A place to rant about things that wind you up ( keep it clean lol)

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Could we have a storm yet plzkthnx? This is horrendous, it's over 27C in here and there's nothing I can do to get it cooler. Failing a storm, could somebody get me to the North Pole? It'd be a great alternative.
It is swelteringly hot here, still. Hard to imagine ever needing a coat again.
It is swelteringly hot here, still. Hard to imagine ever needing a coat again.
I slept on my bed last night. Not in, on. Even moved my pillows to the foot of the bed and lay on it that way because I could angle the fan better that way. Sods law that I'd have the top flat with three rooms below me and I bet my downstairs neighbour has their heating on.
I slept on my bed last night. Not in, on. Even moved my pillows to the foot of the bed and lay on it that way because I could angle the fan better that way. Sods law that I'd have the top flat with three rooms below me and I bet my downstairs neighbour has their heating on
I must confess it was so warm in the night when I got up to go to the loo (result of drinking gallons of water during the day) I actually thought the heating was on and checked the radiators 😂
I know mine's switched off but I swear my neighbour - she had a burst pipe in her kitchen one night and a couple of us were helping deal with it, it was 2 or 3am and I swear that flat had the heating on full. At 2am. Like whyyyyyy, you don't need it at 30C when you're asleep?!
We are really really hoping they find stones on the scans so they take him seriously and remove it. The last time he was in a&e they just fobbed him off and tried to say it was basically trapped wind!
Thanks so much! It seems awful and I hate that because it’s in the middle of the night I’m always tired and grumpy rather than as supportive as I’d prefer!
When I was in the Philippines, they also thought it was only gas too. But then I was beeing taken to A&E a few times after that and finally the doctor referred me to a specialist. I had ultrasound and endoscopy after that. That's when they found out I had gall stones. But the specialist didn't want to operate that time since the stones were only small. So all that I did was pain medications.

When I moved to the UK and the pains started to kick in again, I told my GP about my gallstones so he would prescribe me pain reliefs. But then I keep on getting this pain and was taken to A&E a couple of times that my GP referred me to a specialist to have another scan/ultrasound. They found out that my gallstones increased in size. That's when the specialist told me it needed to be remove. It took around 8 months before I finally got the operation though. But it was the best thing ever coz after that, no more pains and I can eat everything I want again! 😁
When I was in the Philippines, they also thought it was only gas too. But then I was beeing taken to A&E a few times after that and finally the doctor referred me to a specialist. I had ultrasound and endoscopy after that. That's when they found out I had gall stones. But the specialist didn't want to operate that time since the stones were only small. So all that I did was pain medications.

When I moved to the UK and the pains started to kick in again, I told my GP about my gallstones so he would prescribe me pain reliefs. But then I keep on getting this pain and was taken to A&E a couple of times that my GP referred me to a specialist to have another scan/ultrasound. They found out that my gallstones increased in size. That's when the specialist told me it needed to be remove. It took around 8 months before I finally got the operation though. But it was the best thing ever coz after that, no more pains and I can eat everything I want again! 😁
Yes my husband said he was chatting to a man who was in the same ward as him today and they had had their gallbladder removed finally after being misdiagnosed for 4 years and he said it was instant relief.
I’m glad you got yours out and are free from pain and can eat what you like! I think my husband is struggling to come to terms with the fact he’s going to have to drastically change his diet to cope better with it.

Guess we will see what the scans say tomorrow. But I fear it won’t be the outcome we want! I’ve told him I’ll remove it for him if he keeps waking me up in the night disturbing my sleep! Haha. I’m a very supportive wife….!
Yes my husband said he was chatting to a man who was in the same ward as him today and they had had their gallbladder removed finally after being misdiagnosed for 4 years and he said it was instant relief.
I’m glad you got yours out and are free from pain and can eat what you like! I think my husband is struggling to come to terms with the fact he’s going to have to drastically change his diet to cope better with it.

Guess we will see what the scans say tomorrow. But I fear it won’t be the outcome we want! I’ve told him I’ll remove it for him if he keeps waking me up in the night disturbing my sleep! Haha. I’m a very supportive wife….!
I hope your husband feels better! My sister and mom had their gallbladders removed years ago. My mom had hers suddenly go crazy after she ate yogurt; she thought she was having a heart attack it was so bad! Her gallbladder was packed with stones. My sister had pain for months. Finally had a great test done that showed her gallbladder was full of sludge and had pretty much died. She had no stones at all in her gallbladder. Both my mom and sister had instant relief once their gallbladders were removed.

Fingers crossed for you husband that they find the cause of the pain.
Mum had hers out with one huge stone which they gave her in a pot and she kept to show people. It was about 2/3 golf ball size... they told her most people just get 'gravel' so she was very proud (and once it was out she could eat cheese again). But it would strike in the evenings and the pain was terrific - I can remember her on all fours in the living room literally rocking and mooing in a really alarming way. She went down the docs and told him about the pain, and he came round and gave her a firm PROD and said, "...about there?" and she goes "Yes!" (she was surprised he could make sense of her description) and he said, "Fair, Fat and Forty - you've got a gallstone!"
Yes my husband said he was chatting to a man who was in the same ward as him today and they had had their gallbladder removed finally after being misdiagnosed for 4 years and he said it was instant relief.
I’m glad you got yours out and are free from pain and can eat what you like! I think my husband is struggling to come to terms with the fact he’s going to have to drastically change his diet to cope better with it.

Guess we will see what the scans say tomorrow. But I fear it won’t be the outcome we want! I’ve told him I’ll remove it for him if he keeps waking me up in the night disturbing my sleep! Haha. I’m a very supportive wife….!
You sound like my husband! Lol! 🤣

He was complaining in the past coz I keep on waking him up during those times. I also always cried because of the pain. I have high tolerance of pain but that pain, I was really struggling! Hopefully your hubby can really get something from the scans.🤞
You sound like my husband! Lol! 🤣

He was complaining in the past coz I keep on waking him up during those times. I also always cried because of the pain. I have high tolerance of pain but that pain, I was really struggling! Hopefully your hubby can really get something from the scans.🤞
I try to be better! But I’m grumpy with no sleep and when disturbed! Haha. But then I see how much pain he is in and soon buck up! Thanks again and for sharing your experience.
MICE! :hb::hb:
Ughhhh! We have such a bad mouse problem in our cottage it’s driving us mad!
I’m constantly cleaning up mouse poo! This morning they have literally pooped on everything! My chair at the table, on top of the dog food box, on the kitchen counters, on the washing up sponge, in the sink, on the milk frother, on top of the microwave.. basically everywhere. And our cottage now actually smells like mice :rant::vom:
I keep the guinea pigs as clean as possible, they don’t have any pellets or food out over night, except hay of course. I’ve never seen a mouse poo in their cage so I know it’s not them attracting the mice. We clean up after dinner every night and don’t leave food laying around. I know a lot of Aussies have a mouse problem this year, but this is getting a bit much now. They keep me awake at night as I can hear them in the walls. They’ve chewed our aircon wires many times. They’ve chewed our sofa, We’ve had to throw out so many things.
I just don’t know what to do. We literally live in a tin shed that is attached to a hay barn! We are fighting a loosing battle.
MICE! :hb::hb:
Ughhhh! We have such a bad mouse problem in our cottage it’s driving us mad!
I’m constantly cleaning up mouse poo! This morning they have literally pooped on everything! My chair at the table, on top of the dog food box, on the kitchen counters, on the washing up sponge, in the sink, on the milk frother, on top of the microwave.. basically everywhere. And our cottage now actually smells like mice :rant::vom:
I keep the guinea pigs as clean as possible, they don’t have any pellets or food out over night, except hay of course. I’ve never seen a mouse poo in their cage so I know it’s not them attracting the mice. We clean up after dinner every night and don’t leave food laying around. I know a lot of Aussies have a mouse problem this year, but this is getting a bit much now. They keep me awake at night as I can hear them in the walls. They’ve chewed our aircon wires many times. They’ve chewed our sofa, We’ve had to throw out so many things.
I just don’t know what to do. We literally live in a tin shed that is attached to a hay barn! We are fighting a loosing battle.
I have no advise, I get mice in our loft in the winter and they sound like they are wearing heavy boots! So I have some understanding but they don't come in the house that must be so frustrating. ☹️
MICE! :hb::hb:
Ughhhh! We have such a bad mouse problem in our cottage it’s driving us mad!
I’m constantly cleaning up mouse poo! This morning they have literally pooped on everything! My chair at the table, on top of the dog food box, on the kitchen counters, on the washing up sponge, in the sink, on the milk frother, on top of the microwave.. basically everywhere. And our cottage now actually smells like mice :rant::vom:
I keep the guinea pigs as clean as possible, they don’t have any pellets or food out over night, except hay of course. I’ve never seen a mouse poo in their cage so I know it’s not them attracting the mice. We clean up after dinner every night and don’t leave food laying around. I know a lot of Aussies have a mouse problem this year, but this is getting a bit much now. They keep me awake at night as I can hear them in the walls. They’ve chewed our aircon wires many times. They’ve chewed our sofa, We’ve had to throw out so many things.
I just don’t know what to do. We literally live in a tin shed that is attached to a hay barn! We are fighting a loosing battle.
Poor you! I live next to a farming field (it's currently turning into a housing development now). Every fall, all the mice run into the houses and move in. I hear them chewing in the walls all the time. When they get into the house, I lay snap traps out as I feel they are the most humane of the traps other than the live ones. I have to be careful as I have children that are curious about the traps. I normally put up a baby gate in the area that I place the snap traps and place them in there. The normally love peanut butter on the traps, but I had a stubborn one that wasn't tempted, I had to use bacon grease to get that one.

Peppermint oil is something I use to help deter the mice and it seems to work pretty well. I have to put it in the cars as they climb up and chew things up in the car. Maybe you could use a little peppermint oil on a cotton ball and place it in the areas they like to go.
Good grief. I had put some sausages in the oven (because it's too hot to be pan frying or grilling (that's broiling for our American friends)) and I took the tray out to turn them. And then went to put the tray back into the oven bare handed. How my fingers are still intact I have no idea.
MICE! :hb::hb:
Ughhhh! We have such a bad mouse problem in our cottage it’s driving us mad!
I’m constantly cleaning up mouse poo! This morning they have literally pooped on everything! My chair at the table, on top of the dog food box, on the kitchen counters, on the washing up sponge, in the sink, on the milk frother, on top of the microwave.. basically everywhere. And our cottage now actually smells like mice :rant::vom:
I keep the guinea pigs as clean as possible, they don’t have any pellets or food out over night, except hay of course. I’ve never seen a mouse poo in their cage so I know it’s not them attracting the mice. We clean up after dinner every night and don’t leave food laying around. I know a lot of Aussies have a mouse problem this year, but this is getting a bit much now. They keep me awake at night as I can hear them in the walls. They’ve chewed our aircon wires many times. They’ve chewed our sofa, We’ve had to throw out so many things.
I just don’t know what to do. We literally live in a tin shed that is attached to a hay barn! We are fighting a loosing battle.
Feeling your mouse stress @Hannah_xx I've had an injured rat in my garden but today after he passed away the rest of his family popped over from the neighbour's garden! I have ordered an ultrasonic deterrent alarm but need to keep it far enough away from the hoyse it doesnt freak the piggies out, I also ordered a peppermint oil concentraye, but then as a scientist I got to thinking... chilli oil or mustard may be a better deterrent? Not especially kind but certainly not lethal and a very strong deterrent, I am going to try wiping the areas where I think the rats come in from the neighbour's and the alley with chilli oil and mustard and see how it works... all mammals except some weird humans like myself hate hot spicy food sensations though it is a trick of the nervous system and doesnt cause lasting harm!
chilli oil or mustard may be a better deterrent? Not especially kind but certainly not lethal and a very strong deterrent, I am going to try wiping the areas where I think the rats come in from the neighbour's and the alley with chilli oil and mustard and see how it works... all mammals except some weird humans like myself hate hot spicy food sensations though it is a trick of the nervous system and doesnt cause lasting harm!
You can buy a chilli flavoured spray to deter squirrels from eating food put out for the birds ... Maybe that would work on rats too, and be easier than wiping the whole area by hand yourself?
Ah yes but I'm a neurobiologist who has a very detailed understanding of the Transient Receptor Potential channels in the mammalian nervous system activated by mustard and garlic and chilli, also I have piggies to protect, I think I can make a stronger rat deterrent than is commercially available and also waterproof :)
Plus my garden is tiny lol!
Good grief. I had put some sausages in the oven (because it's too hot to be pan frying or grilling (that's broiling for our American friends)) and I took the tray out to turn them. And then went to put the tray back into the oven bare handed. How my fingers are still intact I have no idea.
You need an air fryer! I've been using mine daily to cook those precooked chicken nuggets or chicken strips that you can buy in the freezer section. Saves me from heating up the house too much.
Feeling your mouse stress @Hannah_xx I've had an injured rat in my garden but today after he passed away the rest of his family popped over from the neighbour's garden! I have ordered an ultrasonic deterrent alarm but need to keep it far enough away from the hoyse it doesnt freak the piggies out, I also ordered a peppermint oil concentraye, but then as a scientist I got to thinking... chilli oil or mustard may be a better deterrent? Not especially kind but certainly not lethal and a very strong deterrent, I am going to try wiping the areas where I think the rats come in from the neighbour's and the alley with chilli oil and mustard and see how it works... all mammals except some weird humans like myself hate hot spicy food sensations though it is a trick of the nervous system and doesnt cause lasting harm!
Aww it finally passed away then. Sorry he invited his family around at the end! Hope your mustard chilli power mix does the trick!
You need an air fryer! I've been using mine daily to cook those precooked chicken nuggets or chicken strips that you can buy in the freezer section. Saves me from heating up the house too much.
I usually only buy stuff I can shove in the oven, it's the same pan for the grill (broiler) but I don't have the detachable handle for it so grilling is awkward, and as for pan frying - the last time I did that was a couple of years ago, when I set the fire alarm off at 8am on a Sunday morning because I happen to like burnt egg whites on my eggs :)) and I did such a good job of it, we couldn't get the fire alarm to stop tripping for about half an hour. "How the hell did you make so much smoke frying eggs?!"

All smoke, no fire. No more pan frying for Lorcán! But you know how you're not supposed to shop when you're hungry or you just buy crap? Well I buy food *only* when I'm hungry because if I don't my brain's like "yeah we just need cola, food isn't important right now because your stomach says so", but I forget sometimes to pay attention to cooking instructions and/or storage instructions (like freezer vs fridge) when I'm doing an online shop.

Sausages were good. My fingertips are apparently that badly calloused that a quick application of germolene was all I needed. Which is kind of worrying in itself actually.
Thanks for all your mice advice!
I thoroughly cleaned all of the house yesterday, took me all day. I then put out 2 humane traps overnight and caught 3 mice, Woohoo!
I’ve just got back from releasing them into a little wooded area.. in a shoebox, with hay and food.. because I’m weak and felt bad :doh::coat:
Thanks for all your mice advice!
I thoroughly cleaned all of the house yesterday, took me all day. I then put out 2 humane traps overnight and caught 3 mice, Woohoo!
I’ve just got back from releasing them into a little wooded area.. in a shoebox, with hay and food.. because I’m weak and felt bad :doh::coat:
Oh Hannah, you are such a sweet person.
Honestly given the mouse issues in Australia right now I would not have been so kind!
My Aunt who lives in Australia is livid because some mice ate holes in her golf club covers :lol:
But you post really made me smile.
I hope the mice move on elsewhere very soon.
Oh Hannah, you are such a sweet person.
Honestly given the mouse issues in Australia right now I would not have been so kind!
My Aunt who lives in Australia is livid because some mice ate holes in her golf club covers :lol:
But you post really made me smile.
I hope the mice move on elsewhere very soon.
I know, I’m terrible!
Having a mouse problem is such a dilemma for me because I ..just ..LOVE small creatures. I guess that’s why I love guinea pigs and hamsters so much. They are all so damn cute, mice included!
ugh. But I know how much of a huge issue they are in Australia right now. And I’m at my wits end with them in the cottage, and they are also effecting my birds in my aviary and that is causing me concern.
So I’ll just keep releasing them into the forest 😂 At least they would need a boat to get back to my house at the moment with the amount of rain we’ve had😂
I know, I’m terrible!
Having a mouse problem is such a dilemma for me because I ..just ..LOVE small creatures. I guess that’s why I love guinea pigs and hamsters so much. They are all so damn cute, mice included!
ugh. But I know how much of a huge issue they are in Australia right now. And I’m at my wits end with them in the cottage, and they are also effecting my birds in my aviary and that is causing me concern.
So I’ll just keep releasing them into the forest 😂 At least they would need a boat to get back to my house at the moment with the amount of rain we’ve had😂
Hannah see if you can find out where they are getting in, they can get through the tiniest holes. it’s often where water/drainage pipes go through the wall. You can buy an aerosol type foam which you spray into any gap and it expands to fill any gap
Good luck x

PS Think that tunnel was made by me, I make some and donate to TEAS for Debbie to sell on her Facebook page! 😁
Hannah see if you can find out where they are getting in, they can get through the tiniest holes. it’s often where water/drainage pipes go through the wall. You can buy an aerosol type foam which you spray into any gap and it expands to fill any gap
Good luck x

PS Think that tunnel was made by me, I make some and donate to TEAS for Debbie to sell on her Facebook page! 😁
I blocked off one entry hole in the front door frame yesterday after watching one squeeze outside. Jon said the hot water pipes are probably a likely place they can get it, so he’s going to crawl under the house tomorrow to have a look.

oh was it! I did wonder who made it, and hoped someone on here had! All the pigs love it, it’s so well made. Thank you :clap: