Tofu and Patches!

Patches is all better! Finished the course of meds and his feet are the best they’ve been since we’ve had him. Which means no vet trips for a bit, hopefully!

When Tofu naps, he sprawls flat out anywhere in the cage (he didn’t used to, but since turning three he’s become a really mellow confident boy). Patches doesn’t tend to flop as much, instead he just sort of puffs up into a round ball to sleep. The difference is quite amusing 😂

Patches is very enthusiastic in his post as chief wheeker. My partner is working from home at the moment to help me while my shoulder is injured, which means the guinea pigs have two humans to manipulate

My partner gets up first. Patches wheeks and is given breakfast hay and pellets, which Tofu ambles out to join in

Then I get up once partner has gone up to the office. Patches wheeks, climbs up tall, and bites the bars. Tofu looks convincingly hungry. Thinking they’re starved and partner must have forgotten, I give them breakfast hay and pellets

We have now figured out their scam 😂 partner does hay, I do pellets. No more double breakfasts

Butter wouldn’t melt…
