's fine, i haven't given him any, cos i don't think he'd eat them, and also i was worried about him choking on them. i've just given him some pellets mushed up with water, through a syringe, and he likes it. we've got some baby food now, carrot and potatoe and apple and pear. so i will try him with that, i'm still giving him water too. he's much the same today, his hair looks like all droopy and out of condition, you know like our hair goes if we're ill. ohhhh that looks good*.
i mean the grass stuff. :embarassed:
he has been back, and i wrote about it earlier. i am going to phone the vets i think and talk to the vet, and see whether he needs a check up cos i'm not happy with how he is today, he is hiding away under a blanket, very quiet and unresponsive, and not very active.
Paws crossed for him love :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:, well done for pushing for an appointment O0
I'll check in when i wake up tomorrow to see how he went :-\ :-\
heyyy we've just got back. the vet says he was clearly in a lot of pain, and he said it was good i realised that something was up. he was showing all the characteristic signs of pain, droopy, hiding away, teeth grinding, sleepy. i'm very pleased with the vet, it was the one who did the op this time, he specialises in small animal care, and he gave him a thorough check over. he squealed when he went near the wound :'( and he said that it was a little hot. he took his temperature (bertie was not amused :o ;D i wonder why? lol!) which was fine O0 and did a general thorough check. in the end he gave him a hefty with a capital H pain killer, and within about 10 mins. he was real sleepy, but thats perfectly normal, the vet said as it was such a whopping dose, I'm to carry on with the metacam and see where we go. so poor little bertie is feeling rather poorly.
It's great you have access to a decent vet. Fingers crossed he improves.
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