The Pigglingtons

I have heard about a lot of boars who couldn't live peacefully with another boar, but were happy husboars after neutering.
Of course you never know, but I think it's the best chance for Bertie to have company.

The smell of a girl (or two) could upset the bond between Timmy and Freddie. I know of people who keep more piggies in a room or shed where this is no problem, but the overall number of piggy groups seems to matter in this context. The more piggies altogether, the less of a risk it seems to be.
Thank you @CherryCoke_x I am absolutely fine. I've had guinea pigs over the years (mostly boars) and have experienced many bondings. I knew Bertie was going to be difficult, he has everything going against him really, which is why I felt he needed to be with someone experienced with boars. I feel sad for him that he doesn't have a live in friend but I don't have a problem with him being neighbours with my other boys if that's the best we can manage. I know I am doing everything I can for him and I always will. We haven't given up yet, there are still many options, the rescue has a lot of single boars and are prepared to work with me. I am considering possibly going down the neutering route and getting him some girlfriends. The little roan is still here at the moment as a neighbour. I've not heard from the rescue yet, they are very busy and know I'm happy to keep their boy as a foster until they have another potential home lined up for him. He is very settled here, knows our routine and behaves as if he's one of mine. I will be sad to say goodbye but I know he will be going to an excellent home.
I have not been here for long, but I have no doubt from talking to you and reading your posts that he will have the most amazing home, no matter what. Bertie is incredibly fortunate to have you as a mum! xx

Just looked up and saw Bertie sound asleep in the middle of his cage, right out in the open. He's got a snuggle sack, a fleece tunnel, wooden house and step stool to tuck himself away in!
We worked out how we can get a bigger cage into the room for him. 4x3 C&C on a stand, I've got enough grids. Looking at the cage charts that means one boyfriend or possibly 2 girls. Much better than the 5x2 we were going to have stuck in the way across the room. I think I'm going to ring the vets in the next couple of days to ask about neutering. I've read all the guides in the info section. My partner's not keen on having girls, he's worried about us putting Bertie through the operation and then him still not getting on with other guinea pigs. Also having girls might upset Timmy and Freddie's bond. I think it's a risk we have to take, they will be across the room and even on a stand lower than T&Fs table. I need them on a stand so Red and Brillo can have the floor time they are used to or in case one of them escaped their cages.
So much to think about, who would believe one little piggy could cause so much turmoil?
I keep my fingers crossed for you, he may absolutely love to be a husboar! I have not had females before, I have only read about it, so I don't know what will happen with their bond. But I do truly believe if anyone can make it work, it is you. I am in awe of how much you do for your piggies and the fosters xx
I have heard about a lot of boars who couldn't live peacefully with another boar, but were happy husboars after neutering.
Of course you never know, but I think it's the best chance for Bertie to have company.

The smell of a girl (or two) could upset the bond between Timmy and Freddie. I know of people who keep more piggies in a room or shed where this is no problem, but the overall number of piggy groups seems to matter in this context. The more piggies altogether, the less of a risk it seems to be.
The problem with Bertie is we think he doesn't know he's a guinea pig because he's lived alone from such a young age. Timmy and Freddie's bond isn't good anyway and there is a chance it's not going to last. Plan B for them has always been a divider, their cage is big enough. We are really only weighing up the options at the moment. I need to talk to the rescue and see what they think. It maybe we do nothing for now and move Bertie back with Red and Brillo for company. I'm really just throwing ideas around, trying to work things out.
The little roan left us today, he has a potential bond in the next few days. As sad as saying goodbye is I know the rescue will find him a good home and a friend he can live with.
We now have a gorgeous Himalayan, this is a breed that has been on my wish list for years, although I would never have a piggy just because of it's breed. The other surprising thing is it turns out I know the family of the person who surrendered him. Are these good omens? I hope so! 9th time lucky!
The new boy is up at the bars begging, he's not a bit nervous of being in a new place at all. He's a people pig, loves a head scratch and cuddle. I've found out he's never lived with another piggy, at the age of 2.5 this doesn't really bode well for a bond with Bertie. Although Bertie hasn't been with another piggy since the age of 2 months either. Thinking positive if neither of them know the etiquette of bonding, which is where Bertie fails each time, maybe this is a winner! On one hand I can't wait to find out if they bond, on the other I'm dreading finding out they won't.
The new boy is up at the bars begging, he's not a bit nervous of being in a new place at all. He's a people pig, loves a head scratch and cuddle. I've found out he's never lived with another piggy, at the age of 2.5 this doesn't really bode well for a bond with Bertie. Although Bertie hasn't been with another piggy since the age of 2 months either. Thinking positive if neither of them know the etiquette of bonding, which is where Bertie fails each time, maybe this is a winner! On one hand I can't wait to find out if they bond, on the other I'm dreading finding out they won't.
Just caught up with your thread. Hope all goes well this time! 🤞
The new boy is up at the bars begging, he's not a bit nervous of being in a new place at all. He's a people pig, loves a head scratch and cuddle. I've found out he's never lived with another piggy, at the age of 2.5 this doesn't really bode well for a bond with Bertie. Although Bertie hasn't been with another piggy since the age of 2 months either. Thinking positive if neither of them know the etiquette of bonding, which is where Bertie fails each time, maybe this is a winner! On one hand I can't wait to find out if they bond, on the other I'm dreading finding out they won't.
They sound perfect for each other. Both gorgeous little hooligans. 😍

I hope they think so too. 🤞🏻
Bertie has a friend! It's a compromise for both of them but the best we can do for the time being. Bertie's new friend is around 3 years old and has never had a cage mate so they are living side by side to see how things go. I will try them together once they have got used to each other. I will try to get some photo's tomorrow.
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Not very good photo's but it was late by the time I finished building the cage, the light was going and my camera battery ran out! What I thought would take a couple of hours at most took over 5 hours. I wanted them to have a 4 x 4 grid cage with a divider and no sides in the middle but in the end it wouldn't work because I couldn't reach the back corner to clean it out. The front of the left hand side is closed with ratchet clips so I can open it and slide the corex tray half way out like a drawer. We've cut the corex so the curtains and electric cables are inaccessible from the cage and the front is protected from heat from the radiator, the cage just goes over the radiator a little bit. We only have that radiator on warm if it's on at all so it should be okay but something we will keep an eye on.
The new boy is on the left, he's a delight to handle, a real people piggy. He is called Duck, I have been thinking of changing his name to Duke, full name The Duke of Wellington, (Wellie) he is wearing a wonderful set of black boots. I feel bad about changing it though, he knows his name and also answers to Ducky which is softer to say so I might leave it at that.
Spot the cable tie I missed when cutting the ends off.

I'm sitting opposite the cage and now I've spotted it, it's bugging me but I'm too tired and achy to get up and sort it now.
We have quite a few sticking out on the playpen grids, the cable ties we have are reusable. Our boys leave them alone.

Have you managed to leave it?!
We have quite a few sticking out on the playpen grids, the cable ties we have are reusable. Our boys leave them alone.

Have you managed to leave it?!
So far! It will go tomorrow.
I had a lot sticking out on the spare pens too. I wasn't so bothered by them as they came out temporarily. I no longer have any spares, I can't believe how many grids that cage and stand took. Just ordered some more grids as we use them in the shed if we do any noisy DIY or painting.
I sometimes find it hard to believe how much these piggies know. Red's got a check up at the vets tomorrow, he goes every 6 months as he is on long term Metacam. I have a carrier I keep for the vets as the others get bashed about and messy being used in the garden for run time. I got the carrier out just now and put it on the floor, Red is teeth chattering and rumble strutting at it!
Red did well with his health check although he was very scared and subdued with the vet. I hate to see him like that as he is such a confident, happy and noisy piggy at home. I knew all was well when I put him back in his cage, he ran to each corner rumbling and complaining in case someone else had moved in while he was away.
I sometimes find it hard to believe how much these piggies know. Red's got a check up at the vets tomorrow, he goes every 6 months as he is on long term Metacam. I have a carrier I keep for the vets as the others get bashed about and messy being used in the garden for run time. I got the carrier out just now and put it on the floor, Red is teeth chattering and rumble strutting at it!
he’s not daft, doesn’t like a vet visit then
Ducky is absolutely gorgeous! I have always wanted a hymy but timing has never been right or none available. he looks very settled in his lovely new hime Sue
Ducky is absolutely gorgeous! I have always wanted a hymy but timing has never been right or none available. he looks very settled in his lovely new hime Sue
Yes I've wanted one for years.
Ducky came from Little Wheekers. He was bred by an ex show breeder (my neighbours Dad). I went to see him once when I was looking for a baby to pair up with a bereaved boar. He didn't have a boar available then and hasn't at the right time since. As soon as Ducky came out of the carrier I guessed who had bred him and enquiries proved me right. He was given up by a member of the breeders family due to a change in circumstances. Normally he would have stayed in the family but due to ill health among the piggy keepers he couldn't. If my neighbour had known he was looking for a new home he would probably have found his way to me anyway! Life can be so strange some times.
Yes I've wanted one for years.
Ducky came from Little Wheekers. He was bred by an ex show breeder (my neighbours Dad). I went to see him once when I was looking for a baby to pair up with a bereaved boar. He didn't have a boar available then and hasn't at the right time since. As soon as Ducky came out of the carrier I guessed who had bred him and enquiries proved me right. He was given up by a member of the breeders family due to a change in circumstances. Normally he would have stayed in the family but due to ill health among the piggy keepers he couldn't. If my neighbour had known he was looking for a new home he would probably have found his way to me anyway! Life can be so strange some times.
I think it was meant to be 😊 he is lovely 🥰
Brillo's new tunnel has arrived, thanks so much @rp1993 . We love the Little Floof Co tunnels, they are bigger than most so they are great to snuggle in. Brillo in particular likes to treat them like a sleeping bag. I was worried he would run out while I was away as he does wee rather a lot now he is getting older. The new tunnel was the first thing I noticed when I walked in the door he was snuggled in it. I've been trying to get a photo but he knows when I want to photograph him and he's been hiding in his hay box!
Brillo's new tunnel has arrived, thanks so much @rp1993 . We love the Little Floof Co tunnels, they are bigger than most so they are great to snuggle in. Brillo in particular likes to treat them like a sleeping bag. I was worried he would run out while I was away as he does wee rather a lot now he is getting older. The new tunnel was the first thing I noticed when I walked in the door he was snuggled in it. I've been trying to get a photo but he knows when I want to photograph him and he's been hiding in his hay box!
Aww thank you! So glad to hear Brillo is enjoying his tunnel!

Now Brillo let slave take a picture for everyone to enjoy 😂😂
Ducky's got a hay rub rather than poke but it's very swollen and ulcerated. We just did a rush to the vets as I was offered an appointment within half an hour if we could get there. In favourable traffic we can do it in 20 minutes but of course I had to make up a carrier etc. We made it with 5 minutes to spare. Ducky was seen, treated and back home in less than 90 minutes, wasn't expecting that when I got up this morning!
We've got antibiotic drops and Metacam and he's got another appointment next Monday. Bertie is being very sweet and is trying to lick Ducky's eye through the divider, he seems very concerned about his friend. Bertie and sweet are not 2 words you usually see in the same sentence. Bless him.