help and advice needed

  1. NightingaleTear

    Fungal infection on my pig's inner thighs/belly?

    I have been watching two spots on my pig, Sundae, for the past 3-4 months. they are located on his inner thighs almost on his belly, and they're symmetrical to each other. They almost look like nipples, but he is a male, not a female, and he hasn't had them there before, so i was able to rule...
  2. Connor123

    Guinea pig biting!

    I have 2 guinea pigs, squeak and fluff. Squeaks has been pretty aggressive lately ever since we got fluff. Squeaks loves being pet and will usually never bite. But sometimes squeaks will stand over fluff (fluff is smaller) and will repetitively nip fluff ever 30 second about, and when I try to...
  3. dannif_piggies

    Coroplast problems

    So the base of my c&c is currently corrugated plastic sheet from wickes, before little one Willow arrived it was doing the job fine, as my older one Honey is extremely calm, but now Willow keeps jumping around and now the sides of the coroplast base have started to "cave" inwards. (hope people...
  4. Bacon

    Can a male guinea pig around 2 years old still have a friend?

    I'm new to owning a guinea pig and before I got my 2 year old male guinea pig named Waffle everywhere I looked was saying no matter what he needs to have another guinea pig with him. I went to the pet store the other day and they said that since he is a older unbounded male he is now too...
  5. MochaLocha

    One of my guinea pigs have a weird eye?

    I've had my guinea pigs for awhile now, none of them have been sick and my guinea pig Patchy has had this small eye and big eye for awhile now. Were thinking she is blind (or will become blind) in that eye. She has never shown signs of sickness, in fact she is very curious and loves eating. So...
  6. D

    My guinea pig died last night...😢💔

    So, My guniea pig (Joseph) went to rainbow bridge last night and I am heartbroken, he was my first pet. I have another guniea pig (spencer) and they used to live together and the one who died was the more dominant one so the other guniea pig is finding it hard. He only comes out for food and...
  7. piggielover21

    Bonding Boys! Help

    Hi there, So i have Dexter he's 2 years and 2 months old he's very chilled out. He lived with his other male friend for 2 years, but he sadly passed away. Today is Sunday, on Friday i picked up a new piggie. Called Teddy he is 11 weeks old and he's very confident and lively. They have been next...
  8. F

    Guinea Pig X-ray

    Hello i have a male guinea pig who is around 2 years old.. he cry's every time he has a wee and he has tried different Medicine didn't work.... they have said the next step is to have an x-ray... i can have him knocked out by an injection OR gass in a box. I'm terrified of if he doesn't wake up...
  9. D

    Guinea Pigs Acting Strange and Hardly Moving

    Hi, just signed up to post this. My guinea pigs are acting strange. I’ve had them for two years, and they’re essentially wild Guinea pigs (they go out the entire day and we just shut them in at night) which means they’re not very tame. They don’t get easily spooked, and are usually calm...
  10. Streaky

    Moving away to Uni!

    Hi all, Not sure what section to be posting this on but I’m hoping to go off to uni this September however I won’t have anyone to look after Streaky which is really sad! Does anyone know what I could do? Or if anyone could look after him? I live in Birmingham and will hopefully be going to a...
  11. D

    Can someone Give me Information?

    Hi, In the past 2-3 weeks I have been noticing some drastic weight loss in my Guinea pig. He was 1.2 now 0.78. I have took him to the vets but they haven’t been able to give any answers. His eyes are small and squinted and he looks weak and the veterinarian has given him fluid ( he thinks he’s...
  12. Molly03

    Emergency My guinea pig isn’t moving and hasn’t eaten

    Usually my albino guinea pig Alfie is full of life and loves having a run about, when I went to clean his and his brothers cage I realised he wasn’t acting himself, his eyes looked tired and his fur was puffed up. Usually he gets very excited when I clean the cage because he gets more time to...
  13. Gemm24

    Dental Advice please after a dental

    Hi My guinea pig went for a dental 3 days ago. He was VERY groggy and out of it when he came home after his operation and they gave him a subcutaneous fluid injection. He now seems much brighter and happier and seems himself EXCEPT he is still struggling to eat. He is eating thin bits of hay...
  14. piggielover21

    Bonding a baby piggie with my two year old piggie HELP!

    HELP! So I've had two boys for two years both just over two years of age. Sadly recently I have lost one, he got poorly and had to be put to sleep :( . My boy Dexter has done amazing since, at first I could tell he missed him but six weeks on he's back to normal. He's a very fat fluffy pipgie...
  15. Mony

    Bedding ideas for outdoor enclosure

    So I’m planning on converting an old wooden sandpit into a guinea pig enclosure. The sand pit has large grounded posts on four corners as there used to be a cubby house on top. With this I plan the build a cage like enclosure where the pigs will have more room to roam than an ordinary cage...
  16. JuliaDunne

    Pregnant Male Piggy?!

    Hi! Was looking for some advice really, we bought 2 piggies for our sons 3 months ago (spiderpig & batpig) obviously i had nothing to do with their naming! But in the last few days we’ve noticed spider pig getting a lot rounder! We were told they were boys.....can anyone offer any advice...
  17. meikareeses

    my guinea pig had a seizure ?

    last night he fell asleep in my arms and then started twitching and shaking? and he couldn’t get up, wasn’t responding but he was still breathing. we gave him water & he finally stood up and started walking again. right now he’s eating a bunch and drinking a lot of water? but what was that? why...
  18. The Chipmunks


    I bought three male guinea pigs at the beginning of January 2018, it was not the plan as I went in to buy two but left with three because I did not have it in me to leave the third behind. I named them Alvin, Simon, and Theodore. However, I soon noticed that there was something wrong with Alvin...
  19. Sophiiiaac

    I think my piggy has a fungus! PLZ HELP

    My guinea pig has a bumpy white fungus looking thing behind her ear. There is some blood but I watched her for a while and she hasn’t been scratching excessively. I googled it and it said that it could be ringworm or mites? I’m not sure how to treat her and there aren’t any vets near me that are...
  20. Z

    *** should I get a rabbit ? *****

    Hi , I’ve just lost my hamster a while back and even though I couldn’t ever replace him I’ve been looking into animals that could kinda fill the hole . I looked at guinea pigs and now I’m looking at rabbits . I’m not sure what small animal to get but I’m really concerned on how much rabbits...