A place to rant about things that wind you up ( keep it clean lol)

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Where’s your Nan? Did she know they were coming 😆

God I hope so lol, I haven't actually spoken to my nan since before I came out as trans and that was over 8 years ago. There's been contact, cards etc, but that's it, I wouldn't even know her number.

She lives in the Bournemouth/Christchurch area, and she has a friend she'll be staying with I believe.
Oh dear! It's bad when things get to this. Something they have either said or done has clearly upset you very much. Have a hug cos you clearly need one :hug: and some flowers to make you feel a bit better.💐🌹🌷

Unfortunately people just don't “get it”. I’m sorry your in-law family are not sensitive to your needs. I would stay away from unsympathetic people. 😘

I stay away & ignore them.... then get called ridiculous! I think some people are beyond reasoning with, as bad as each other & everything is always due to someone else. Some people will never take responsibility for their actions though, will they?
My horrible cat hoarder neighbour has yet more kittens (obviously bred by her as always) and she’s been shutting them outside for the last few days, look like they’re only a few months old.
Have been crying at my windows wanting to get in as she’s shut them out obviously! And so the summer fun begins yet again! 😡:( Poor cats, again.:(
Well I’ve listened to one of these kittens crying for days, then got told yesterday that another neighbour doesn’t even think she’s been there for a couple of days! So cats shut inside and this little one out! I’ve been feeding and giving the poor thing water, it was covered in oil yesterday and I was kept up til the early hours with it crying outside my window :( So I hung out with a cardboard box, a blanket and more food at gone 1am.
Still doing the same today, I’ve been out and it feels skinny. My poor old Daisy the cat is getting sick of it as am I!
I was expecting a confrontation at her door (she’s scary!) when I knocked but she didn’t answer so looks like she isn’t there. I’ve made a call to the RSPCA, they know her well but unfortunately nothing gets done due to their restrictions, I’ve been ringing for well over a decade now!
Very upsetting when it goes on for days like this though! I’d love to bring the little one in but I have healthy animals in here and I don’t want my almost 15year old cat catching something because she’s so irresponsible. Just breaks my heart hearing it :(
Will somebody please tell me it’s a terrible idea to bring this poor little one inside and let it have a break from the very warm sunshine in my hallway! :mal: I’ve got to go to my sisters soon so I’m not going to be here, been told to keep an eye on it (guessing her as she sells the boys and keeps the girls for more babies!) and the ones inside in case their condition deteriorates, I can’t this afternoon and told them on the phone too! It’s really warm now and only going to get worse!:doh:
I can keep it separate to Daisy and the pigs, really don’t want to but the poor skinny thing isn’t a happy bub! :(
@alpacasqueak. It is a terrible idea to bring this poor little one inside. It could have anything and you don't want Daisy or your pigs to catch whatever this poor cat has/hasn't got. However big your heart is and however much you want to help (it's very hard not to I know) this cat IS NOT YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. I know I would find it hard too but you have to think of the bigger picture here. If you let this cat into your place, you are (possibly) opening your door to all the cats your neighbour can't look after. Then where would you be? Another Mad Cat Lady. Surely one Mad Cat Lady is enough!
Thanks @Betsy, need someone sane to tell me as my silly animal lover brain is being a plonker and taking over :mal: It’s happened so much over the years, disgusting how she treats them. Just horrible to watch when she couldn’t care less and you feel like you can’t help as RSPCA can’t either! Tugs at heartstrings dammit :mal:
My babies don’t need any issues though, you’re totally right. And yep don’t need to be a mad cat lady, I’m already the mad pig lady round here picking my grass and forage, my neighbours will all think I’m even more insane! Really hope it finds somewhere to get some shelter, it’s got food and water and I’ve called them, I can’t do anything else. Thank you :hug:
@alpacasqueak as hard as it is don't take it in you don't need that hassle, where will it end? You have done all you can, more than most would. Hopefully she will find some shelter if it gets really hot. Some people don't deserve animals, wish the RSPCA could do something about her beeding animals at least.
@alpacasqueak maybe you could pop out a nice shady cardboard box plus some food and water rather than bringing the kitten indoors, just give her the basics she needs to stay safe and comfortable then you know you've done much more than most people would do! Then shut the curtains and be resolute... until tomorrow when maybe you could check again... but definitely dont bring her in she could have all sorts of nasty diseases!
@PigglePuggle she has done that.
I think the one left outside is probably better of than the ones inside. It must be getting pretty smelly inside if no ones going in to clean out litter trays and food and water must be getting low. I hope the RSPCA will do something this time. Abandonment must come within their remit surely?
The person who lives in the house to the back of me on the left has had his noisy jet washer on all b*****y day! From 10am this morning to 6pm tonight! What is so filthy that you take 8 hours to clean it?!? Surely he has cleaned his patio within an inch of its life!
Just to let everyone know, she’s back! Kitten was out waiting for me at my door when I got back from my sisters and crying away so I put more food out, heard it until around 11.30pm but then heard banging around in the flat and no more crying after that! First day I’ve slept through the night in days! RSPCA have been told.
Will happen again soon I’m sure, it all depends if the cats are in when she decides to swan off I think! One poor girl was left out in the snow for 4 days a few years ago, she really doesn’t care!
But at least I have a clear conscience and me and my beasts have got some peace (for now)! Thanks so much for your help everyone x
Just to let everyone know, she’s back! Kitten was out waiting for me at my door when I got back from my sisters and crying away so I put more food out, heard it until around 11.30pm but then heard banging around in the flat and no more crying after that! First day I’ve slept through the night in days! RSPCA have been told.
Will happen again soon I’m sure, it all depends if the cats are in when she decides to swan off I think! One poor girl was left out in the snow for 4 days a few years ago, she really doesn’t care!
But at least I have a clear conscience and me and my beasts have got some peace (for now)! Thanks so much for your help everyone x
If they come and start waking you during the night, can your run a radio or a fan for some white noise? I run a fan at night so it cancels the neighbors slamming their car doors and racing down the street during the night.
If they come and start waking you during the night, can your run a radio or a fan for some white noise? I run a fan at night so it cancels the neighbors slamming their car doors and racing down the street during the night.
Poor you! It’s like that round here sometimes with the idiots and their cars! 🙄 Yes I might try it, thanks. Think having cats for years doesn’t help either, I wake to their cries thinking it’s mine! :doh:
Well I’ve just been told by a neighbour friend the RSPCA did come out yesterday, late afternoon/early eve when I was out! Good! Hopefully she’ll be watched for a while now, these poor beasts deserve a lot more!
I knelt on lego with my left knee at work (the small stuff, it was under the carpet & obviously I didn't know it was there ☹). My knee is still throbbing two hours later so hopefully I will be able to walk still later on.
I knelt on lego with my left knee at work (the small stuff, it was under the carpet & obviously I didn't know it was there ☹). My knee is still throbbing two hours later so hopefully I will be able to walk still later on.
OUCH! nothing worse than treading/knealing on lego!
I knelt on lego with my left knee at work (the small stuff, it was under the carpet & obviously I didn't know it was there ☹). My knee is still throbbing two hours later so hopefully I will be able to walk still later on.
I feel your pain. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve stepped on Lego. It’s enough to make you turn the air just a little blue.
OUCH! nothing worse than treading/knealing on lego!

I feel your pain. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve stepped on Lego. It’s enough to make you turn the air just a little blue.

I've dosed myself up on painkillers & currently sat with my feet up in the hope it stops hurting soon! Getting up & downstairs has been interesting at home so far. Fingers crossed its just sore, bruised & allows me to hobble round work tomorrow!
The amount of tax that comes off my weekly wage is ridiculous. I'm trying to save up to get my car mot'd and serviced instead of dipping into savings. But then when I do get the mot and service there will be value added tax on this aswell. I feel like I am being robbed twice. I hate the Uk. I shouldn't be taxed that much on a lower wage, it isn't fair. I'm not far off being better off on benefits, atleast I would get free dental care and prescriptions. Punished for working basicly.
Tax is ridiculous in this Country :( My husband got a pay rise in September but he isn’t much better off as they tax him more due to the wage increase
I have to go for an MRI scan today but it isn’t until 7.20pm and the hospital it’s at is over an hour away so by the time I’ve had it done (the letter says it should take between 60 - 90 minutes) I won’t be home until gone 9.30pm. Why does it have to be so late?!
I have to go for an MRI scan today but it isn’t until 7.20pm and the hospital it’s at is over an hour away so by the time I’ve had it done (the letter says it should take between 60 - 90 minutes) I won’t be home until gone 9.30pm. Why does it have to be so late?!
Try and cheer yourself up and plan something nice for when you get home. How about a nice up of hot chocolate with a piglet, and a film or something
There's no point in me staying on over 40 hours a week if I do say 42 or 43. I pay less tax and end up a couple of pounds different. And just to be clear I'm not putting down people who need to claim benefits and don't want to be on them and would rather have a job. I'm taking about people who stay on it that can go to work with no health issues

I know what you mean. I claim benefits as I lost my job due to my health but I was earning much more than I get in benefits and would so much prefer to be working
Ebay is winding me atm! I do ebay to fund my vets fees. Ebay keep sending me emails saying I have been enrolled in the Global Shipping Program. I do not want to be enrolled in the GSP. I've heard so many horror stories about it. For those of you who don't know, it involves me sending any stuff I sell internationally to a central hub somewhere in the UK for them to send it on to the recipient. I pay only the UK postage charge. Sounds simple? I've heard that if the central hub don't like the way you've packaged the item, the repackage it for you! They also charge your buyer outrageous postage. I keep opting out and ebay keep opting me in! I've had to opt out twice in two days this week alone!
In other words they are middle man pirates that don't need to be there, making money from something you probably don't need.
Absolutely. Adding a middle man just adds another layer that I certainly don't want or need. It has been known that the wrong things have been sent to people in the confusion of it all.
Ebay is winding me atm! I do ebay to fund my vets fees. Ebay keep sending me emails saying I have been enrolled in the Global Shipping Program. I do not want to be enrolled in the GSP. I've heard so many horror stories about it. For those of you who don't know, it involves me sending any stuff I sell internationally to a central hub somewhere in the UK for them to send it on to the recipient. I pay only the UK postage charge. Sounds simple? I've heard that if the central hub don't like the way you've packaged the item, the repackage it for you! They also charge your buyer outrageous postage. I keep opting out and ebay keep opting me in! I've had to opt out twice in two days this week alone!

How annoying :( I don’t blame you for opting out. Sorry that they keep adding you
God I hope so lol, I haven't actually spoken to my nan since before I came out as trans and that was over 8 years ago. There's been contact, cards etc, but that's it, I wouldn't even know her number.

She lives in the Bournemouth/Christchurch area, and she has a friend she'll be staying with I believe.
So sorry x
Car insurance - renewal came through, last year was £190 (too much but the cheapest then) this year we would like to ask you for £288! :yikes:
I am not a teenager, I don't drive anything fancy, I have 9 years no claims and actually barely drive the car!
Online comparison £160! Can I just cancel my renewal...... Of course not, that will involve a phonecall and probably being put on hold etc etc etc... If I could do without a car I would but unfortunately living out in a village, where buses are not reliable we need 2 cars.
Car insurance - renewal came through, last year was £190 (too much but the cheapest then) this year we would like to ask you for £288! :yikes:
I am not a teenager, I don't drive anything fancy, I have 9 years no claims and actually barely drive the car!
Online comparison £160! Can I just cancel my renewal...... Of course not, that will involve a phonecall and probably being put on hold etc etc etc... If I could do without a car I would but unfortunately living out in a village, where buses are not reliable we need 2 cars.
I think I'll stick to busses for the time being