A place to rant about things that wind you up ( keep it clean lol)

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I ordered some stuff off Amazon this morning, but on the wrong card. There was no verification required so it went through. Changed cards but the money is still being held - spoke to the bank and after waiting for 20 minutes to get through, they won't do anything until 10 days is up.

So now I have the money being held on my bank account but also the credit card. My bank account is sitting at £1 in the green, there's payments due to come out in the next week so I'll be in the red, I need £10 to be able to go get my injection done on Thursday and I deliberately don't have a pin for the credit card so even withdrawing £10 from it and sucking up the charges isn't an option.

I hate banks. They've given me money that's being held back early before. And they won't explain why they won't do it now, just "we can't." eugh.
Spam emails.
Apparently I've been watching things, there is a video of me & I have to send so much payment in bitcoin or face the consequences. Apparently this person has created an account inside my email box!
I've blocked & junked it but I really could do without blackmail through email when I get emotional blackmail from living people. It's made me paranoid too ☹
Oh this just pisses me off! I know those people truly have no shame and are willing to prey on absolutely anybody, by any means necessary, but this just hit me on a personal level.

A couple years ago when I didn't yet have much control over my schizophrenia, I received a similar e-mail. I ended up in a hospital for five days and struggled for weeks afterwards with the idea of losing my privacy. The threatening, lying, blackmail, it's all seriously sick and twisted.

You posted this a few days ago, I hope you've forgotten about it by now and feel safe! They're willing to try anything, all they do is lie. You're alright, you have your privacy :wub:
Oh this just pisses me off! I know those people truly have no shame and are willing to prey on absolutely anybody, by any means necessary, but this just hit me on a personal level.

A couple years ago when I didn't yet have much control over my schizophrenia, I received a similar e-mail. I ended up in a hospital for five days and struggled for weeks afterwards with the idea of losing my privacy. The threatening, lying, blackmail, it's all seriously sick and twisted.

You posted this a few days ago, I hope you've forgotten about it by now and feel safe! They're willing to try anything, all they do is lie. You're alright, you have your privacy :wub:

Ah thank you, I had a couple of days where I was seriously paranoid about it. Then I googled scam emails and found the exact same/very similar one to which I received. It made me do a security review though, just in case.
Finding your prescription painkillers have expired and your doctor doesn't work on Fridays 😬 tonight it's paracetamol and alcohol and a feeling of being grateful that this flare up is mild
Finding your prescription painkillers have expired and your doctor doesn't work on Fridays 😬 tonight it's paracetamol and alcohol and a feeling of being grateful that this flare up is mild
Hope you feel better soon.
Had the windows open for a blow through/let some air in etc.

I now have a slight stuffy nose & have sneezed around 12 times! Just what I needed 4 days into my isolation period. All I've done is feed my paranoia ☹
Follow up to this rant is another rant. The Pharmacy where my son was booked to have his jab and was turned away from have just phoned him to ask why he didn't turn up! UNBELIEVABLE! Well he had great pleasure in telling them that he did turn up but he wasn't allowed in. They said that they must have made a mistake and apologised and said that he could have a jab on Friday. He has already booked one for Monday so said that he would turn up for that one instead.
Another follow up rant. Found out this morning that this pharmacy today has been doing walk in jabs on a first come first served basis! You really couldn't make it up.
Are you feeling OK? Hope you recover quickly.

Oh no, I’m sorry to hear that 😞 I hope that you’re feeling ok and if not, I hope you feel better soon x

I feel absolutely fine. Just had that stuffy nose yesterday which I thought was hayfever as had all windows open & then went out to deadhead plants. Woke up today & its gone. I'm more upset that it means now mum is in isolation so can't have her treatment in a week. I'm going to miss the leavers party at work now so won't get to give the kids a last hug.

We've been so careful but that's covid isn't it. Doesn't discriminate.
I feel absolutely fine. Just had that stuffy nose yesterday which I thought was hayfever as had all windows open & then went out to deadhead plants. Woke up today & its gone. I'm more upset that it means now mum is in isolation so can't have her treatment in a week. I'm going to miss the leavers party at work now so won't get to give the kids a last hug.

We've been so careful but that's covid isn't it. Doesn't discriminate.
I’m glad you feel ok but am sorry about your mum snd missing the leavers party :(
I have come to the conclusion some of my neighbours don't understand what it means for a cat to be in heat, while owning cats. In heat.
Sleeping with in the same room as two boars means sleeping in the flat above a screeching Siamese isn't nearly as difficult as it could be, lol.
Sleeping with in the same room as two boars means sleeping in the flat above a screeching Siamese isn't nearly as difficult as it could be, lol.

I agree, I got woken up today by my two boys chewing the cage because 15 minutes after I fall asleep is when they must have their pellets!
Walked into a spider web and am now terrified that i have spiders crawling all over me - not great when you have arachnophobia and your hair feels like lots of little spidies on your back. :yikes:
Walked into a spider web and am now terrified that i have spiders crawling all over me - not great when you have arachnophobia and your hair feels likeT lots of little spidies on your back. :yikes:
How truly awful *shudders*. I can relate to that. Hate the things. A few years back we were at a caravan site with about a million money spiders in the awning making commando style descents on their little gossamer threads. Horrible!
How truly awful *shudders*. I can relate to that. Hate the things. A few years back we were at a caravan site with about a million money spiders in the awning making commando style descents on their little gossamer threads. Horrible!
That sounds like a nightmare! I can just about manage them if they're on the other side of the room huddled up in a corner but it's when they're on their webs and you never know when they're going to suddenly move that really freaks me out.
That sounds like a nightmare! I can just about manage them if they're on the other side of the room huddled up in a corner but it's when they're on their webs and you never know when they're going to suddenly move that really freaks me out.
The absolute fear of a spider that you have been watching suddenly disappear on you! Urgh, I love all living creatures…. One exception- spiders.

I just threw my phone across the floor opening a thread on this forum and seeing a picture of a spider and now it’s burned into my retinas and I feel sick and my skin is crawling! Blooming arachnophobia.
Very reluctantly went for a routine blood pressure test and blood test today, it's always a farce. Why or why do they take blood with a big needle first then do your blood pressure. "Oh, your blood pressure's rather high". "Yes well it all ways is in this building"! Now I have to monitor my blood pressure for 2 weeks again, it will be fine at home it all ways is. :doh:
Walked into a spider web and am now terrified that i have spiders crawling all over me - not great when you have arachnophobia and your hair feels like lots of little spidies on your back. :yikes:
second incident today (and seriously hoping the last!) - i just brought Sam in from the “pasture” aka the garden run, and i noticed out of the corner of my eye a little brown spider dangling in my hair. So i proper freaked out, literally cried out “noo!” And even almost dropped Sam in fear, thankfully no dropped guinea pigs, just lots of whining from the pig himself over why I was being such a wimp. I’m going to have to indulge in a tea and plenty of ice cream to calm my nerves because i think that’s too much spiders to handle for a day! :(
Yesss I HATE spiders
second incident today (and seriously hoping the last!) - i just brought Sam in from the “pasture” aka the garden run, and i noticed out of the corner of my eye a little brown spider dangling in my hair. So i proper freaked out, literally cried out “noo!” And even almost dropped Sam in fear, thankfully no dropped guinea pigs, just lots of whining from the pig himself over why I was being such a wimp. I’m going to have to indulge in a tea and plenty of ice cream to calm my nerves because i think that’s too much spiders to handle for a day! :(