Two spoilt pigs 😊

Billie who was a Teddy had a similar problem. She was prone to really dirty ears and had dry skin, also a bit of a skin loss/dandruff issue on her back that wasn't anything fungal.
I found a video of Saskia once that said that some Teddys are effected by these skin problems. It didn't bother Billie much but her bumble foot could have been associated with these issues. At least Saskia mentioned this in the video and Billie's bumble foot was pretty much resistent to any treatment.
Brillo (a Teddy) has mucky ears inside, dry flaky skin on ears, bald patches either side of his spine with thick dry skin and dry skin on his feet. Diagnosed by vets as 'Teddy Skin'. I was told it's quite common in Teddy's she didn't mention Rexes.
Thanks for sharing your experience. Hope Brillo is not too uncomfortable. Do you have to do anything for it?
I wipe his ears out with a cotton bud dipped in warm water when there's a build up of gunk at health check time, being careful not to go towards the ear canal. The vet recommended to bath every six months to help remove any excessive dry skin, it does layer up on his back a bit like babies cradle cap. I use Gorgeous Guineas dry skin melt and shampoo. I've not done the bath this spring because the weather has been so cold and he's not looking too bad at the moment, I won't do it unless there's a thick layer to remove. The GG stuff smells awful and is expensive so I thought I would try coconut oil when it runs out, it's really a case of soaking the dry skin and loosening it before the bath. He's on daily Metacam for arthritis which I hope would also help with any discomfort from his skin although it doesn't seem to bother him, he doesn't over scratch. He's had the bald patches since he was about 2.5, he's 5.5 now. I use the GG foot cream on his feet if they look really dry but I've not needed to do that for some time. I do moisturise his outside ear sometimes with the foot cream or some coconut oil if they look bad.