A Picture A Day..

"Mum is staying away tonight, although she's acting like it's forever with how much she's kissing me. She says she loves me so much and I've to be good.. When am I not a good girl?"

"She has made up veg bags for myself, crunchie, poppet and rowan for bed time and tomorrow morning, and has cleaned us all out. I have my meds all laid out to get tonight and tomorrow, and even my snuggies are sitting on the floor to be Put in my palace at bedtime. Here's hoping crunchie doesn't steal the new house mum made us like she did last night! She even stole the cosy blanket inside it that actually belongs to me.. Sisters eh?"

Sigh...just gorgeous :love:. Although I cannot believe Crunchie's naughty behaviour...wait actually maybe i can LOL!
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Hope you enjoy your night away @Adelle.
Fudgie you are always a good girl, but there is a first time for everything! Crunchie you look gorgeous in your new bed, your mum is sooo clever to make it for you.:wub:
The postman delivered new strawberry hides to Spike and Peanut today, silly boys wouldn't get in them at first but after I put their smellie ready for a wash old pads in them they soon snuggled down.
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Hope you enjoy your night away @Adelle.
Fudgie you are always a good girl, but there is a first time for everything! Crunchie you look gorgeous in your new bed, your mum is sooo clever to make it for you.:wub:
The postman delivered new strawberry hides to Spike and Peanut today, silly boys wouldn't get in tem at first but after I put their smellie ready for a wash old pads in them they soon snuggled down.
The girls have a red strawberry hut; I actually used this to get the measurements I needed! What's better than a smelly used bed to a piggy? I'm sure I see fudge sigh when she gets in her snuggle sacks or tunnels as if to say "ah crap, she's washed it again.."
I really should be able to make some hidies for the boys, I keep meaning to have a go. So far I've just made pee pads and lap pads. One day................
Oh Fudge, you mustn't do zoomies when your poorly! I can see Crunchie stayed in bed like a good girl...:roll:
She's got more energy than my lazy 2 year old boars who spend most of floor time hiding. They don't seem to get the idea about the extra space to exercise and have fun :hb:.
I hope mummy has got a grip and has presented you with blueberries.

Love the piccie of Crunchie in the pink bed *sigh* too too wonderful.
Can't believe your mum thought blackberry w a good substitution for blueberries. Seriously ! Does she work for Tesco grocery deliveries - they thought dill was a good substitute for coriander. Sadly the piggies disagreed!
"Delivery for moi! Mums making sure she's stocked up on my favourite hays over Christmas... She's had to put the other 4 bags of dust free hay and the 12kg bag of another type of Timothy somewhere else as apparently I have too much stuff!"


"I even got a free goody bag.. I told her it was worth it."


"The vet has said that, if I remain stable, I don't need to have another check up until after the new year.. "

Tiny Fudge among huge piles of hay!
Fudge, sweetheart, you are one in a million. Truly a model. You could break the hearts of many boars, with your saucer eyes.
And take it easy! You are poorly (so everyone keeps saying, have they SEEN you popcorn?) oh, and did Mummy actually try and replace blueberries? Pfft.
"Mum is terrible at keeping my thread up to date.. Pfft! Well I currently have a UTI and am on antibiotics, and I have oral thrush so have to take orange flavoured gel (I hate orange!) .. But I'm feeling better and my chubby tummys back. I'm going to the vet on Wednesday when my antibiotics finish to check my glands again. They are still enlarged so they don't think it's caused by an infection. Mum says this is bad news but as long as I am happy we will keep going. It's Hogmanay, and I'm bringing in the bells with Mum and my sisters. Iv just had 90 mins of floor time where mum covered nearly all the room in puppy pads so I don't slip, as my mat is even too slippy for me now. Mum says we are getting carpet next week which will be better for my old legs to walk on. Mum says she's very lucky to have me here going into 2017 as the vet said I wouldn't see 2016.. What did he know eh?

Happy new year everyone!"

How simply fabulous Fudge!
Here's to another miraculous year!:beer:
"Mum sometimes calls me bug because of how my eyes look when I get excited.. Broccoli makes me excited.."


"I've been on antibiotics for a while now as mum keeps stealing my pee and skooshing it onto a strip of paper (she really does have weird hobbies) and says I still have blood and protein in it. Mum is getting worried that I don't have a UTI and that its my kidneys struggling. Mum wants me off my Metacam as its putting too much pressure on them, but I need it for my arthritis.. So I'm now taking golden paste which mum makes herself. She said it's normally for humans and other pets like dogs and horses and it's herbal anti inflammatory. She says we have nothing to lose and if it doesn't agree with me we'll stop. Day 7 and so far so good :-) I'm feeling less stiff so mum has put my Metacam down a little bit. I've been a very happy girl for a week or so and mum says she hopes it lasts.

PS .. This is how I sleep in my tunnel now. It's only to hold my tummy.. Nothing else!"

Our humans steal our poop but not our pee. Your human is odd! We hope you stay a healthy happy furball!
P.S Tunnels are also good for squeakily popcorning through, which makes the humans laugh. Tell mum to keep updating the thread- we need our Fudge fix!
So glad your feeling better Fudge, tell your mum to give you a hug & kisses from us. Keep going your the groups mascot if your not, you should be. Hugs coming your way princess.