A Picture A Day..

" Mum said we won't be around for a little while. My sister and I are sick and mum is super busy looking after us. Mum keeps cuddling and kissing me and sometimes she gets upset. She says I am going to the vets for some very important tests and that I need to be a strong girl. We think I may have another illness that will make me very poorly very quickly. Mum says she won't give up if I don't."

" Mum said we won't be around for a little while. My sister and I are sick and mum is super busy looking after us. Mum keeps cuddling and kissing me and sometimes she gets upset. She says I am going to the vets for some very important tests and that I need to be a strong girl. We think I may have another illness that will make me very poorly very quickly. Mum says she won't give up if I don't."

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Sending healing vibes to you and your sister :luv:
Awww thanks for letting us know Fudge. Best wishes to you and your sister. Hope the test results are good ones.
Come on fudge, don't you give up!
Adelle, fudge could not ask for a better and more caring piggy mum.
Healing vibes to the gorgeous ladies.Xx
"Hello, fudge again! Mummy has been very busy taking care of me and I have a few new health problems now. But I'm doing okay again now and feeling strong and happy. Last night I had cuddles in bed with mum at 2am.. And shouted at her until she let me under the duvet, where I snuggled down and had nice dreams."

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"Mum stayed at her partners house On Friday so she could have a little break. Normally Mandy comes to stay with us so mummy can still look after me.. But this time I was left with my usual sitter at home in my own bed. Mum made all my medicines up for that night and the next day, and popped me on the scales to make sure I had been eating enough food (nothing gets past that one.)

Sometimes when Mandy stays over and mum has to go out early in the morning, Mandy will give me my meds... Well, she try's to.. But i dont let her. I always take my meds like a good girl for mum and my sitter.. But not for Mandy. She sent my mum this photo last week with the message 'she's doing it again, she hates me!'


Mum says I'm naughty! "
"My pesky ovary is bothering me again so I had to have another stingy jag at the vets. Mum always holds me for it and says she's sorry.. If she was really sorry she wouldn't let the vet stick a needle in me!

Mum and I had lovely snuggles in my favourite blanket whilst we watched casualty. She even got to have candles lit as they where unscented.. Mum says she's missed her candles as we don't have any smelly candles, sprays or perfumes near me because of my poorly lungs. Mum airs out the room once a day by opening the window, whilst she takes me into the other room. She doesn't like the air to get musty she said, but we can't open the window Incase I get a chest infection... And apparantly I'm the high maintenance one?!"

Fudge shouting at you until you let her under the duvet!!

Fudge hiding in the hay ... awwww

Fudge x
"I had my second hormone jag at the vet today. My cyst has went down a bit but the vet is worried my UTI may have spread to my kidneys as they where sore when she felt them. Mum says I was well in myself as I was, but tonight I have a sore tummy and some diarrohea. Mum is taking care of me and continuing my antibiotics. She has gave me a clean tunnel and dimmed the lights so I can rest in between my medicine times. Mum said we need some healing vibes please."

Healing wheeks from my 4. There were also some "the human is starving us, send help!" wheeks, but a carrot treat shushed those!
Aw Fudgey, hope you feel better this morning. You are such a sweet-heart, you tell that nasty infection to go away!

I really do hope Fudge's kidneys are going to be OK :hug:
"I'm still a little off and slightly puffed up but my tummy isn't as sore and my poos are firming up with some fibreplex and basil. My pee has less blood and protein in it according to those little sticks, mum says she's hoping it stays down."

Aw sweetheart :wub: Sorry you are feeling under the weather today. Perhaps your kidneys are still sore? I'm glad your poos are fine and your tummy is feeling OK, and the fact that there's no blood in your wee is very good, perhaps your kidneys will feel better soon now? :hug:
Millions of healing vibes coming your way Fudge. Lots of love to Crunchie too.
Fudges blood on dipstick rocketed again and she was losing more hair- signs her ovarian issue was relapsing despite being mid treatment. For her 3rd jag today ; it was given into the muscle instead of under the skin in the hope it would have a better affect. Fudge reacted very badly and her whole body convulsed for a while. I thought she was having a fit or a heart attack but the vet assured me it was due to the liquid being stingy when injected. I held her in my jacket and tried so hard not to cry like a baby! She eventually stopped and is since actin like nothing even happened. I can't put her through that again, even if it works. It's now a case of waiting until this cyst causes her too much problems where I will then spay her- ultimately I will lose her under anaesthetic but I won't allow her to suffer.

You know them Giant Sleeper things that we can put both feet into at once......

Nibbles and Barbecue have stolen it :P


Will be going into their C&C cage when its finished

Forgot to add this was not long after a bath. . :)
So sorry for that experience Adele. Sending little fudge all the love in the world.