help and advice needed

  1. Z

    FOR HAMSTER OWNERS *** please help

    Hi , I have a hamster called Rhino who I love so much and one day I was doing my daily check when I realised he had a crusty eye so I cleaned it and carried on and he still has a week later and now is really weak , can hardly walk , won’t eat or drink , is tierd all the time and never comes out...
  2. J

    Bored, lonely guinea pig?

    I have a four year old guinea pig whose friend passed away about six months ago. My guinea pig didn't really care that her friend was gone, she was eating and drinking normally and she didn't gain or lose any weight. She didn't get depressed or anything like that. But lately i just don't know...
  3. Kiko+Peanut

    Second Floor? Ramp Materials and More?

    I am thinking about building a loft. I want to have it removable and I want the ramp to not be so steep. What is everyone using? Pics and advice are greatly appreciated.
  4. RawrOWolf

    I Need Help! - Settling And Making Friends

    I need help taming my pigs! Neither of my pigs trust me too much yet (after 5 months). i am a new slave to guinea pigs and My cavies run to their hut when i enter but if I'm in the room after a minute or two they will come out. if i take a piece of food and lure them out of the hut while...
  5. D

    Grease Gland Question...

    Hello, I recently discovered the grease gland my piggy and was worried at first but started googling. I have cleaned it with coconut oil and got the gunky bits off but was wondering whether it is meant to be covered in hair... there is a lump but I can't seem to break up the hairs around it...
  6. Alexemond97

    Guinea Pig Genitals Problem

    Hi, I am a new guinea pig owner and the vet currently doesn’t have disponibilities and it is the only one in my region who treats exotic animals, but I have a problem with one of my guinea pig’s genitals. I got him (or her?) in a rescue and they didn’t said anything about it expect that it...
  7. HW023

    Pig Off Food, Need Help!

    Sorry, this is gonna be a long one. I need help. Ive had my baby Pigpog for 3 years. i adopted him and they didnt know how old he was so his overall age is a mystery. A few months ago he started drinking more than usual, took him to the vet they said just keep an eye on it, if it get too...
  8. Kiko+Peanut

    Possible Broken Leg.

    :help:I could use some help. I'm afraid Kiko's leg might be broken or injured. She limps everywhere and doesn't run, popcorn, anything. Peanut follows her everywhere and gives her a good nudge when Kiko plops down. Peanut is trying her best to help her. My mother was trying to check out Kiko's...