A place to rant about things that wind you up ( keep it clean lol)

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Car insurance - renewal came through, last year was £190 (too much but the cheapest then) this year we would like to ask you for £288! :yikes:
I am not a teenager, I don't drive anything fancy, I have 9 years no claims and actually barely drive the car!
Online comparison £160! Can I just cancel my renewal...... Of course not, that will involve a phonecall and probably being put on hold etc etc etc... If I could do without a car I would but unfortunately living out in a village, where buses are not reliable we need 2 cars.
It shouldn’t be difficult to cancel. You could email and follow up with a call. I always shop around, though I didn’t this year as it was lower. Then again our car is old. So old they won’t provide us with breakdown cover 🤣 it’s only a 2002 car 🤷🏾‍♀️
Car insurance companies gits for not looking after existing customers. Threaten to leave, and they'll soon call back and put the price down. They can move prices down a lot. I called up once after my ban from driving got lifted (caught with keys in ignition drunk) got some quotes, said no can't afford it, got so many calls back saying they can bring the price down, so many that it was starting to harass me

Have you tried re doing the actual value of your car. We had a corsa 2002 reg once that was still down as being worth £2,500 when it was actually worth about £500. Got the price down a fair bit
That's good thought about checking it's value, it's worth considerably less than when I bought it 3 years ago and it's 12 yrs old now.
It shouldn’t be difficult to cancel. You could email and follow up with a call. I always shop around, though I didn’t this year as it was lower. Then again our car is old. So old they won’t provide us with breakdown cover 🤣 it’s only a 2002 car 🤷🏾‍♀️
It's just frustrating that for the cancellation there is no email just a phone number, I don't want to call and have to explain why, it's my right to shop around. It will probably be fine but as with all these things now trying to speak to a human I expect will take ages going through the automated systems.
It's just frustrating that for the cancellation there is no email just a phone number, I don't want to call and have to explain why, it's my right to shop around. It will probably be fine but as with all these things now trying to speak to a human I expect will take ages going through the automated systems.
You don’t have to explain why. Just say you’d like to cancel your renewal. I’d they ask why, just repeat ad verbatim. I’ve never been asked why.
You don’t have to explain why. Just say you’d like to cancel your renewal. I’d they ask why, just repeat ad verbatim. I’ve never been asked why.

I have been asked why because they will try and price match but you don't have to tell them. Like you say you can just repeat that you would like to cancel the policy
I feel like I need to have a mini rant about something my dad said yesterday because it's playing on my mind. So the context is I've started planning my wedding, found a venue I like and I was talking about how I'm going to make my wedding autism friendly as I don't think I'd cope with a traditional wedding. He just responded with "well that's why people get married in a registry office" I know he probably didn't mean anything by it but to me it just sounds like he thinks I don't deserve a proper wedding if my disability is going to be a factor. But I'm really looking falward to a spread out, outside, festival themed wedding with a quiet place to get away to if I need it. And I hope that people would still be able to have a great time without sensory triggers and inescapable social pressures.
I'm sure nobody will mind @Sweet Potato. When Son No 1 was little he would invite his friends round and after about an hour or so he needed a bit of time out so went quietly into his bedroom or somewhere away from his friends. They didn't mind and sometimes didn't notice he had even gone. It's just how he was. He did grow out of it eventually.
I ordered another water butt as it was cheaper to get it online than from B&Q. It arrived today but without the lid. I immediately emailed the company I got it from and they wanted a picture. So I sent them this:

IMG_4331 (2).webp
Not quite sure which bit they didn't understand. If a water butt is missing the lid then that means the lid of the water butt is missing! I have the connector to connect it to the other water butt. Do you think I can find the drill and the spade bit needed to connect them? Er ..... no. I know I have them somewhere so that now means I have to get my roofer guy back who fitted the old water butt to the new downpipe to come and fix it for me! Luckily as my roofer guy is a very nice young man he is willing to pop over and do this 5 minute job sometime next week. I hope the water butt people are just as helpful!
It’s not a rant but I can’t find anywhere else to post. I’m feeling stressed. Nauseous, nervous energy and feel like I want to cry. Hope I can switch off and sleep tonight 😭
It’s not a rant but I can’t find anywhere else to post. I’m feeling stressed. Nauseous, nervous energy and feel like I want to cry. Hope I can switch off and sleep tonight 😭
I'm sorry to hear that. I find that writing down my stress helps me settle for the night. Hopefully you will be able to settle and get some well deserved sleep tonight.
When you potentially reach the end of the road with a family member who refuses (because of addiction) to see how his behaviour affects others & how said addiction makes him treat people. I know this is the right thing to do but there is always that "what if" in the back of my head.

Sorry this is a little cryptic. I needed to vent & I'm not one to vent on facebook but here I'm pretty annonymous.
I'm sorry to hear that. I find that writing down my stress helps me settle for the night. Hopefully you will be able to settle and get some well deserved sleep tonight.
Thank you. I had an interview. Unfortunately didn’t get the job. Trying to look at it positively.
There's so many nice clothes in shops! Not that I need any, as I have a wardrobe full of clothes that I don't currently wear (for various reasons). I have a lunch date with friends in a couple of weeks & as I popped into town this morning I dived into Primark for a quick look, thinking about buying a new top for the occasion. Anyway, I chose a green coloured top with 3/4 sleeves - thinking would be nice with jeans & in the hope it would be nice weather. It doesn't fit. I can get it on, in a fashion but I had to get Mum to help me get out of it! It's a real pain not to have changing rooms open & I'm definitely not buying any new clothes.
I hope that people (in our country of origin) wake up to the real dangers of COVID. My uncle was admitted but thankfully was discharged yesterday. There were three people in the house (they’d come to stay at my parents) who were positive but asymptomatic! My late cousin’s MIL was admitted yesterday but unfortunately passed away.

Social distancing is not there at all. Masks aren’t always worn properly. They’re in lockdown now - lockdown means lockdown. Only allowed vehicles are allowed to move around. Everyone at home. I’m not sure if there’s a curfew this time, but lockdown is enforced.

I also think people were dying of COVID but it was denied previously. Let’s pray they get through it. I worry for our relatives who are most likely sensible. My uncle and aunt are in their 90s. They had their first vaccine only.
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I hope that people (in our country of origin) wake up to the real dangers of COVID. My uncle was admitted but thankfully was discharged yesterday. There were three people in the house (they’d come to stay at my parents) who were positive but asymptomatic! My late cousins mum was admitted yesterday but unfortunately passed away.

Social distancing is not there at all. Masks aren’t always worn properly. They’re in lockdown now - lockdown means lockdown. Only allowed vehicles are allowed to move around. Everyone at home. I’m not sure if there’s a curfew this time, but lockdown is enforced.

I also think people were dying of COVID but it was denied previously. Let’s pray they get through it. I worry for our relatives who are most likely sensible. My uncle and aunt are in their 90s. They had their first vaccine only.
Where's that @Siikibam ? Sorry about your losses. I think we're so lucky here, (at the moment anyway). Many other countries still suffering.
It’s definitely still out there. Makes me mad when people think it’s all over and we should all be getting back to normal. Hope your family stay safe. ❤️
I know it's silly to feel scared but I can't tell you why I was! 8 (what I believe to be army) jets flew past a short while ago. I don't think they were red arrows... They were sooo loud! I opened the door to see what was causing the racket but closed it before I stepped outside, out of fear. My heart was pounding. I did open the door to look outside and they were flying away. I don't know what came over me, a little ridiculous. Even now I can still feel the nervousness that I felt when I heard them!
They are very loud! The Red Arrows flew over my house a couple of weeks ago on the way back from the G7 Summit in Cornwall and they were REALLY loud. It's easy to be scared at that noise.
People working at the car repair garage. My car had two issue messages that popped up. Called the shop and they said it was fine to keep driving with it till my appointment on Thursday. I decided to check the owner's manual and it mentioned that if the engine light (one of the messages that popped up) was flashing, that I would need to pull the car over away from anything flammable, shut it off to cool down, and then watch for fire. If fine, then drive immediately to the shop. I decided to drop it off early as I didn't want to worry about flashing symbols and car on fire issues with three children in the car.

The problem is that I spend about 1 to 2 hours a day driving the children around for various appointments. Thankfully my mom said she can come help us out till the car is fixed. Hoping it's not too expensive! 😬
I got really irritated yesterday. I couldn't even tell you what about at this point, but I annoyed myself to the point I decided to rearrange my entire flat.

Cut to today. See, even in a studio flat, you're not going to get it done in one day. Three bags of rubbish already in the bin, a 4th needing to go, and I've lost my keys. I have a massive bunch of keys and they're currently MIA - sure they're here somewhere but somewhere doesn't really help. I need to move a desk before I can start sorting out piles for my keys. But the desk is a 2 person job because it requires lifting. The people who can help lift it are outside. I can't go outside with no keys.

You couldn't make it up.
This is where I'm at. Got the desk moved (magic), still no keys.

I'm stressing because for my lunch date with friends next weekend not only do I need to find an outfit.... I need to decide if I'm going for the whole make up/contact lens thing or not. Haven't worn either since Feb 2020! I'd go with just face powder & glasses (my daily special) but feel like making a little bit of an effort just to feel like it's some kind of normal outing (as it's been so long!) Either way I'm going to have to contend with wearing a face maks at some points during the afternoon so.... just thinking about it makes me want to stop at home.