Tofu and Patches!

Tofu turned four today! Boys got some carrot and parsley with their evening veggies as a treat


Patches’ birthday estimate is next week, which is quite nice. I’m used to them being on the same day, as Tofu and Noodle were litter mates, so it’s nice Patches isn’t too far away either

Partner thinks I’m a little mad for marking the pets’ birthdays but I like it 😂

Birthday boy looked adorable having a cosy nap earlier. He still believes tunnels are there to be flattened

Tofu says thank you for the birthday wishes, he had an excellent day with treats and snuggles from Patches 😊

The Timothy hay order finally arrived, it was delayed after some delivery issues around the bank holiday. Both boys promptly disappeared into a giant hay pile, I think I’ll see them next week 😂
