Who’s struggling?


Senior Guinea Pig
Forum Buddy
Nov 22, 2020
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Hi everyone maybe we should have a dedicated thread for us to go to if we are struggling with anything non piggy related? I’ve wanted to post about how sad I am about my mums dementia. It’s
supposed to be a happy time of year where you eat, drink and be merry. Well I eat, drink and be sad. I know you guys can’t make my mum better. But sometimes it’s nice just to off load. Be heard.

It’s nice just to have people say we’re sorry you’re sad have a hug 🤗

What a great idea for a thread.
Sorry I can’t be of more help with your situation @weepweeps . We are currently dealing with my grandmother’s dementia too. It’s such a tricky condition to cope with.

Hope offloading here has helped you. This forum is so supportive. Here any time you want to talk 💕
Thank you. It’s a terrible disease. Some days I’m fine and some I’m not. I have two sisters who live near and we are really really close😍. So that helps. I’m sorry about your grandmother. Give her a big hug next time you see her.
Huge hugs for you. You can't pour from an empty cup so by all means offload your feelings. It's hard to be happy when watching people we love decline and when we have to give our energy to providing care (which is very different to just spending time with someone we love). I'm sorry that your mum is so poorly and I hope you find some time to rest over this period.

I'm struggling with the one illness after another since August. Chest infections, hand, foot and mouth, tummy bugs, and an endless stream of colds (and therefore COVID tests). I caught a stomach bug on the 23rd so wasn't too well to celebrate Christmas but it could have been worse. I keep getting notifications from nursery about positive COVID tests. It sounds like the staff that have tested positive will be out of isolation by the time it reopens next week but it's been 3-4 workers, the manager and the cook. I'm struggling to see how we can avoid catching it at this rate.
Huge hugs for you. You can't pour from an empty cup so by all means offload your feelings. It's hard to be happy when watching people we love decline and when we have to give our energy to providing care (which is very different to just spending time with someone we love). I'm sorry that your mum is so poorly and I hope you find some time to rest over this period.

I'm struggling with the one illness after another since August. Chest infections, hand, foot and mouth, tummy bugs, and an endless stream of colds (and therefore COVID tests). I caught a stomach bug on the 23rd so wasn't too well to celebrate Christmas but it could have been worse. I keep getting notifications from nursery about positive COVID tests. It sounds like the staff that have tested positive will be out of isolation by the time it reopens next week but it's been 3-4 workers, the manager and the cook. I'm struggling to see how we can avoid catching it at this rate.

Thank you. Gosh I remember those days when my two were at nursery (they are 22 and 20 now). I had hand foot and mouth. Worms, Nits. Not pleasant. Things will improve. But then the attitudes start. Lol. Hope you are feeling better soon.
Always remember to tell your parents/grandparents that you love them and give them a hug because you never know when it will be the last time .....

I agree. Dad just called and put mum on the phone. I haven’t spoken to her in months on the phone as she gets very confused. But she said happy new year (I heard dad telling her to say it). I said happy new year mum. I love you. She said I love you back. 😍. She didn’t know who she was talking to though. ☹️. But it was still lovely to hear it.
This is a really great idea for a thread.

There are times when many of us are struggling. It’s a lovely idea to have a safe place to share those struggles and to receive a non judgmental message of support and a hug. I’m all for it. I’ve had amazing support from the members of this forum during some very difficult years.
I’m sorry to hear of your mums dementia @weepweeps :( (((hugs))) My husbands grandad also has dementia and has been in a home for a year now. I feel for anyone going through this x
Thank you. Mum had a stroke 6 years ago and has slowly declined since then. It’s so hard for family members to watch their loved one disappear. She is still at home at the moment. My dad is caring for her but it is getting increasingly obvious that soon she may have to go into a home. 😢 He’s going to fight that for as long as he can I’m sure. I hope your husbands granddad is ok.
This is a really great idea for a thread.

There are times when many of us are struggling. It’s a lovely idea to have a safe place to share those struggles and to receive a non judgmental message of support and a hug. I’m all for it. I’ve had amazing support from the members of this forum during some very difficult years.

That’s what I thought. It’s ok to feel sad, lonely, scared, down. Everyone is so lovely here that there will always be someone with experience of something that we are going though. We are not alone even though we feel that we are.
A very good idea.
We all have rough times and it’s important to have a safe place to let it all out and find friendly support.
Dementia is a cruel illness, it’s probably the one that’s harder on the family and friends than any other illness.
Holding all of you who are struggling in my heart ❤️
A very good idea.
We all have rough times and it’s important to have a safe place to let it all out and find friendly support.
Dementia is a cruel illness, it’s probably the one that’s harder on the family and friends than any other illness.
Holding all of you who are struggling in my heart ❤️

Thank you 😘
Thank you. Mum had a stroke 6 years ago and has slowly declined since then. It’s so hard for family members to watch their loved one disappear. She is still at home at the moment. My dad is caring for her but it is getting increasingly obvious that soon she may have to go into a home. 😢 He’s going to fight that for as long as he can I’m sure. I hope your husbands granddad is ok.

I’m sorry that your mum had a stroke. It’s good that she’s still at home although must be a strain on your dad. I’m glad he’s fighting to keep her at home though

Thank you, grandad is ok but seems to be worse every time we talk to him :( Luckily he still knows who we all are x
Hi everyone maybe we should have a dedicated thread for us to go to if we are struggling with anything non piggy related? I’ve wanted to post about how sad I am about my mums dementia. It’s
supposed to be a happy time of year where you eat, drink and be merry. Well I eat, drink and be sad. I know you guys can’t make my mum better. But sometimes it’s nice just to off load. Be heard.

It’s nice just to have people say we’re sorry you’re sad have a hug 🤗
I'm so sorry about your Mum @weepweeps it must be very difficult, my Mum passed away a few weeks ago and she didnt have dementia but she did have a very difficult combination of mental health and physical health problems... and Mum's sister my Auntie has dementia and when she came to Mum's memorial service she didnt know who was who or why she was there, just bewildered, I gave her a big hug but it was just so sad...
Sending many hugs to anyone struggling with their own or their families physical or mental health, this is a great idea for a thread because sometimes difficult things dont quite fit in the other threads- we are mostly a supportive bunch here, with many shared experiences we can sympathise with x
I'm so sorry about your Mum @weepweeps it must be very difficult, my Mum passed away a few weeks ago and she didnt have dementia but she did have a very difficult combination of mental health and physical health problems... and Mum's sister my Auntie has dementia and when she came to Mum's memorial service she didnt know who was who or why she was there, just bewildered, I gave her a big hug but it was just so sad...
Sending many hugs to anyone struggling with their own or their families physical or mental health, this is a great idea for a thread because sometimes difficult things dont quite fit in the other threads- we are mostly a supportive bunch here, with many shared experiences we can sympathise with x

Thank you. I’m so sorry you lost your mum. It must be devastating. I can only imagine how that feels at the moment. If it was any other illness there would be some form of treatment to try. But there is nothing for vascular dementia. ☹️
Thank you for starting this thread. This forum is such an amazing place in so many ways. Sending lots of love to all of you wonderful people.

I was diagnosed with cervical cancer at the start of December (please please please go to your smears ladies). Thankfully it's been caught early, it's treatable and curable with a hysterectomy.

I'm waiting on a surgery date and I feel like I'm in limbo until it comes through. I'm so frazzled with the waiting and lack of control. I'm tired, I'm doing a lot of comfort eating and I've got very little motivation to do anything - not that I can do much thanks to Covid making it hard to see people and go places.

Work are really supportive and I have great family and friends. But I just don't feel like myself at the moment.
I’m so sorry you’re having to go through it all @weepweeps, dementia is so cruel. Sending lots of love from us to you and your family :hug:
And to everyone else having a hard time or needing a hug at the moment ❤️:hug:

It’s been a bit of a rubbish month for me. Lots of seizures and just feeling utterly exhausted so in bed all the time. I’m also having a flare up with my stomach so spent all week throwing up/feeling nauseous. Lost half a stone in a week 🤦‍♀️ Felt much better on Thursday but then yesterday yet another seizure and missed my sisters bday/new year celebrations.
I just feel like things have got on top of me a bit recently, housework neglected etc because I’ve hardly got any energy and that obviously goes on my cages and tank cleans and then I’m ready for a sleep again and I don’t seem to do much else atm!
But no seizures today and you guys have cheered me up loads with your loveliness and Gigi’s award so thanks so much :) x
Thank you for starting this thread. This forum is such an amazing place in so many ways. Sending lots of love to all of you wonderful people.

I was diagnosed with cervical cancer at the start of December (please please please go to your smears ladies). Thankfully it's been caught early, it's treatable and curable with a hysterectomy.

I'm waiting on a surgery date and I feel like I'm in limbo until it comes through. I'm so frazzled with the waiting and lack of control. I'm tired, I'm doing a lot of comfort eating and I've got very little motivation to do anything - not that I can do much thanks to Covid making it hard to see people and go places.

Work are really supportive and I have great family and friends. But I just don't feel like myself at the moment.
I’m so sorry to hear that, sending massive hugs xx
I’m so sorry you’re having to go through it all @weepweeps, dementia is so cruel. Sending lots of love from us to you and your family :hug:
And to everyone else having a hard time or needing a hug at the moment ❤️:hug:

It’s been a bit of a rubbish month for me. Lots of seizures and just feeling utterly exhausted so in bed all the time. I’m also having a flare up with my stomach so spent all week throwing up/feeling nauseous. Lost half a stone in a week 🤦‍♀️ Felt much better on Thursday but then yesterday yet another seizure and missed my sisters bday/new year celebrations.
I just feel like things have got on top of me a bit recently, housework neglected etc because I’ve hardly got any energy and that obviously goes on my cages and tank cleans and then I’m ready for a sleep again and I don’t seem to do much else atm!
But no seizures today and you guys have cheered me up loads with your loveliness and Gigi’s award so thanks so much :) x

I can only imagine what its like living with seizures. It must be exhausting having stomach issues too. You must conserve your energy by only doing the important jobs first. Don’t worry about cleaning the bathrooms or polishing. Those things can wait a bit. You and your piggies are top priority. Big hugs 🤗
Thank you for starting this thread. This forum is such an amazing place in so many ways. Sending lots of love to all of you wonderful people.

I was diagnosed with cervical cancer at the start of December (please please please go to your smears ladies). Thankfully it's been caught early, it's treatable and curable with a hysterectomy.

I'm waiting on a surgery date and I feel like I'm in limbo until it comes through. I'm so frazzled with the waiting and lack of control. I'm tired, I'm doing a lot of comfort eating and I've got very little motivation to do anything - not that I can do much thanks to Covid making it hard to see people and go places.

Work are really supportive and I have great family and friends. But I just don't feel like myself at the moment.

I’m so sorry you have had this diagnosis. But great news that it’s been caught early. Thank goodness. This is exactly the type of thing I mean. When you want to off load but don’t want to burden family or friends with more sadness. I totally understand. You feel you are in limbo. You just want to get the operation over and done with. I hope you get a date soon. Such a worry waiting. We are here for you too. 😍
I can only imagine what its like living with seizures. It must be exhausting having stomach issues too. You must conserve your energy by only doing the important jobs first. Don’t worry about cleaning the bathrooms or polishing. Those things can wait a bit. You and your piggies are top priority. Big hugs 🤗
Thanks so much, I normally just get on with it but it’s been one of those months where my legs won’t let me and I really need to rest! :fog: Yep my lovely gang are always sorted and spoilt rotten, just not much floortime at the moment so hopefully things will get better soon so they can stretch their legs more. Thank you, big hugs back:hug:
My Mother died almost three years ago and I miss her so much. I was her carer for the last two and a half years of her life which was sweet at times and utterly shattering at others. Anxiety has played a big part in my life since she died.

Having the guinea pigs (and rabbits, dogs, hamster and mouse) has been very very helpful. This forum is great.
My Mother died almost three years ago and I miss her so much. I was her carer for the last two and a half years of her life which was sweet at times and utterly shattering at others. Anxiety has played a big part in my life since she died.

Having the guinea pigs (and rabbits, dogs, hamster and mouse) has been very very helpful. This forum is great.

I'm so sorry you lost your mum. This time of year can bring losses to the fore again. How lovely you were able to help her and care for her. Anxiety is awful isn’t it? It makes normal problems so much worse and harder to deal with. I’m so pleased you have found happiness with your wonderful pets. Are you coping ok? I would always encourage a chat with your doctor if things get too unbearable. Please don’t suffer in silence. We are here for you. 🤗
I'm feeling fed up with my mental health and funny turns / non epileptic seizures. I feel ill most days and just can't seem to shift it. I am feeling myself spiralling downwards again.

My husband is embarrassed by me and feels that I spend too much time worrying about having a funny turn / seizure which is true but I can't help it.

We had friends staying for New Year (a huge thank you to those who have supported me on the rant thread these last couple of days) and my husband said I have embarrassed him with my actions. I generally don't know what I have done wrong but he says I barely spoke to them. I did speak to them but I found it hard having them here and I didn't feel my best. I feel so ashamed :(
I have struggled with anxiety for months and months this year. Hoping I would snap out of it if I just tried that little bit harder. It’s so exhausting. Finally in October I found the courage to call the doctors for help. She put me on some medication and I’m feeling much better. It’s not shameful to admit you need help.