What made you happy today?

Have to say though, I feel bad for him in a way he's gone from a whole garden of freedom but with dangers, to an indoor house (all be it temporary) but with less freedom but he's safer 🤔 Which would he prefer I've sat and wondered since yesterday 🤔
Have to say though, I feel bad for him in a way he's gone from a whole garden of freedom but with dangers, to an indoor house (all be it temporary) but with less freedom but he's safer 🤔 Which would he prefer I've sat and wondered since yesterday 🤔
If it's a whole garden where he can free range then I think indoors is the best option.I lost a rabbit a fair few years ago after I let him free range in the garden and he ate something poisonous.
@Merab's Slave I got boxes from Amazon for moving too, but I don't recommend using boxes for just books. Even if they're small boxes and/or paperbacks they'll weigh a (metaphorical) tonne.

(thanks for hiding two pages of reply on me, software, lol. Sorry about that!)
Being a well trained mover, I use small boxes for books and for the heavy ones pack light stuff like cushions in as well.
A few moves ago one of the removal men told me about one chap who’d packed books into an old lawnmower box 😂😂😂😂😂
It couldn’t be moved at all !
Successfully moving Son No 2 from his shared house in Ealing to a compact 4th floor flat in Camden. He won't need to go to the gym climbing about 50 million stairs every day! (well that's what it felt like after going up and down them several times!) He'll be as fit as a Butcher's dog.
Successfully moving Son No 2 from his shared house in Ealing to a compact 4th floor flat in Camden. He won't need to go to the gym climbing about 50 million stairs every day! (well that's what it felt like after going up and down them several times!) He'll be as fit as a Butcher's dog.
I used to live in Camden when I was a student, many moons ago. I loved it, hope he does too!
I used to live in Camden when I was a student, many moons ago. I loved it, hope he does too!
I think he will as he would often drive to Primrose Hill and walk to Camden Lock and round Regents Park. He's about 2 mins walk from Mornington Crescent tube station and really close to Regents Park. It's a nice area where he is. When we go and see him there we'll take the train and the tube instead of driving up as it's a right pain to get to driving. He said we could stay at his place overnight and he will stay at his girlfriend's place in Islington.
The cacti are lovely 🥰
Glad to see bunny doing so well.
How lucky he hopped into your garden
Thanks! Mama plant was looking a bit sad so she had a repot. Her roots were growing out the bottom of the pot so she has been on my watch list for a couple of months anyway. The soil wasn't overly wet so don't think she was overwatered. Hoping she is just sulking that she had a dust and some attention the other day!

Had a seaside day trip. Weather forecast said cloudy and a breeze. Sun was out, so glad I added my sunglasses to my bag last minute!
Decided to wake my legs up with a 15km run through the forest (not my best idea)
Found this lovely little lady by the car park, so while I was running up and down trying to round my 13.5km up to 15, we had a conversation, some slow blinks and eventually she let me wave some grass about for her to chase... I was rewarded with a nice head bonk and some strokes. I'm hoping she has a home, there are a few houses in the area and she didn't seem in bad shape minus old scars and snotty eyes. Initially I was planning taking her to a nearby vet to check for a chip and make sure her eyes were ok, but she didn't want to come with me.

But she made an otherwise wet and painful run much more pleasant 🥰

I saw the Woodpecker in the garden for the first time this year. I have heard it in the nearby trees hammering away but this morning it came in my garden, sat on my smoke bush then flew over to land on my bird feeder and then flew off again. It won't be long until Mr/Mrs Woodpecker in courageous enough to actually have some of the food from it.
I saw the Woodpecker in the garden for the first time this year. I have heard it in the nearby trees hammering away but this morning it came in my garden, sat on my smoke bush then flew over to land on my bird feeder and then flew off again. It won't be long until Mr/Mrs Woodpecker in courageous enough to actually have some of the food from it.
I have a great spotted woodpecker that visits everyday and eats from my peanut butter feeder - beautiful to see - we’re very lucky to see them @Betsy
I have a great spotted woodpecker that visits everyday and eats from my peanut butter feeder - beautiful to see - we’re very lucky to see them @Betsy
We certainly are! Here is Mr/Mrs Woodpecker last year.


I have since moved the birdfeeder to the lawn and put a squirrel baffle on it to stop the squirrels from eating the bird food. I think this has left the Woodpecker a bit nervous of visiting it.

Bird Feeder.webp
I found a series of short lectures on the history and archaeology of the Bible and I'm loving it for the historical content. It's been a while since I've seen anything new on the, ancient history front that's not over sensationalised.