help and advice needed

  1. sundaepig

    help! guinea pigs hate eachother

    i used to have two girls, butterscotch and cashew. cashew was always the shy, submissive one of the two. unfortunately butterscotch passed away a few months ago and my city only seemed to have pairs up for adoption and i didnt have a big enough space for 3. well that changed and i have a...
  2. Ladeofshade

    Emergency Really Worried - Piggy badly straining and not eating

    Hello, I’ve just joined. I hope someone can help. My guinea pig is not himself, he’s not eating much, he’s oinking (much more than normal, not all happy oinks) but every 2 minutes you can see him strain really hard and he oinks. He has had some poos come out but don’t seem as normal. I have an...
  3. R

    White scabs on my guinea pig cookie

    Hi everyone, I hope you can help as I am a bit stuck over what to do with my guinea pig cookie. I can post some bettter photos this week if that helps. I took cookie to the vet just over 2 weeks ago as she had some scabs on her sides and back in various places, mainly in the roset middles. They...
  4. T

    I think my guinea pig is pregnant?

    Hi, I'm not a native English speaker so sorry if I screw the grammar or something. I bought my 2 Guinea pigs on October, almost November, I remember seeing that both were females, but now in January I've been noticing that molotov, one of my guineas, is kind of big and pear shaped, something...
  5. O

    new guinea pigs: how am i doing? anything i should know?

    hi all :) i bought my 6 week old guinea pigs yesterday from a pet store (i couldn't find a rescue near me). one is crested (crystal) and the other is an american (lulu), i was told they are girls. they're currently living in a 2x5 c&c cage with a corflute liner. i've also lined the corflute with...
  6. T

    Help with bonding sow!

    Hi guys, Me and my BF are new piggie slaves haha. Everyday I try to inform myself about caring of pigs, thus resulted in me joining this forum! Though it seems we should've educated ourselves prior. We have 4 sows, We recently got our fourth on early december. I read all about bonding and i'm...
  7. I'm not sure

    Can i ask for advise

    I've had Guinea pigs my hole life and they've always been little rugby balls but one of me three Guinea pigs is quite skinny. He is a happy little chap and gets along with his brothers I try to feed him separately when I can but he just hardly eats. You can feel his spine and legs and is just a...
  8. Jesse's pigs

    Loss of appetite

    So if you saw my last thread about Steve's eye, he saw a vet and was given the OK. Infact it's yet again returned to normal. However upon waking up the smorning for work (4am yay) and replenishing hay and offering a morning Vege, Steve isn't eating. Albeit I'm getting ready and have to leave...
  9. M

    New piggy owner and a little confused

    Hiya :) so two weeks ago I adopted two male, rosette pigs at around 7 weeks old (they're absolutely lovely!) This is the first time I've had my own and did as much research I could before bringing the boys home; the first week all was fine, getting used to the new surroundings and me of course...
  10. elris

    alternatives to cat litter

    we bought cat litter for our pigs without any research ch on how bad it is for them. can anyone offer some alternatives to soak up guinea pig pee.
  11. Jesse's pigs

    Suspected bumblefoot

    I returned home from a week's holiday yesterday (six hour drive 😭) and my two hooligans stayed with a friend as opposed to my nan after their recent hay poke adventures (my nan can't see if anything is in/near the eye). And I cannot fault how she's looked after them. Both look happy and if I'm...
  12. L

    We don’t know what’s wrong...

    We would really appreciate some experienced advice. We have a male guinea pig called Bobby. He is 2. We noticed 2 weeks ago that he was lethargic and not eating much. We took him to the vet straight away (at this point he weighed 1.4 kg). We wanted to rule out gut issues and teeth issues so...
  13. grassypiggy

    confusing first day. advice needed

    (get ready for long question, oops) so i got my first girls Eloise and Eclair today! but its been odd! one of them is bold and has been wheeking ever since i brought out the timothy hay (they were being fed incorrect hay in previous home) and is being very bold (eating out my hand, coming to...
  14. elris

    please help - itchy guinea pig after arrival of new companion

    hello, i have recently bought a baby guinea pig to be a companion for my one year old lola. from the day that i got her, lola has begun scratching pretty heavily, mainly around her nose and towards her back. i’ve never seen her do this before. i bought a flea/mite treatment and used it on both...
  15. Brackenwolf1

    My Guinea pig has lost weight

    Hi I have a group of 3 13 week old male guinea pigs and I have one that the vet has confirmed is the runt. I weighed the boys last night a rolo (the runt) has lost weight and is now only 389g where as his brothers are around 500g. I hand feed rolo his veg but I was wondering what I could feed...
  16. T

    Bonded Pair Gone Bad

    Hi I rescue animals including guinea pigs with my fiancé. I have four permanent piggies in my home and I’ve run into a bit of a problem with a pair I took in about a year ago that’s been slowly getting worse the older they get. I rescued two male boats who were litter mates and they argued a...
  17. raynarem

    scared guinea pig

    hi! i’m not sure what category this would go under, but i guess it deals with my guinea pigs behavior. the fourth of july is only in 2 days, and i’m worried about my pig getting scared. he’s not phased by thunder storms from what i’ve seen, but i know it’s common for them to be scared by the...
  18. N

    Guinea Pig Scab

    Hello! I just made an account today, my name is Nikku and I have 2 female guinea pigs. Today, I spotted some sort of mark on one of my piggies and when I got a closer look, it looked like a dry wound or scab of some sort on the side of her left front leg. I also noticed she was missing a small...
  19. Angel_Celeste

    Concerned over behaviour.

    Hi all, I'm posting on behalf of my sister, who's extremely concerned about her Guinea pig. We've had him for around 3 months now, and I believe he's between 6-7 months old. We've just bought two more Guinea pigs yesterday, both female, and are housing them in a separate cage until he can be...
  20. Maddy_Loves_Animals

    My roughly 4 month old piggy bunny hops and issues with how Petland cares for pets

    Basically I was wondering if I could do something to help calm and soothe Luna so she doesn’t scream as much and figure out what the bunny hopping is. Below is a very long explanation to Luna’s background if you want to read. She was also very very tiny when I bought her and looked roughly 2...