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Bertie's op

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great news that he's come through it ok O0 must be such a relief!

now for the mumsy bit... (what piggy mums do best!) and to spoil him rotten! :D
yep lol! i'm gonna spoil him to bits LOL! it is suchhhhhhhhhhh a relief! i'll keep an eye on him, i think he may have had a bit of water now, but if he hasn't had much by tomorrow i'll give him a bit through a syringe. O0
So glad everything went well. He's such a lucky chap to have a mummy like you.

Piggie cuddles for you both :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Hi Cavy Love,

I am so glad the op went well,you must be so relieved.It is important to give water by syringe because piggies can dehydrate very quickly.He should be eating soon after the op.If he is not eating much or not at all it is important to syringe feed him.Piggies are grazers and the digestive system will start to close down if they do not eat littlle and often.Critical Care would be good if you have any,otherwise grind up some dry mix to a powder and mix with water to a thick soup.You could also liquidize some veggies.The small jars of organic baby purees are very good.The potato and carrot one is favourite.
You will need to give water at least once during the night.
Afraid I do not agree that the aneasthetic slows them down and makes them drowsy for 24 hours.The pigs I have had operated on have been eating almost as soon as they have come round.,and moving around within an hour.

I also think as I have saaid before that vitimin C for 3 or 4 days after surgery speeds recovery.Extra vit c for a few days would not harm them anyway.

Paws crossed that he gets better quickly.
My pigs come round within the hour after the op. Anaesthetic does not make them drowsy. Syringe feed him tonight if he's not eating and as Mary has said get some water in him. Did he have painkillers? Metacam makes some pigs drowsy which is why I don't use it. I always give painkillers after the op when needed, that can be a reason for not eating, 10mg Rimadyl x2 daily is the dose my vet prescribes.

Try him with some grass, if he's not tempted by that (especially tomorrow) I'd go back for painkillers and see if that makes a difference :)
heyy guys
he is still quite sleepy actually, anyway, he is eating now which is great! not as much, but enough, he is drinking a little, but i have given him a few doses of water through a syringe, he is still very quiet and seems to be lying down and sleeping mostly, but at least he's eating and having a bit to drink on his own and i'm giving him some. :)
Try making up some rehydration powder(Diaraltye or similar) and give it to him through a syringe ,little aand often through the day.Dehydration can cause drowsyness and piggies can get dehydrated very quickly.

Do you know what aneasthetic this vet used?,Bertie really should not still be drowsy.Is he moving around at all.I take it that there is no swelling or redness round the suture site?.
As Karen has already said,proper pain relief is important.

It may be a good idea to ring the vet and query the drowsyness and ask him about Rimydal.

Hugs to Bertie from the Epsom Mob
If he has pain relief and its Metacam this could be it, it does make piggies drowsy. I'm guessing he's in pain though. Make sure you get enough pain killers for the wheekend. That would be 2x 20mg tablets of Rimadyl, if this doesn't make a difference then its something else of course. As Mary has said keep up with oral rehydration too, Dioralyte (or Boots/Superdrugs own) is good.

Arnica helps with bruising too, its not something I use but I would.
I agree with Mary, they usually are fine pretty quickly after an aneas... as it's the weekend i'd be onto the vets and ask some advice and even a consult. If he's fluffed up still it means he's still in pain :( Keep up the water and offer mushed up pellets etc.. also O0
Good luck Bertie, come on little fella :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
he is moving around a bit and seemed a bit perky a while ago, he is now just lying on his vet bed, and has been for a while now.
it looks quite sore round the area and a little red, i dont think it seems too bad. i will give him some rehydration stuff, i have some here.
the other thing is he looks all most 'sweaty' round his head area. :-\ does it sound like he's too drowsy? he gets up occasionally and walks around has a nibble, but then goes and lies down again. he was lying down when i got up and was still about an hour later. then he got up for some food and had a walk around for a while, and i thought he was perking up, then we gave him his medicine, and he stayed up for a while, but as i said before he's been lying there for a while now :-\
OK, I've never used this but maybe someone else has (Mary!) but you could get some Arnica gel, look out for if it can be used on open wounds/sensitive skin etc. Does sound like he needs Rimadyl and you need it for all weekend, one shot isn't enough. I forget how long it lasts exactly but you can tell when its wearing off!
right so i should phone up and ask if he can have some Rimadyl cos he is very sleepy and you lot think its cos of the matacam ok.
Just tell them your not happy because he's still drowsy and would like to try another painkiller that doesn't have that side effect.

07721 026401 to text/phone your message to Vedra at CCT, maybe the vet would like to speak to her. :) Its good that hes eating though :)

How much painkiller and how often are you giving?
i phoned the vet and he said it is most likely that he is drowsy cos of dehydration, he said that he isnt really drinking enough, so to syringe feed more water and some rehydration stuff. he said to check that the wound isn't really red or weeping or anything. he also said that if he is still as sleepy tomorrow, he would look at changing his medicine. he is getting 2 drops of metacam once a day. is there anything that i can give him aswell to help with pain? i think i'll text vedra though, just to check.
I'd check with Vedra re anymore meds for pain...
If he has pale lips and is floppy this is what we had with our little guy... syringe water (pre boil and cool down the water first) every few hours and also feed the mushed up pellets etc.. this will keep his system ticking over like it should O0
We'll be keeping our paws crossed for you both and love keep up the good work, you're doing fab O0
For you both :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

I do not want to worry you,but if the suture line is looking red it could be infected.The "wet" head could be because he has a high temp.
Is there another vet in your area that knows more about piggies?.Do you have a gp rescue near you?,you could ring them and ask them what vet they use.
I realy think this little chap needs to see a vet/rodentologist who knows what they are doing.

Push the fluids ,especially the rehydration solution,get as much into him as you can,and also get as much syringe food into him as you can.I know it sounds unkind to keep pushing a syringe into the mouth when they are not well,but it is imperative to keep the fluids,and food going into him.Piggies need to be stimulated when they are unwell anyway,otherwise they will just give up and sit in a corner.Stroke him and talk to him while you are feeding.Talk any rubbish in a soft low monotnous voice,I am convinced thata they find this comforting.

Re Arnica, I have not used it for a long while,and the only thing I have used it on for a piggy is bruising on a limb.I do not think it is suitable for sores etc.

Hugs from The Epsom Mob
ok here is a pic of him
i don't know whether you can see the sweatiness and here is a pic of the wound area sorry it isnt very good, only i didnt want to stress him too much, it looks more pink than red really, but have a look please.
It is difficult to tell from the pic,it could be infected ,but as you say,it is more pink.
I still think for safety you should get a second opinion.
I would give him Recovery if he were mine. Could the sweatiness be from greasy hands handling him? How many incisions are there?It all looks very inflamed. Can someone post the correct dose for Metacam and guineas and how often it should be given.

Did he have painkillers pre op?

Can you get Arnica tablets/syrup that can be given orally? Will google it and see :)
thanks hun, i've given him some science recovery and will do more. how many times a day should i give it, and how often should i feed water? there are 2 incisions that look like that. he didn't have pain killers pre op, i would be grateful if someone could tell me the correct dose for metacam and if there is anything i can give for pain. i clean my hands every time i touch him, so i dont think the greasiness is that.
The dose rate for Metacam is one drop per day.,it lasts for 24 hours.

If he3 is not eating himself you need to get at least 30mls per day of food into him.,and as much water as he will take.

I am not sure if you can get Arnica in oral form.I have only used it as an external cream for bruises and strains.I am not all that clued up in homeopathic medicine,will have to check this out.I do not think it will help in this case.

When I syringe feed,I mix Recovery with ground up dry mix ,plus liquidised veggies.This gives a near normal diet.Try and get him to nibble some hay and/or dried grass.
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