4th Match Failed= Devastated

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Good evening lovely people. Another small compilation of Presley and Biscuit's behaviours tonight some 20 mins ago.

P.S. I have also performed an outstanding activity of holding one piggie to check for any scraps etc and stroking Biscuit with my foot as she demanded attention as well... All that whilst standing on one leg - wish someone recorded that serious multitasking :lol::lol::lol:

Looking considerably more relaxed, there.

They have an occasional chin off but it's short and no teeth chattering anymore (fingers crossed it'll remain this way). I've just checked on them and they're sleeping in approx 40-50cm distance, so she's not hogging the area he is in...
image.webp image.webp image.webp image.webp image.webp image.webp image.webp @Wiebke @pig in the city @VickiA

Morning update:
Woke up this morning and found clumps of biscuits hair in the cage again.
Does it mean there was another fight?
One clump (black hair) had a crusty bit of scub. We checked her skin further and there are loads of areas especially at the the top of her back and rump. It kinda looks like dandruff in humans if that makes sense?
Now I'm thinking if it could be lice?her skin looks rather dry :( Don't think it's mites as they had anti mite treatments at the vets some 10 weeks ago and there are no back patches. I did however think the other day her fur looks a bit scruffy, not as sleek as usual but I put it down them two having a chase etc... She's the only pig we have with longer hair ( must be 1/4 Peruvian or something) so her hair is never as smooth as others ... But still

Here is what it looks like :no::(
Sorry pictures uploaded above
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View attachment 49249 View attachment 49250 View attachment 49251 View attachment 49252 View attachment 49253 View attachment 49254 View attachment 49255 @Wiebke @pig in the city @VickiA

Morning update:
Woke up this morning and found clumps of biscuits hair in the cage again.
Does it mean there was another fight?
One clump (black hair) had a crusty bit of scub. We checked her skin further and there are loads of areas especially at the the top of her back and rump. It kinda looks like dandruff in humans if that makes sense?
Now I'm thinking if it could be lice?her skin looks rather dry :( Don't think it's mites as they had anti mite treatments at the vets some 10 weeks ago and there are no back patches. I did however think the other day her fur looks a bit scruffy, not as sleek as usual but I put it down them two having a chase etc... She's the only pig we have with longer hair ( must be 1/4 Peruvian or something) so her hair is never as smooth as others ... But still

It could be dry skin or the beginning of fungal or mites (which are most often brought on by a lowering of the immune system through stress or illness, so regular treatment won't prevent an outbreak, as most piggies have got mites eggs in their skin), but it is definitely not a fight. Just keep an eye on it and see a vet if it gets worse.

Here is what it looks like :no::(
Sorry pictures uploaded above
Can I do anything to help her skin now?
Would any shampoos from Gorgeous Guineas work?

Can I do anything to help her skin now?
Would any shampoos from Gorgeous Guineas work?

I would not home treat on spec. If you need to see a vet in the end, any skin treatment of yours basically wipes out all the traces on the crime scene and makes a proper diagnosis with the appropriate treatment so much more difficult. If you are very worried, book a vet appointment.
Ok, I think we will keep an eye on it...
One more thing to worry about :mal:

I found scabs on Presley's skin as well... They look slightly different (I think) so I actually don't know if they aren't bites? Which don't look like recent ones... There's scanning and bald patch of skin as if clump was pulled out (that must hurt). Although I know when their wounds heal the hair falls out of the area and the grows back as our other boy, Presley had an old scab from his fight he got in the shelter :( and that looked OK and healed and after week or so old scabby skin fell off, revealing smooth and bald patch which then got covered with new hair...

I would not home treat on spec. If you need to see a vet in the end, any skin treatment of yours basically wipes out all the traces on the crime scene and makes a proper diagnosis with the appropriate treatment so much more difficult. If you are very worried, book a vet appointment.
I think
One off my past piggies, Erika had a dry patch like that as well as a few tufts of fur with a piece of skin suck to it like your photos.

I asked my vet to take a look whilst I was there with one of my other piggies who ruled out mites and fungal and suggested that Erika wasn't grooming herself properly in certain areas causing her to develop little dry patches.

I tried sudocrem on the dry patches but it just made her fur greasy so I gently bathed the dry skin with a cotton bud and clean warm water which helped.

Like @Wiebke has mentioned though, have her checked out by a vet if you are concerned and don't treat on spec if you are intending to see a vet.
I agree , get them both checked by your vet. Its such a rollercoaster for you this, one day good, the next not so good. But overall it seems to be going in the right direction?
Oh, it's a roller coaster indeed.
If I do take them to the vet, should hey travel in the same carrier ?:blink: We have a large one x

I agree , get them both checked by your vet. Its such a rollercoaster for you this, one day good, the next not so good. But overall it seems to be going in the right direction?
Yes, that should help the bonding process, the stress of travelling should bring them together

I don't think our efforts will return the result we want to see... You must all be so fed up with me and believe I'm fed up to. I don't think I've ever been more confused in my entire life and I've been on this world for quite a while :mal:

I'm thinking that he's not happy and she's bullying him and I'm petrified he will turn like her and never find a piggy friend, I also think Biscuit is going to have to stay alone wasting the huge cage which could be a home to 3 pigs !:(
I don't know Why she looks ok and relaxed one day and then she attacks him after jumping into the same hidey he was in?!?!?

I think we saw them fight 3 times within space of 1-1.5 hrs max. I say I think because i still don't know what a full on fight looks like but we found this on the Internet and this is more or less what they did when they launched at at each other... Well biscuit sadly started it for unknown reason she jumped into the hay pool Presley was in and closely something didn't go according to her desires... I also found a scratch/shallow cut on Presley's lip, wasn't there on Tuesday when I checked him. He also has two scabs on his back. But here's the video that is closest to what our guys looked like when fighting. Biscuit pulled chunk of Presley's fur under his chin and there's a little scratch, like a blood dot there and it's definitely happened today in front of us and it's fresh red blood dot. We just didn't see it coming and weren't ready to record and it lasted 3 seconds maybe 5 tops

And to top it all off we thoroughly checked biscuit's fur again and found worrying signs... Now I start to think it could be mites, but also a fight since clearly she's still aggressive and we witnessed it today when we thought they settle since last time we saw it on Saturday.

Could mites be the reason she's more irritable !?!? I mean her mood is literally changing by from day to day, like the direction of the wind... As I do think it's mites, I don't think he'd bite her like that... And also would it mean the healing scabs on him are mites too? But again, they do look healed and mites just don't go away without treatment...
image.webp image.webp image.webp image.webp image.webp
If you saw what I saw in the vid above then that's a biting fight and the wounds you can see on Presley look like bites to me (although the images are a bit unclear). I've had several very tense and less than ideal bondings over the years and a couple of failures. I'm afraid I agree that it's time to separate before things get any worse and anyone gets hurt more badly than they are already. I'm so very sorry that this hasn't worked.

You could later try her with a baby sow who will be no threat to her and won't want to mount her either. My Mollie accepted little Mabel where she had fought with other piggies she'd been introduced to.
I think we will need to come to a decision by Saturday because we can't keept this buy as we have no room. Well we do for lone pigs, yeah we could potentially keep Presely, but that's not the point. He can still find a happy home and a happy cage mate... I think it's lost cause for Biscuit, I really do. I don't know why she's like that. I don't know why they act seemingly ok one day only to ruin our hopes next day. I know one thing, it's been now two weeks of this uncertainty, mixed emotions, hopes and realisations it won't work. However, none of that is definite enough.
I onto wish she just chose one way or another, I think she confused us all

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If you saw what I saw in the vid above then that's a biting fight and the wounds you can see on Presley look like bites to me (although the images are a bit unclear). I've had several very tense and less than ideal bondings over the years and a couple of failures. I'm afraid I agree that it's time to separate before things get any worse and anyone gets hurt more badly than they are already. I'm so very sorry that this hasn't worked.

You could later try her with a baby sow who will be no threat to her and won't want to mount her either. My Mollie accepted little Mabel where she had fought with other piggies she'd been introduced to.

Hi @VickiA
So it's not mites she has then :(
If that's a full on fight that I saw it more than 5 times between them... Since Monday last week. I wish I found this video earlier so I knew what a real fight looks like :(

I'm scared of introducing her to baby piggie. I think she'll end up bullying her. And what if the younger piggie grows up and stands up to her? This is all so awful. I wish she was acting consistently and if she did the boy would be back in the rescue ... Now I'm attached to him and running though various options in my head, although I know the only fair one is to take him back and give him change for a new bond rather than keeping him for selfish reasons and on his own :(

I feel awful.
I am so sorry, but please don't give up on Biscuit as there is a friend for her out there. I know its stressful, have a break and think about it in a couple of weeks. I wish you were near us, we could do the bonding for you xx
She may have mites too. Piggies suffer mites when stressed and introductions are stressful. She should be vet checked.

If you saw a full biting fight then you should separate them, as once this has happened it is clearly more than a nip and shows she has made up her mind. The bonding has failed.

Have you a cage/pen to separate them while you sort out returning him to the rescue.

If that is a bite on his chin (and it looks like one to me) please clean with cooled boiled water with salt and check to make sure it doesn't become infected.
I don't think words can describe how bad I feel now for bringing this little fella home and now will be taking him back after two weeks...I can't stop crying. It's almost pathetic.
If you all agree that the example video is a full on fight then I'm so in guilt that I naively thought it's only a squabble because I'm sure they've done that at least 8 times since last Monday if I wanted to add all these, what we now know were, fights. They never lasted more than 5 second that's why in didn't take it seriously enough. Should have researched more,
Shouldn't have stopped googling for fights examples ... Should have never attempted bonding myself at home for my own pigs. I'll never do it again. I get to emotionally attached to them and now I'm paying a price , plus he will have to go back now. Just an awful thing to do to a rescue pet. Biscuit will never get on with another pig I don't think. Her bahviours aren't normal. They don't follow any patterns and aren't consistent. If she hates him and did from the start why was she biting the cage bars when they were separated with the divider etc? Why did she do a show of positive signs and improvement only to attack him next day 3 times? I don't think I could trust her with other pigs ever.
I am so sorry, but please don't give up on Biscuit as there is a friend for her out there. I know its stressful, have a break and think about it in a couple of weeks. I wish you were near us, we could do the bonding for you xx

There is literally no other rescues in the area who do the bonding. The closest one is Woodgreen, but they have no single boars at present...it's all shambles... Almost like no one in stupid Norfolk owns Guinea Pigs :(
Please stop beating yourself up. :ple:. None of this is your fault.

Don't feel bad for the little boar. He deserves a chance for a happy relationship. As with humans it takes 2 to make it work. By returning him he will get another chance at happiness. Look to the positive.

Please don't dislike or blame your girl either. She can't help how she feels about him any more than we humans can feel about other humans. It's an arranged marriage that hasn't worked.

As for your girl I really think she needs a break. Some time alone without the stress of another piggy bonding. As she has now rejected so many boars I would accept her decision that she doesn't want a male mounting her. I would really look for a baby sow. Believe me my Mollie is huge and a thug. She accepted a baby sow when she had rejected every other option. They get on brilliantly and little Mabel adores her. I think your girl has similar feelings and behaviour to my Mollie.
Please stop beating yourself up. :ple:. None of this is your fault.

Don't feel bad for the little boar. He deserves a chance for a happy relationship. As with humans it takes 2 to make it work. By returning him he will get another chance at happiness. Look to the positive.

Please don't dislike or blame your girl either. She can't help how she feels about him any more than we humans can feel about other humans. It's an arranged marriage that hasn't worked.

As for your girl I really think she needs a break. Some time alone without the stress of another piggy bonding. As she has now rejected so many boars I would accept her decision that she doesn't want a male mounting her. I would really look for a baby sow. Believe me my Mollie is huge and a thug. She accepted a baby sow when she had rejected every other option. They get on brilliantly and little Mabel adores her. I think your girl has similar feelings and behaviour to my Mollie.

I'm trying not feel bad, but I can't control it.
I don't dislike my girl. I love my furry baby to bits, I'm just disappointed. If only I had a house and a huge garden... Can't stop ifs and buts...:( Biscuit rejected 3 boars now and on sow. She had a break as well... Over 2,5 months... Woodgreen tried mixing her with a girl couple months younger than her and she attacked her almost immediately. Now I believe they meant a full on fight like I saw with these two. At least I learnt what it looks like now :-/ what if she's alone for too long and will never accept a friend? Seems like it's going down that route ...
I just worry that the boy will end up in a worse home where someone will take him for the thrill of a moment, like many people do, without investigating what environment they need etc
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I am so sorry, but please don't give up on Biscuit as there is a friend for her out there. I know its stressful, have a break and think about it in a couple of weeks. I wish you were near us, we could do the bonding for you xx

@Pig on the city we are 3 hours away. Do you think it's a too long journey for a piggy? I'd love you to do bonding for my girl. I feel like you guys on here are my only hope. I don't think Woodgreen will ever try to help us agin. I haven't heard from them for ages and I think they just agreed that she's 'too difficult' to bond :( I struggle to believe there weren't any single neutered boars arriving there in last 2,5 months...
Woke up hoping yesterday's events were only a nightmare... Sadly not :(

At least the weather here is as miserable as I am... Can't even have these pigs out in the garden as it rains all the time :(
@Pig on the city we are 3 hours away. Do you think it's a too long journey for a piggy? I'd love you to do bonding for my girl. I feel like you guys on here are my only hope. I don't think Woodgreen will ever try to help us agin. I haven't heard from them for ages and I think they just agreed that she's 'too difficult' to bond :( I struggle to believe there weren't any single neutered boars arriving there in last 2,5 months...
I don't think the distance is an issue as such, you could bring her and leave her with us for a while and l could try her with different piggies. I don't have any suitable at the moment though. I agree a baby sow would be the best. If you find a baby l would happily do the bonding for you, would just ask for a donation to the rescue x
Of course- I love donating :) for animals.
I think there are discussions to be had tonight with my partner. We are so very torn we don't know what to do at present.

Part of me thinks she may well bully baby pig and what are we going to do when that happens? Couldn't give either up. That wouldn't be an option, we have no room for more cages etc... All these difficult decisions as well as what to do with Presley we must make tonight. I don't even know how we will manage to do it. Pros and cons list maybe?
:( :mal: I think I'd rather take a bullet for someone

I don't think the distance is an issue as such, you could bring her and leave her with us for a while and l could try her with different piggies. I don't have any suitable at the moment though. I agree a baby sow would be the best. If you find a baby l would happily do the bonding for you, would just ask for a donation to the rescue x
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