The Pigglingtons

Oh that’s rotten luck. Ringworm is such an irritating condition. It looks like it’s gone then it reads it’s ugly head again. Hope everyone is soon sorted.
Thank you. I shall feel very relieved once we can start treatment on Monday.
Oh what a shame, you’ll soon have it under control though. I caught ringworm once and it is horrible so take care of yourself x
We are being very careful. I've put his cage on a big sheet of plastic to hopefully stop any spores going in the cracks in the wood floor. Off to the vet tomorrow. The annoying thing is we have no transport at the moment, so can £50 for taxis to the vet bill. I've cancelled my trip to my daughter, I usually take sick piggies with me but I don't want to take ringworm into her house. These things never happen at convenient times.
Bertie is settling well despite the nasty lady taking him out of his cage twice a day to rub cream in is ear! He's putting weight on steadily and eats everything I offer now, a big change from the little pig who didn't like any veggies. He's discovered burrowing, hay, fleece, newspaper, puppy pads, all go flying. A great way to contain fungal spores within his cage! When I say stop it Bertie he runs back under his step stool and as soon as I turn my back he's out doing it again.
The other's are doing well. Timmy is still trying to make the bobble mats bald by pulling at the bobbles, so far he hasn't got the better of the Wilko ones. I was very disappointed to see Wilko no longer have their mats when I was in there last week.
The vet we saw last week (plus 2 others she consulted) wasn't convinced it is Ringworm hence creaming rather than Intrafungal again. She took a skin scrape, the results should be back next week. They will then decide if he needs further treatment, they weren't keen on giving more Intrafungal as it's 'harsh on the guts and Bertie is only a baby'. Some baby! He's getting very close to 1kg, he will be overtaking Timmy in weight in a few weeks.
I don't know what to think of Bertie's fungal. The scrape didn't grow Ringworm but they often don't even when it is. It's not behaved like Ringworm, no crusts but that might be the creaming? He's had the cream for 3 weeks as when I stopped it after 2 the skin went dry and grey again. I've stopped it now to see what happens, he's had a bath to get rid of any loose spores so fingers crossed it doesn't develop again. Little monkey's fed up with me, he bit me when I tried to cut his nails. I feel really mean having him away from the friends he'd just made so his cage is pushed up to theirs but he has perspex sides to the cage so he can't physically touch them. Tempting fate but I hope it's enough and will just have to deal with the consequences if it's not.
We had a dreadful weekend with Red. He started squeaky weeing on Friday, I upped his Metacam dose and added in Gabapentin as per vets instructions if it should happen. By Saturday afternoon I had convinced myself he had a stone and we were going to lose him. When I cleaned him out on Monday morning there were 2 large spots of sludge in his bed, he was back to normal, rumble strutting Brillo at the bars and popcorning in his old man with arthritis way! So my Monday morning emergency vet appointment request didn't happen. I'm used to these episodes with Brillo but this is the first time with Red. It seems the vet is right about these problems being common with piggies with arthritis. They don't stand in the right way to empty the bladder properly so the calcium deposits build up.
In other news, the new roof is/was leaking. The roofers have been out today and done something, I hope it works. Apparently we had very heavy rain and strong winds at the weekend which is why it leaked. Really! I resisted the temptation to say "well if we didn't get rain we wouldn't need a roof, we could all fall asleep looking at the stars".
After all I said, I was holding out so well. @alpacasqueak
These two are 5ish months old and needed a home. I got tip off about them and couldn't resist a look. They were living in a 120 x 60cm cage and bickering. The peruvian/peruvian cross? has a couple of nip scabs on his back, they are just very tiny. He is also very underweight, just skin and bone under all that fluff. They are settling in well now they have a bigger cage, we have managed to shoehorn in a 4 x 2 C&C (know it should be 5 x 2 but it's the best I can do at the moment) having dismantled a shelving arrangement in the alcove. Fingers crossed I can keep them happy together.

Meet Freddie and Timmy.
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It's my partners fault he persuaded me (didn't need much persuading to be honest). I'm still counting 6 of everything when I prepare veg. He said I would always wonder what happened to them if I didn't take them. Timmy (long haired) reminds me of a boar I had about 20 years ago. He will get a hair cut once he's settled in a bit more. He's called Timmy after the old Timotei advert, he flicks his hair back over his head and out of his eyes, it's so funny. Freddie is completely black on one side and has that stripe and some mottled beige hairs coming through on the other.
Awwww what precious piggies 😍😍
Just had a lovely week away with my daughter, lots of walks along the canals despite the showers. Came home to 4 out of 5 piggies with soft poop! Weighed them all, all stable except Timmy who has lost 70gm. I am the big bad hooman now. I come home and the veggies disappear. Luckily I've got fibreplex in so started them on that straight away. Timmy's having syringe feeds so fingers crossed all will be well in a day or two.
Bertie who does not have soft poop also does not have any sign of fungal.:yahoo: I have removed the perspex shields from his cage and pushed him up next to Red and Brillo, loud rumbling and squealing has commenced. They have to get over their new friend excitement all over again.
Timmy eventually needed syringe feeding 4 x a day gradually reducing every few days until it was just a top up. He dropped over 100gm but has made it up plus some. This was the first day I didn't do a morning weigh in, I felt a bit lost, as if I'd forgotten something. What an up and down ride looking after these little furries is.
Now everyone is well again we are looking into finding Bertie a cage mate. It seems there is only one rescue doing bonding here or close enough to travel so fingers crossed I get a positive response to my email. He is a very dominant busy youngster at the worst age to bond, we can only do our best! If we can't match him up he is happy strutting his stuff at the border with Red and Brillo.
Just had a very positive chat with someone from Little Wheekers. 3 potential buddies for Bertie will be coming for a visit one day this week. Fingers crossed we find a match, if not we will keep trying. In anticipation of a happy outcome (soon) someone has been busy with my credit card ordering fleece this afternoon. Apparently I need to make new cage liners having thrown away some of the really tatty ones I had because we would never go back to six piggies again!
No grilling, just a nice chat. They are so busy with sick piggies at the moment they have no spaces for bonding so they are going to do it here. They will see how my lot are kept! They have some lovely piggies on their facebook page. I don't mind who we get as long as Bertie gets on with him, being a teenager that is going to be the difficult bit! Patsy was gorgeous, I remember her first arriving on the forum.
Oh wishing you all the very best of luck with bonding Bertie with a little friend 🤞

Glad to hear your others boys have recovered x
Trying not to get my hopes up but it's like waiting for Christmas as a child! They are desperate for space as they have more and more piggies needing a place. I hope we can make one space for them. They are appealing for foster carers, I'd love to do it but we don't have the room.
Tom from Little Wheekers brought round 3 boars for Bertie to meet this afternoon. All were gorgeous, I wouldn't have minded who he picked. The first 2 were obviously a no almost straight away. No 3 was very promising, the eldest at almost 4, a white and silver agouti boy. Tom very kindly spent hours of his time here today before leaving Muffin, we both thought they were doing well. About an hour after Tom left things deteriorated and Bertie got a bite to one of his front feet. It was Bertie's fault Muffin was very tired and Bertie wouldn't leave him alone. I am so disappointed, anyone who has been around the forum for a while will know how much I love agouti colouring and silver is my favourite. I've cleaned Bertie's foot, he's not limping, hopefully it will heal quickly.
Muffin meanwhile is enjoying life in a 5x2 C&C cage, running up and down doing the piggy song and I don't want him to go, I had a little cuddle with him just now, he is a lovely boy to handle. He is nearer Red and Brillo's age and they are both side by side on their own, I wonder .................

I'd make a terrible foster home, I'd never let any of them go!