A Picture A Day..

That must have been awful to watch her go through Adele. You are both so brave.
Sorry to hear about Fudge's injection stress :(. We had a similar experience with injecting one of my boys in the past - he had to had 18 injections over 18 days and on about day 12 he had a short fit after the injection which we think had gone into muscle. He recovered though and did not react to the remaining 6 injections but you can imagine it was not good to have to go through more!
Fingers and toes crossed for Fudge! Hope she starts to pick up again, she is so resilient.
Aww bless lovely Fudge. So glad that she is just living in the present and has no idea about what may happen under anaesthetic. Awful for you though. You have given her a wonderful life and allowed us all to share the experience with all the beautiful photos and comments that you post.
I feel kinda awful myself now reading back on a few pages, not realising what type of thread this was...but now I do.
After reading a little bit its clear to see that you have a very special bond with Fudge and how things have been...

Fudge is a little fighter and keeps going, I can see that in all the pictures you share :) Bless her x
I feel kinda awful myself now reading back on a few pages, not realising what type of thread this was...but now I do.
After reading a little bit its clear to see that you have a very special bond with Fudge and how things have been...

Fudge is a little fighter and keeps going, I can see that in all the pictures you share :) Bless her x
Not to worry- it's easy to assume this ridiculously long thread isn't just about one pig !

Your pigs are gorgeous and I may need to buy one of things you have! Put a hot water bottle in it and fudge would love it!
I know how you feel with muscle jabs Fudge they are agony, did mummy gently rub it for you because that makes it feel so much better.
You are so brave Fudge, sending you lots of love :luv: now get well so we can have lots more photos of you.
Chin up Adelle x
I feel kinda awful myself now reading back on a few pages, not realising what type of thread this was...but now I do.
After reading a little bit its clear to see that you have a very special bond with Fudge and how things have been...

Fudge is a little fighter and keeps going, I can see that in all the pictures you share :) Bless her x

Do not feel awful as Adele has said above. What not start a thread with photos of your piggies in @Mathius be lovely to see them
"My weights lower than normal at the minute as my ovary is bothering me. We tried giving my hormone injection into my muscle to see if it would work better but it hasn't made any difference. Mum said she's going to ask the vet to make an appointment with the specialist ultrasonographer to make sure I don't have any tumours on my ovaries. Mum is worried as she said I need spayed if this is making me sore but my poorly heart would make it very risky. I'm on extra tramadol so I'm comfortable. We need good luck vibes xx"

Oh poor Fudge, and your poor nerves! Let's just hope that she surprises everyone by pulling through her spay.
Massive healing vibes going your way sweet Fudge x
Fudge you are one very special lady. I hope that your pesky ovary can be sorted to keep you comfortable.
She's down to 970g .. Another 27g loss in only a few hours. Will need to syringe feed which I don't usually do with her due to her breathing (and she's never needed it other than at the start of her diagnosis 19 months ago). I won't drag this out for her, I'm going to need to put her through this spay I think :-(
I think so hun. To delay it means she may be less likely to survive it, and it does sound like she would go down-hill soon if you don't. :hug:
Massive hugs, I know it will be a tough thing for you to do. x
So sorry Adelle. Such a hard position to be in. It does seem like a spay may be her best bet but I know how high the risks are. Whatever you choose it will be with her best interests and you know her best. X
She's bloated again now. This ovarian issue is just causing havoc with her guts. She's had some gut stimulants, a syringe feed which she took willingly and a cuddle with me on her hot water bottle hoop. It's a really good shape as she fits in it well and means the heat is on her tummy but she can still lay comfortably. Will no more at the vet on Monday :-(

Oh heck Fudge you really have gone thru way too much!
Adelle good luck with upcoming op etc.... huge hugs :hug::hug:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Fudge I'm sending you lots n lots of vibes and little kisses xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aww I feel really upset for you both. Fingers crossed she pulls through her op if she needs it. Lots of positive vibes coming your way.
I hope that you have a clearer idea of what action you want to take for the lovely Fudge. Lots of prayers for you and your sweetie.
"It's been a poorly few weeks for me but mum says I'm starting to seem like myself again. My ovary is still bothering me but we have a couple of options to try. My right lung is a little fluidly so mum has been told to up one of my diuretics to every 10 hours instead of 12.. This means it's sometimes due at 2am 4am or 6am.. Which is hard when my last bedtime meds are at 1am! Mum says she's tired but I'm worth it."

Sending millions & trillions of healing vibes Fudge.
Looks though you may have to put Fudge through this op Adelle.
Fudge has battled through so much. I think you'll be surprised how she bounces back.
I think you have to do this so she has a chance of getting her out of all this pain.
Sending millions & trillions of healing vibes Fudge.
Looks though you may have to put Fudge through this op Adelle.
Fudge has battled through so much. I think you'll be surprised how she bounces back.
I think you have to do this so she has a chance of getting her out of all this pain.
Fudge is on adequate pain relief- I wouldn't for a minute let her suffer. I just know she isn't feeling as well as she could be because I know her so well. Until we can get rid of this little fluid from her right lung, a competent vet wouldn't put her under anaesthetic unless it was life or death. this isn't such a time at the minute. If we can't control her pain and it's affecting her quality of life too much, she will be put through the spay where she would likely pass away peacefully under anaesthetic and wouldn't feel a thing. I have her best interests at heart, this is about her and not me. It's been this way for 19 months and that won't change now.
"Mum has been power hosing, weeding and tidying the bottom garden for us for when it's warm enough. She just has to replace my grass garden with new stuff. Mum says she hopes I get to use it. I had a good night last night and my weight has climbed today! Mum said she's happy I'm eating more but it makes things harder for her :-( "

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"Yesterday and today I had grass and I sunbathed! But today I got to potter round the nice and clean garden too an had my breakfast with my sister in the sun... Even had a raspberry! Then tonight I had floor time in between my two sets of bedtime meds. Iv just had more veggies and now I'm off to sleep! Vets in the morning for them to scan my tummy."

I Couldn't Let My Girl Miss Out On The Sunshine

"Yesterday the sun had left the back garden by the time mum got home so she cut and washed me some grass and brought a chair round to the front garden. Iv never been in that garden before but i sat on mums knee eating my grass whilst the sun went down. It was nice and I was very relaxed."

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Oh Fudgey you are so so beautiful. I am glad you enjoyed your grass and the time in the garden.

But mostly I am glad that someone shared your gorgeous pictures with the rest of your forum fanclub:luv:
"Mum has been cuddling me lots and crying. She said on Friday I will be having an operation to take away my pesky ovaries. Mum Said she's doing it because she loves me and wants me to be in much less pain, and I need to be very strong. She said I might not come home again and that's why she is sad. In trying to cheer her up with kisses and my funny antics.. Like sitting under my hay mat then getting mad cause I can't reach the hay!"

"I had my lunch indoors today as its raining."

"I also had a bath and warm blow dry as I had wee wee on my legs. I feel very clean now!"