@ Wiebke ... Do you think there's any point to continue this then? I don't want them to be unhappy... I saw them together happy San excited and zooming and popcorning on Saturday and took it as a sign that they are ready to be moved into their cage. Looks like I was wrong again. If we pursue then will they ever settle and be happy? Or is it unlikely?
All I want to do is to ensure that I'm doing the right thing. Even if it'll be extremely hard to take him back to the shelter I would like him to have a chance to find his sow-wife so he can be happy... Don't want to force it, just because we may find it hard to take him back, as we have obviously fallen in love with this gorgeous boy

I wasn't actually separating them since last Monday, although we have the dustpan at ready

we kept our cool and didn't get involved as we haven't see what I'm imagining is a full on fight...we won't till I see serious cuts... All I found past week were couple of scratches and two slightly deeper ones, but not deeper than 2-3 millimeters , more like misjudged nips. Again I may be very very wrong here.
We have more videos and I can upload if that could help us, but I didn't want to put too much on here... They don't have any hideys anymore as I felt she'll get territorial over them as well... They feel safe at the bottom cage as it has roof of course .
@Wiebke @VickiA do you both agree I should try swapping cages so the bottom one is completely new to her too? Would it work?
At the moment they are back to the mixing pen all clean and different set up to one they had till Saturday and instantly Simon and I saw her confidence dropped ...
@Wiebke how is your little
darling boy doing ? X