help and advice needed

  1. dannif_piggies

    Just a coincidence?

    So to sum up, I recently posted about changing Honey and Willows bedding to paper based bedding, with the idea that this would make it easier for Honey not to stand all in her soft poops, as they wouldn't just sit on the top of the fleece. Before I tried something like carefresh, I thought i...
  2. P

    Help for two piggies!

    Hi there, I'm new to this forum so sorry if I am reposting but I really need some advice. I've got 3 girls myself, I bought 2 as a pair from a breeder and adopted a third who settled in brilliant with them and there have been no issues since. However I am currently looking after my friends two...
  3. B

    Sneezing and slight cough. What is it?

    Hello, I recently got two new skinny pigs about a week ago Char(Charcoal) and Scotch. When I first got them I heard small sneezing noises and was highly concerned. I contacted the local pet store where I received them (private owned pet store). The pet store held onto them for a few days and...
  4. M

    Difficult Guinea Pig

    Hey all! I got my first guinea pig last year. When i first got her she was super sweet and didn’t seem to have a problem (she was also just itty bitty). Now moving more closer to her 1st birthday she can’t stand to be handled.. bites (where blood is drawn) and just overall hates me or my...
  5. R

    Help? My guinea pigs won't stop strangling their water bottle!

    Hello everyone? uh, this is kind of awkward because I've never posted on this kind of site before, but I'm doing it because I'm desperate. Hopefully I can get some answers rather quickly.. I have a problem that's pretty much what the title claims. My guinea pigs will NOT stop torturing and pulling...
  6. ellapuke

    Pigs fighting, please help.

    I have 2 guinea pigs (females) . One is 2 years old and the other is 1 years old. They have a big cage and are taken care of regularly . They have lived together for 4-6 months and there was no fighting. But one day when i was sleeping i heard really loud noises of them fighting, so i separated...
  7. L

    PLEASE HELP! Sick piggie

    Hi. I’ve had my guinea pig for around a year and a half now, and I’m starting to get worried about him. He’s had bumblefoot all his life, and I’ve treated it so many times. He’s been on antibiotics three times, as well as home treatments. It didn’t go away this time. He’s also lost some weight...
  8. S

    What happened

    Hi. I want to preface this with that I am new here, but I needed to share my experience. I lost my precious baby girl Cocoa last night, and the pain is still very fresh and graphic in my mind. But there’s something bugging me about it and it’s killing me. Cocoa was 5 years and 11 months old...
  9. dannif_piggies

    Am I trying for selfish reasons?

    Firstly I'm sorry if this is in the wrong section.. A bit of background story, Honey has ovarian cysts an successfully came through the spay, however since being given medication her gut has been completely thrown off and apart from one episode of decent poops (not perfect) she has had...
  10. AlphaUrd13

    Is this food chart accurate?

    Hello, I have been a G piggy mommy for almost 2 months and the research never ends when it comes to my piggies' health and diet and always stumble upon new website offering a variety of info. Some tend to clash with info on other sites so I figured starting a thread here and asking for help...
  11. A

    Guinea pig making wet noise when he eats?

    My skinny pig has been eating weird and now and then makes so sort of wet noise he also has to hold his food down and rips pieces off of it? My other Guineas have never done any of these things? And I just over thinking? Help! He eats perfectly fine though and hasn’t stopped at all.
  12. N

    Is my cage big enough for 4 piggies?

    Hi there, I'm currently looking into upgrading my piggies cage, I currently have 2 male pigs in a pet shop cage (I know it's bad, it's only temporary and they are out all the time) I'm looking into building my own cage and using a base that will be 150cm × 75cm and eventually I want to grow my...
  13. dannif_piggies

    Pellet suggestion (UK)

    I'm looking for a new pellet to feed my piggies. However what kind of levels should I be looking for in terms of fibre, protein, calcium, etc..? I recently realised that the pellets my pigs are on are alfalfa based which would've been fine for Willow as a baby, but I'm concerned these are too...
  14. dannif_piggies

    Cannot get rid of soft poops

    Sorry in advance for the long post.. So for anyone that has been following Honey's experience of having a Spay, they will know that two days before her spay she got very soft poops, and this has continued still to this day (since the 15th September), various things along the way could have...
  15. dannif_piggies

    Those of you that have a hay box...

    Hey guys, those of you that have a dedicated hay box, rather than a hay rack or just using hay as bedding, what do you use below the hay? I would love to have a dedicated hay section/box for the piggies especially Willow as she is always jumping in the hay rack to run through it... I used to...
  16. T

    Bonded pair fighting

    Hi everyone, about eight months ago I adopted two pigs from a shelter. They are two male piggies about a year old at adoption and were already bonded. I could tell from their interactions that one pig, Tucker, was the dominant pig. Although lately Wilbur the other pig is starting to fight and...
  17. R

    New Bigger Cage, Piggie Refuses To Use Ramps. Need Advice.

    Hello, I am new to this site and in need of advice. My wife and I just decided to upgrade our Guinea Pigs cage and are having trouble transitioning her into it. The old cage was the Midwest Habitat Cage, and we purchased the Midwest Habitat Plus to add onto it. It has this divider to separate...
  18. S

    Help with pregnant guineapig

    Hi all i have a pregnant guineapig named mrs pig that i got about 9 weeks ago from a breeder i was told she may be pregnant and I'm 100% sure she is as she just got bigger and bigger and now i can see the babies moving around i have had a guineapig have babies when i was a child and everything...
  19. Little trinquet

    Unexpected new Guinea pig owner. (Australia)

    First I have never owned a guinea pig in my life, so I mean no disrespect to anyone for my lack of knowledge if this is all normal. and This is my first guinea pig, I was not exactly expecting to take home any that day more just looking around, looking into it all. and trying to look into the...
  20. Celine298

    Blood in Pee

    Hello all! Sunny has a mysterious illness and I thought I would put it out there to see if anyone else has encountered it. Two weeks ago I noticed some red patches in the cage when cleaning it. I took Sunny and Lola out, gave them a thorough inspection and palpitated their tummy's (like the...