Three guinea pigs have been dumped near me

That’s brilliant news, hopefully the other two will follow suit!
Awful that the person just dumped them, if that’s the case then a rescue would have took them in! 😡
That’s brilliant news, hopefully the other two will follow suit!
Awful that the person just dumped them, if that’s the case then a rescue would have took them in! 😡
Yes, isn’t it awful 😞
Fingers Crossed we now catch the mainly white one and the Ginger and white one. I’m back home for now, but OH is down there with another caring gent called Greg and between them they are doing their best.
Bet of luck with catching them, it can be too difficult with a net in thick undergrowth as we have found ourselves! You can't get the net to the ground to trap them.
We used a humane Squirrel trap with success. Perhaps cover the trap with some undergrowth to make it seem safer for them. Tramping down the overgrowth had helped too in the past although luckily for us the area was a lot smaller than yours!
My thoughts and prayers are with you and the piggies; it can be so hard to see them and not be able to get them but at least they seem healthy 🤞❤️
Bet of luck with catching them, it can be too difficult with a net in thick undergrowth as we have found ourselves! You can't get the net to the ground to trap them.
We used a humane Squirrel trap with success. Perhaps cover the trap with some undergrowth to make it seem safer for them. Tramping down the overgrowth had helped too in the past although luckily for us the area was a lot smaller than yours!
My thoughts and prayers are with you and the piggies; it can be so hard to see them and not be able to get them but at least they seem healthy 🤞❤️
Thanks so much, yes we have tried nets but they just get caught up in the brambles and the whole area is boulders and small hillocks of mining waste, a legacy from tin and copper mining in the 1700-1900’s. it’s industrial and fascinating, but also quite dangerous with the uncapped mines. I think you would need an army to clear that amount of land, it’s a whole valley of wilderness, very nice really, we saw a sparrow hawk this morning.
We will have to be patient, I think we need to build up their trust. Lots of dogs and walkers, cyclists go past them and they hardly move a couple of feet into the undergrowth, so they seem actually quite stress free and enjoying all the tunnels they’ve created in the undergrowth 😆
Good luck and thank you for going to all the lengths you are to rescue these piggies. You are very caring and inspirational.
I can’t state here what I think of that woman who dumped them but I believe in karma…….
At least they seem to be having a nice time 😂 There's an area very near us which is very similar, some parts are old mining territory. It's very beautiful (it's an AONB and an SSSI) but it would be horrendous for trying to catch piggies! Keep trying, you'll get there x
Thanks so much, yes we have tried nets but they just get caught up in the brambles and the whole area is boulders and small hillocks of mining waste, a legacy from tin and copper mining in the 1700-1900’s. it’s industrial and fascinating, but also quite dangerous with the uncapped mines. I think you would need an army to clear that amount of land, it’s a whole valley of wilderness, very nice really, we saw a sparrow hawk this morning.
We will have to be patient, I think we need to build up their trust. Lots of dogs and walkers, cyclists go past them and they hardly move a couple of feet into the undergrowth, so they seem actually quite stress free and enjoying all the tunnels they’ve created in the undergrowth 😆
Good work so far catching the little Piggie! Hopefully the others will be tempted soon!
Good luck and thank you for going to all the lengths you are to rescue these piggies. You are very caring and inspirational.
I can’t state here what I think of that woman who dumped them but I believe in karma…….
Thanks, so do I, hope she gets her deserts!
At least they seem to be having a nice time 😂 There's an area very near us which is very similar, some parts are old mining territory. It's very beautiful (it's an AONB and an SSSI) but it would be horrendous for trying to catch piggies! Keep trying, you'll get there x
Yes, this is very similar by the sounds of it. It’s part of the tin mining trail which links up all over West Cornwall. The little stream also was silver mined going back a 1000 years apparently, getting loads of into from the locals 😊
More good news :yahoo::yahoo:another of the piggies have been caught, so now only the little white piggie is left. I do hope we can catch this one as it’s colouring makes it the most vulnerable
Here’s Ruffles (the mainly Ginger one) I think he may have a tiny bit of ringworm near one of his eyes or a little stab from a bramble? Not too sure but these little guys will be going into the summerhouse overnight and we will take it from there. estimated age about 3 months?7A2C657D-33BD-4739-9584-8718C599CEAE.webpADF979B1-D732-4800-BE62-1F252CD37E28.webp
That first picture....I spent ages looking for his face under that hair then realised I was looking at the wrong end! Time to get my glasses out again! 🙄 But he's beautiful. You are all amazing for working so hard for these pigs, fingers firmly crossed for number three 🙂
So glad you've been able to catch 2 of the 3 little ones! Hope you can get the last very soon 🤞🙏
Perhaps try playing guinea pig noises on a phone near the trap to get its attention, and put a cloth smelling of the others inside the trap?
Yes, we’ve been doing that, we will try tomorrow too, as we must try and catch the little pale one 🤞
All traps have been loaded with food and primed. OH is brambles to death, me too but a great feeling knowing we are making a difference. The woman who went abroad is coming back but we’ve been told she’s as hard as nails. Got three dogs too, wonder where they are?
Wow I’ve been following this and so happy few have been caught, thanks to all involved for taking the time and effort to rescue these poor babies, well done and keep up the hard work,
The two boys weigh 660 and 670 gm Ruffles looks the biggest as he has all his ruffles 😆
Yey you caught most of them. Sorry my advice could of been more useful.... the traps seem to be working best! they take time and a bit of luck. but a bit of active trying does the soul good to know you're putting in the effort. it can be hard to just sit and wait for a trap.

Also if you found out who this was. Be sure to file charges against them. Little surprise to wait for them if they ever come back to visit. not only animal abuse but maybe invasive species laws? what ever you can slap them with I say do it. we hear about this all the time and I always try and give the benefit of the doubt when I don't know. But when I DO know, Zero sympathy. too many people get away with it.... To quote kitty from that 70's show. "if you ever get an opportunity, for God's sake, pull the trigger."
Yey you caught most of them. Sorry my advice could of been more useful.... the traps seem to be working best! they take time and a bit of luck. but a bit of active trying does the soul good to know you're putting in the effort. it can be hard to just sit and wait for a trap.

Also if you found out who this was. Be sure to file charges against them. Little surprise to wait for them if they ever come back to visit. not only animal abuse but maybe invasive species laws? what ever you can slap them with I say do it. we hear about this all the time and I always try and give the benefit of the doubt when I don't know. But when I DO know, Zero sympathy. too many people get away with it.... To quote kitty from that 70's show. "if you ever get an opportunity, for God's sake, pull the trigger."
Sadly a person who spoke to us knows but is too afraid of repercussions. Good news is we caught the third piggie with a net 😆 👍 Someone arrived with a large fine net and it worked