4th Match Failed= Devastated

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Of course- I love donating :) for animals.
I think there are discussions to be had tonight with my partner. We are so very torn we don't know what to do at present.

Part of me thinks she may well bully baby pig and what are we going to do when that happens? Couldn't give either up. That wouldn't be an option, we have no room for more cages etc... All these difficult decisions as well as what to do with Presley we must make tonight. I don't even know how we will manage to do it. Pros and cons list maybe?
:( :mal: I think I'd rather take a bullet for someone
Its a dilemma for you. Will let you know if any suitable pigs arrive x
I'm so sorry that you are going through this but please don't feel bad. None of this is your fault and sadly, it is out of our hands if piggies choose not to like each other.

After bonding Guinea pigs myself for many years, I once had a failed bond with a neutered boar when one of my sows hated him and a huge fight broke out. I had to make the heartbreaking decision to return him to the rescue as I wasn't in a position to spilt my piggies at that time and I new he wouldn't be happy with me.

It was just awful having to hand Ricky back as I had already fallen in love with him but he soon found his forever home with a sow who worshiped the ground he walked on.

I now always prefer rescues to do the bondings for me and I can warmly recommend @pig in the city who has done two successful bonds for me in the last year.

The journey to Barbara was around 1hr and 50 minutes each way but was very much worth it and all piggies were fine traveling.

All you can do is try.

I would highly recommend you take Barbara up on her offer to bond if she gets any suitable piggies in x
Thank you all so much for kind words.
It's good to have objective opinions.

We will just have to decide and that's it.
There is another factor to play in this as well, which is the fact that sadly the rescue doesn't do bondings which means there's a possibility he will end up being taken away, and then returned AGAIN.

Now I know how important it is for the rescues to do bonding service.

I also know they haven't got much money in this rescue and that the animals don't get fed much fresh food and veg. I know they aren't starving as such, but nutritionally, he would be much better off with us for his health ( he is still underweight) to have love and care we can provide, even if he lives next to biscuit with the divider on....

Someone said to me at work that there isn't a wrong decision here... Perhaps that is true. However, my morals tell me that for some reason in Norfolk piggies aren't that popular and people aren't educated or willing to learn more and they don't know they have these specific requirements (mainly cage size and I know people who keep them is smaller cages etc) and I don't want him to end up without the space he needs... Cage in the rescue was small. Too small to tell the truth. Of course they do best they can and its an amazing and hard work, they can only work with what they've got, but he now had a taste of other life....

I hope this makes sense, that other perspective on his health and well being rather than just him being able to bond with a wife or a boar friend. Of course I am totally aware how important that is as well, don't get me wrong, that is precisely what is hard to decide.
Would it be possible to try Biscuit with a baby sow and also keep your neutered boy and find him a new friend?

And then if you still have no luck in finding a match for Biscuit, she could still live next-door to your boy and his new friend meaning they all still had company and you wouldn't need to take him back to the rescue.

I would have loved to have kept Ricky but like I say, my circumstances at the time wouldn't have accommodated it.
Yup @Claire W that is one is the options. In fact that's my favourite one. Almost as if you read my mind :) I have considered that with the long term plan of us moving to a house eventually and then having 6 piggies would be like heaven to me. We could try to find these two a friend basically.
We were thinking about moving to a house for many reasons anyway so perhaps this is a sign we ought to? x
Yup @Claire W that is one is the options. In fact that's my favourite one. Almost as if you read my mind :) I have considered that with the long term plan of us moving to a house eventually and then having 6 piggies would be like heaven to me. We could try to find these two a friend basically.
We were thinking about moving to a house for many reasons anyway so perhaps this is a sign we ought to? x

I think it's definitely a sign if it means you can have more piggies and keep the ones you have at the minute :D

Before we brought our current house, we were renting a small terrace and although the landlord was fine with us having pets, there was sadly no space for them indoors so they had to live outdoors, first in a hutch and then a shed.

My current piggies now have their own room :whistle:
I think it's definitely a sign if it means you can have more piggies and keep the ones you have at the minute :D

Before we brought our current house, we were renting a small terrace and although the landlord was fine with us having pets, there was sadly no space for them indoors so they had to live outdoors, first in a hutch and then a shed.

My current piggies now have their own room :whistle:

Oh rub it in, won't you! :hmm:
One day. One day mine will have their own room too :))

Perhaps I'll just have a rescue pig farm :luv:
Oh rub it in, won't you! :hmm:
One day. One day mine will have their own room too :))

Perhaps I'll just have a rescue pig farm :luv:

But your set up looks amazing as it is :D and when I say they have their own room, what I really mean is they share their room with the computer (essentially hubbys office) :))
But your set up looks amazing as it is :D and when I say they have their own room, what I really mean is they share their room with the computer (essentially hubbys office) :))

Hahaha, I think yours must be the best educated piggies with all that Internet acces :D:D:D
Hi all,
Just wanted to say thank you for all the support and help and kind words.

After 3 hour long discussion yesterday we decided to keep Mr.Presley. For now he will live in cage next to Biscuit so they can see and smell each other and interact. It'll be better for him than totally solitary life in the shelter. He will also get better nutrition and care and love as well. These were main factors that we considered when voting yesterday (yes we held a referendum :) )

We would like him to settle and gain some weight. He is a bit underweight and has some getting used to his humans to do. He was precarious wild when we got him. We would like him to feel happy and relaxed ( this is the only pig I haven't seen lounging with legs out :( ) so hopefully with time and patience we will achieve this.

Short them plan is to let them both cool down and settle. In couple of months we will look to bond them both again, but of course it's other piggies. This means we will potentially have 6 pigs, but that's fine as we will be looking to move to gardened house soon. And that's the long term plan. I want hem to be able to run outside (if weather in Norfolk EVER improves that is haha).

It may be that Biscuit will never accept another pig. In which case we will arrange C&C in such way that she can still see Mr. Presely and his new wife.

That's the plan and slowly it will work out. He cannot go back. We can afford it and we have room for 2 separate C&C for him and Biscuit so he will stay where he will be cherished.

The best news is that @pig in the city kindly offered to do next bonding for us, so I'm at ease as though I've never met her I trust her 100% with this task.

It is safe to say I am addicted to Guineas. 6 is definitely the limit. Anymore than 3 cages would be harder to clean haha.

P.S.2 Mr. Presley just got weighted and he put on almost 30gramms in two days!! He's also now learn what the sound of plastic bags
means and is wheeking excitedly before food is served to him. I am extatic :)
I just am waiting for some correx to arrive and hopefully tomorrow we will reset all C&Cs to accommodate him. I was googling different cage ideas and set ups all evening yesterday. Have seen some most amazing cages, custom made in Germany ! They made me drool. Seeing they are 1000 Euros approx, we will stick to C&C I think hahaha.

Love you all and thank you for your help.
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:bal::bal:I truly hope so too... Should she decide against living with another piggy, she can at least have next door neighbour (s). Which is better than nothing x I love this forum. You are all incredibly supporting and knowledgeable. I'm hoping to learn loads and quick about pigs, and I'm last 3 months I've learnt an amazing amount of things about these incredible creatures :) and hope to learn more! There's a niche for holiday stay place for Guineas and rabbits and other rodents in Norfolk :shh::hmm:
P.S. Do you guys know how @Wiebke 's
boy Hywel doing post his recent op?

Thanks for asking! Hywel had a bit of a hiccup yesterday and needed an emergency trip to my local vets in the afternoon to check on his abscess, which is thankfully fine for the current stage of healing although it made the vet gulp at first! He still needs regular flushing and - with his open hole - is a very stinky boy. Abscesses are extremely smelly; you can't miss one once you've come across it!
Today, Hywel is fine in himself again, has a big appetite and food wheek and even did a mini-popcorn during roaming/cage cleaning time - he is coming up to 7 years old. His weight is slowly, slowly creeping up again, which I am very pleased about.
Thanks for asking! Hywel had a bit of a hiccup yesterday and needed an emergency trip to my local vets in the afternoon to check on his abscess, which is thankfully fine for the current stage of healing although it made the vet gulp at first! He still needs regular flushing and - with his open hole - is a very stinky boy. Abscesses are extremely smelly; you can't miss one once you've come across it!
Today, Hywel is fine in himself again, has a big appetite and food wheek and even did a mini-popcorn during roaming/cage cleaning time - he is coming up to 7 years old. His weight is slowly, slowly creeping up again, which I am very pleased about.

Oh blew his little feet. I'm glad he's recovering and mostly putting weight on.
7 years is an amazing again for a pigaroo! Well done for getting him there x
Can I ask what can cause abscess? Seems loads of pigs suffer from them at this point or other and I just wondered what's the most common reason x
Oh blew his little feet. I'm glad he's recovering and mostly putting weight on.
7 years is an amazing again for a pigaroo! Well done for getting him there x
Can I ask what can cause abscess? Seems loads of pigs suffer from them at this point or other and I just wondered what's the most common reason x

Hywel's recurring abscess problems have been caused by a dental root abscess, which has unfortunately gone into his bone jawbone. This is abscess #4 since last October.

Abscesses are not all that common; the most frequent are from deep bites during boar fights, post-neutering op complications, abscesses caused by dental problems and retrobulbar abscesses behind the eye.

You have to be aware that our health/illness section is not exactly representative. Once we are dealing with a certain issue, we then get several threads with the same or similar problems via googling. Currently, we have got post-neutering abscesses, back leg paralysis and digestive problems as our hot topics, but that will change again.
Hywel's recurring abscess problems have been caused by a dental root abscess, which has unfortunately gone into his bone jawbone. This is abscess #4 since last October.

Abscesses are not all that common; the most frequent are from deep bites during boar fights, post-neutering op complications, abscesses caused by dental problems and retrobulbar abscesses behind the eye.

You have to be aware that our health/illness section is not exactly representative. Once we are dealing with a certain issue, we then get several threads with the same or similar problems via googling. Currently, we have got post-neutering abscesses, back leg paralysis and digestive problems as our hot topics, but that will change again.

Oh poor piggies. Seems like abscess is an infection then... Poor piglets, breaks my heart they have to go through all that at all :(

x here's to all recovering pigaroos x:hug:
Oh poor piggies. Seems like abscess is an infection then... Poor piglets, breaks my heart they have to go through all that at all :(

x here's to all recovering pigaroos x:hug:
P.S. I would never think Guineas can have
Teeth issues... Other than then not growing straight due to genetically defects etc...
image.webp @Wiebke @VickiA @pig in the city @Claire W etc :)
So after pretty much whole day of cleaning and disinfecting and changing the layout we finally finished the re-juggle and the cage swap.

Correx arrived finally after not tuning up yesterday :( so we were able to extend Mr.Presley's new cage. Phew.
Sadly had to put oanel of correx between the two as he kept chewing the bars passionately and I don't want him to ruin his teeth :( hopefully they'll settle and stop chewing grids soon?

He's now in a snot with me as its a bit dark and obviously I put the separator in so he gave me dirty look and went in his sleeve! Hahaha

Do you guys think he'll get used to her being there and will ever stop chewing the bars?
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View attachment 49439 @Wiebke @VickiA @pig in the city @Claire W etc :)
So after pretty much whole day of cleaning and disinfecting and changing the layout we finally finished the re-juggle and the cage swap.

Correx arrived finally after not tuning up yesterday :( so we were able to extend Mr.Presley's new cage. Phew.
Sadly had to put oanel of correx between the two as he kept chewing the bars passionately and I don't want him to ruin his teeth :( hopefully they'll settle and stop chewing grids soon?

He's now in a snot with me as its a bit dark and obviously I put the separator in so he gave me dirty look and went in his sleeve! Hahaha

Do you guys think he'll get used to her being there and will ever stop chewing the bars?

He will get used to her being there. I always get a lot bar chewing when a new boar or sow arrives here.
Great set up there. And the bar chewing will settle down in time - it's just very noisy and you are right they can damage their teeth so,a bit of a divider is no bad thing. Fingers crossed for a lady love for him very soon.
@pig in the city @Wiebke @VickiA @Claire W
Hi all. I'm back. Presley is settling well in his new C&C cage.
A question: has anyone ever experienced a failed bonding which then was resumed says couple of, or more months later and was successful after two lone pigs living next door to each other? I'm curious if that ever happen to anyone.
I'm observing Biscuit and Presley every day and he does adore her. Such a shame she doesn't. However funnily enough - they always sleep right next to each other. They rumble a little, she's pretty much shoving her bum in front of his nose. They've been grooming though the grids (as much as the holes allow) and I wonder if this is normal for two pigs to appear like they like and miss each other when separated with the divider but not when in one cage?

Also, with time will they be able to play together during floor time at all? I wondered as I've seen few posts on various pages on FB etc where it's evident that some people bring heir piggies into picnics and that they play together supervised etc so I wondered if that's possible/allowed at all?
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