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Baytril not working?

You'd need a local piggy keeper with a healthy pig or potentially a contact at a local rescue!
The idea is that you'd get the fresh poops into water quite quickly which would then give you a bit of time to bring them home.

Antibiotics can mess up a piggies gut by killing off all the gut bacteria (the good ones) which makes digesting their food harder and puts them off eating. Bad guts shouldn't stop antibiotics from getting into the body and 'working' - but some bugs are harder to kill off than others. Maybe they're growing in a mucous-y biofilm or maybe the bacteria have a capsule to protect them from the body's natural immune system... this is something Staph can do. But whether that would affect antibiotic activity I don't know. It kind of shouldn't... it just stops them getting 'eaten' by white blood cells so much (if you remember school biology where they show WBCs a bit like Pac-man, gobbling things up).

Flora's guts are difficult at the mo (not your level of difficult I should add) but the sticky, tortured poops post op have been improved by an increase in fibre intake - in the form of CC and grass. I hope it's allowed and they fancy it - the guts of a healthy pig are chugging along all the time because they're eating all the time. As long as nobody has bloat I think your vet shouldn't have a problem (?) I hope you've been able to speak to them x
You'd need a local piggy keeper with a healthy pig or potentially a contact at a local rescue!
The idea is that you'd get the fresh poops into water quite quickly which would then give you a bit of time to bring them home.

Antibiotics can mess up a piggies gut by killing off all the gut bacteria (the good ones) which makes digesting their food harder and puts them off eating. Bad guts shouldn't stop antibiotics from getting into the body and 'working' - but some bugs are harder to kill off than others. Maybe they're growing in a mucous-y biofilm or maybe the bacteria have a capsule to protect them from the body's natural immune system... this is something Staph can do. But whether that would affect antibiotic activity I don't know. It kind of shouldn't... it just stops them getting 'eaten' by white blood cells so much (if you remember school biology where they show WBCs a bit like Pac-man, gobbling things up).

Flora's guts are difficult at the mo (not your level of difficult I should add) but the sticky, tortured poops post op have been improved by an increase in fibre intake - in the form of CC and grass. I hope it's allowed and they fancy it - the guts of a healthy pig are chugging along all the time because they're eating all the time. As long as nobody has bloat I think your vet shouldn't have a problem (?) I hope you've been able to speak to them x
I haven’t as of yet but will phone later :)
Poops should be “harvested” and eaten in around 15 minutes, for best results.

Fingers crossed you find somewhere x
Does anyone have any advice on how to administer Bene-bac plus to three pigs? It says on gram for up to 10lbs, therefore should one gram be used for all three mixed up in their cc? Or should I use one gram for each pig?

It also says 2 times 3 days apart, so would that mean two times a week?
Ooh, do you know I've never seen that bit. I actually just just a little blob mixed into the CC. Maybe just the size of my little finger nail (which isn't long!) And the CC is usually finished within the day spread between 2 or 3 different feeds.
Ooh, do you know I've never seen that bit. I actually just just a little blob mixed into the CC. Maybe just the size of my little finger nail (which isn't long!) And the CC is usually finished within the day spread between 2 or 3 different feeds.
Wait, do you not make a fresh batch of CC for each feed. Oh no, I’ve been wasting so much!
Ooh, do you know I've never seen that bit. I actually just just a little blob mixed into the CC. Maybe just the size of my little finger nail (which isn't long!) And the CC is usually finished within the day spread between 2 or 3 different feeds.
Do you reckon I should add more than one blob as there’s three of them?
Is there any possible way I would be able to get poop soup from a healthy piggy? I think that’s what we really need here right now :(

You'd need a local piggy keeper with a healthy pig or potentially a contact at a local rescue!
The idea is that you'd get the fresh poops into water quite quickly which would then give you a bit of time to bring them home.
Maybe @Merab's Slave or @PigglePuggle can help you, they are in the Mersey area.
Sending you healing vibes for all your poorly piggies 💓💓
Do you have any advice on how to administer bene bac plus to three pigs? Should I use one ml for the three as it goes up to 10lbs per ml?

I’ve never used benebac so cannot comment on it from personal but having looked it up online -

Can you confirm whether the instructions say 1 gram or 1 ml I - I can see two different things mentioned so can you clarify your specific packaging details

It is 1 gram or ml (whatever, the packaging says) for up to 10lbs of body weight .
So that is each piggy needs 1 gram/ml (so you will be using 3ml each time) . Not splitting 1ml between the three of them.

A thread from the forum where this was discussed previously - Benebac and Critical Care? (Underlying issues)
You may find this video helpful.
He starts making it up at 6 minutes.

I’m assuming one gram per pig? Fibreplex style? I just wanna be so so careful as ik this is actual bacteria not just yeast :)


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@Seven7 - I know they said they use benebac, i’m not sure which kind.

It looks like it’s 1g for anything under 10lbs (4536g).
So each girl will get 1g, once, twice in a week.
It says 3 days apart so you could give it say Sunday and Wednesday.
@Seven7 - I know they said they use benebac, i’m not sure which kind.

It looks like it’s 1g for anything under 10lbs (4536g).
So each girl will get 1g, once, twice in a week.
It says 3 days apart so you could give it say Sunday and Wednesday.
Fab thank so so so much! Is it okay to give alongside fibreplex do you reckon?
Would it be okay to give fibreplex alongside it? Or should I pick one? I think the fibreplex is one of the only things helping their guts at the moment.

Honestly I don’t know, I don’t have personal experience of benebac to know with certainty.
Would it be okay to give fibreplex alongside it? Or should I pick one? I think the fibreplex is one of the only things helping their guts at the moment.


Fibreplex and benebac plus are both enhanced probiotics based support products that basically do the same job. You have to choose between the one or the other brand. Fibreplex is a UK brand and benebac a US based brand.
If it was me I’d just stick to the Fibreplex but that’s because I have experience of it. BeneBac is just not as widely used in this country.