A place to rant about things that wind you up ( keep it clean lol)

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@Lorcan are you sure the keys are not in one of the trash bags?

Sure, no. But I really, really hope not :td: honestly I remember dropping them on to a pile of stuff earlier and thinking it was a bad idea because it wasn't where I usually left them - then thinking that was stupid because honestly my keys are very hard to lose. Way to go earlier self, lol.
I'm stressing because for my lunch date with friends next weekend not only do I need to find an outfit.... I need to decide if I'm going for the whole make up/contact lens thing or not. Haven't worn either since Feb 2020! I'd go with just face powder & glasses (my daily special) but feel like making a little bit of an effort just to feel like it's some kind of normal outing (as it's been so long!) Either way I'm going to have to contend with wearing a face maks at some points during the afternoon so.... just thinking about it makes me want to stop at home.
Could you just do eye liner? I think if it’s causing you to want to stay home then don’t bother. Just do a nice outfit and contacts and do something nice (but simple) with your hair. Job done. I’m sure your friends will just be happy to see you ☺️
What annoys me recently. Not being able to source Correx in my country, not being able to visit the big hardware chains and ask if they have any “end of roll” Lino offcuts.

darn you pandemic!
What's annoying me today: class bubbles bursting. I picked up a message from my daughter's school saying that there'd been a case of Covid in Y2 so, of course, they all have to isolate for 10 days. I work there too Tues to Fri but although technically I could still go in unless Grace develops symptoms, in reality I can't as OH doesn't work from home. Frustrating! Also, we had a meal booked for this Saturday evening at a really nice restaurant (originally booked for my birthday in May 2020 but couldn't go for obvious reasons). We now have to rebook as having my Mum babysit is no longer possible.
I ran out of one of my medications at the weekend. I knew I was short, I'd asked someone to order them for me, I was assured they'd been ordered.

Fun fact: they weren't ordered.

I rang up the surgery today when the prescription didn't turn up again today and the very nice person at the end of the phone was like "I can try and get these done before Friday, but I can't guarantee it." Well it's hardly her fault, is it? Although it'd be really cool if they do get done before Friday because never mind having to suddenly almost halve the dose I'm taking of something per day, but I ran out of my stomach meds too and without those I end up eating antacids all day. Which, incidentally, screws with the absorption of the very medication I'm having to drastically halve. Yeah, sure we ordered them last Wednesday, my :rant:
Could you just do eye liner? I think if it’s causing you to want to stay home then don’t bother. Just do a nice outfit and contacts and do something nice (but simple) with your hair. Job done. I’m sure your friends will just be happy to see you ☺️

Thank you. I know I'm overthinking this, as usual. Haven't seen these friends in ages (understandably with covid flying around) and we were once much closer than we are now. They replaced me with another friend and because of this I stopped confiding in them about personal things - at one point I would have thought nothing of telling them I was worried about being out. I'll have a trial run with lens/make up & mask later.

I'm sat here annoyed, writing my reports for work as we wait for the washer man to turn up (now 30mins late!) The washinh machine went funny at the beginning of the week - made funny sounds, the washing came out with black bits on & it had chewed one of my bras up. It was nearly in two and worst thing is I get them from Debenhams so will be twice as hard to replace now they online only!
People at work not doing their covid tests because they can’t be bothered! So selfish. It’s to keep everyone safe not just them 😡
People at work not doing their covid tests because they can’t be bothered! So selfish. It’s to keep everyone safe not just them 😡

This gets me too. They refuse to do it as if they are asymptomatic & test positive they would need to be off & lose pay. I don't think they understand that if they pass it to one of us & someone shows symptoms, they going to be off anyway!

To top it off - washing machine person isn't coming today. Mum is fuming. She did an automated survey thing on the phone & from that they've ordered parts (some screws & something else) - no one has looked at it yet! Now it's going to be a week, they've "contacted her" to tell her this (they haven't & there's no answer phone message) then back tracked & said it's because she doesn't have a mobile number on her account! Looks like I'm washing my work clothes, knickers & towels in the bath then!
This gets me too. They refuse to do it as if they are asymptomatic & test positive they would need to be off & lose pay. I don't think they understand that if they pass it to one of us & someone shows symptoms, they going to be off anyway!

To top it off - washing machine person isn't coming today. Mum is fuming. She did an automated survey thing on the phone & from that they've ordered parts (some screws & something else) - no one has looked at it yet! Now it's going to be a week, they've "contacted her" to tell her this (they haven't & there's no answer phone message) then back tracked & said it's because she doesn't have a mobile number on her account! Looks like I'm washing my work clothes, knickers & towels in the bath then!
I agree. So annoying when repair people don’t turn up and then try to blame you for the miscommunication when there hasn’t been ANY communication!
These phone scammers are getting more and more believable, I nearly got caught again today. Apparently there's a problem with the wall insulation fitted via the government scheme and we are on the data base. They need to send a surveyor out to inspect our loft. Thanks Matthew but no thanks. I'm getting really nervous they will catch me out one day when I'm otherwise distracted. The biggest give away was he launched into his speal without asking for my partner whose name he would have on his data base, no good talking to me I'm just the lodger!
These phone scammers are getting more and more believable, I nearly got caught again today. Apparently there's a problem with the wall insulation fitted via the government scheme and we are on the data base. They need to send a surveyor out to inspect our loft. Thanks Matthew but no thanks. I'm getting really nervous they will catch me out one day when I'm otherwise distracted. The biggest give away was he launched into his speal without asking for my partner whose name he would have on his data base, no good talking to me I'm just the lodger!
I had a similar thing the other day. I only answered because it was a Bournemouth number. I said that it wasn't me as I hadn't had any loft insulation installed recently and they must have the wrong number. They clearly hadn't been trained to answer that so they just put the phone down. 🤣
Our bins haven't been emptied today. We have two large bins for 17 flats and they're always overfull within a week, I took bags down a couple of hours ago because they'd usually be done by now but nope. Can't even close the lids they're that full, and I'm betting that's the excuse for not emptying them, but flippin heck, what do they expect? My last place had 6 flats to two bins and even those got filled in a week.
Just heard from the repair shop about my car. Major bad news. I knew the routers needed to be reground, but I have to have the timing belt and the piston rings replaced. Gonna cost $5000 US dollars! :eek: I'm sad about it, but I need the car! It won't be done till Tuesday or Wednesday next week. :bye:
Just heard from the repair shop about my car. Major bad news. I knew the routers needed to be reground, but I have to have the timing belt and the piston rings replaced. Gonna cost $5000 US dollars! :eek: I'm sad about it, but I need the car! It won't be done till Tuesday or Wednesday next week. :bye:
Wow that's one expensive repair!
Wow that's one expensive repair!
Yes, it is the most I have had to spend on car repairs ever. And that includes after a deer jumped at the side of this very car and smashed the side in!
We went to visit my brother today who lives over an hour away. I had one of my funny turns so we had to leave early :( I feel really sad and guilty over the whole thing as we haven’t seen him for 10 months :(

At least you are trying to visit people and not just giving up. Well done you. If you got to see them for half an hour then that’s a lovely half an hour you all had. Small steps. ❤️
We went to visit my brother today who lives over an hour away. I had one of my funny turns so we had to leave early :( I feel really sad and guilty over the whole thing as we haven’t seen him for 10 months :(
I agree with the other comments. Give yourself a pat on the back for even visiting people.That might make some people not go out for being anxious. You did really well, The funny turns are not your fault x
I agree. Celebrate the small step of going out. So even if you only saw him for 10mins, it was progress 😊 hope you’re recovered from your turn. When is your appointment?

Thank you. I’ve had my mri scan and am waiting for another appointment to be scheduled to see the neurologist again
Argh my neighbours flat has a leaking ceiling because of the rain, it's been doing this in and off for months so even though the electrics have needed turning off and water buckets down there's nobody going to do anything useful tonight, so there's a few very cranky people dealing with the landlord because nobody should have to put up with that, it's horrendous.

And since hers has a leak, mine might not be far behind. I was gonna get an early night tonight, and instead I'm lying on my bed periodically shining a torch at the vulnerable parts of my ceiling.
Spam emails.
Apparently I've been watching things, there is a video of me & I have to send so much payment in bitcoin or face the consequences. Apparently this person has created an account inside my email box!
I've blocked & junked it but I really could do without blackmail through email when I get emotional blackmail from living people. It's made me paranoid too ☹
The Covid Marshall Hitler that refused to let my son go in for his jab because he didn't have his booking reference. The reason why my son didn't have his booking reference is because despite leaving his email address and his mobile number the NHS website didn't send it to him. The Jobsworth Covid Marshal told him he would have to rebook. Apparently she checked the names on the list and his wasn't among them (Really? I only needed my name when I went for my jabs). He came home and couldn't rebook because he didn't have his booking reference. He phoned 119 and explained that he was refused entry as he didn't have his booking number and the reason why. The lady on the phone said he was booked into the Pharmacy where he had just been refused entry and he should have been allowed in. He now has his booking reference number but has missed the time slot so can't go up to the Pharmacy for his jab! He now has to wait until tomorrow so he can rebook. Lets just hope he can book a jab soon. Honestly you couldn't make it up!
Well after cutting my own hair through lockdown, I've had it cut today and don't see any difference. It's like emperor's new clothes, £45 lighter in pocket for ..? Maybe the nuances of ladies hair styling goes over my head .. 🤔 Could have bought a LOT of carrot cottages for that.
The Covid Marshall Hitler that refused to let my son go in for his jab because he didn't have his booking reference. The reason why my son didn't have his booking reference is because despite leaving his email address and his mobile number the NHS website didn't send it to him. The Jobsworth Covid Marshal told him he would have to rebook. Apparently she checked the names on the list and his wasn't among them (Really? I only needed my name when I went for my jabs). He came home and couldn't rebook because he didn't have his booking reference. He phoned 119 and explained that he was refused entry as he didn't have his booking number and the reason why. The lady on the phone said he was booked into the Pharmacy where he had just been refused entry and he should have been allowed in. He now has his booking reference number but has missed the time slot so can't go up to the Pharmacy for his jab! He now has to wait until tomorrow so he can rebook. Lets just hope he can book a jab soon. Honestly you couldn't make it up!
Follow up to this rant is another rant. The Pharmacy where my son was booked to have his jab and was turned away from have just phoned him to ask why he didn't turn up! UNBELIEVABLE! Well he had great pleasure in telling them that he did turn up but he wasn't allowed in. They said that they must have made a mistake and apologised and said that he could have a jab on Friday. He has already booked one for Monday so said that he would turn up for that one instead.
I agree. So annoying when repair people don’t turn up and then try to blame you for the miscommunication when there hasn’t been ANY communication!
I’ve had that “we called your phone and you didn’t pick up” oh really, that’s a cellphone number would you like a screenshot of my non existent recently missed calls? no? Funny how they don’t have much to say to that but still never come clean.