The Pigglingtons

It’s hard not to be anxious.
I highly recommend chocolate and coffee for you while the boys are working their relationship out.
Absolutely! Extra large bar of chocolate has appeared as a pressie for me today, there is plenty of coffee in the cupboard both beans and instant. I have a pile of new books to read and the lap top will be on hand. I'm looking forward to putting my feet up and having a restful day, this bonding better not be a 3 second wonder like the last one or I shall end up gardening again. ;)
We are over an hour in. Everything crossed they stay together. I wish Bertie understood piggy etiquette his friend often looks confused but he's putting up with him. A dog barked outside just now and they ran to each other. Lots of hay eating going on side by side too and they've both washed several times.
Bertie just don't mess this up!
They are both awake and doing the plippy ploppy talk to each other. I am feeling very hopeful this is going to work but having had Red and Brillo fall out after 2.5 years together it makes me cautious!
They are in a pen in my bedroom, if they stay together today I will leave them where they are tonight and build them a new cage tomorrow downstairs.
Just had a smelly testosterone laden scuffle, both asleep again. Flipping boars. I've just filled the Burgess survey in and said I've got 6 boars, might have been a bit previous!
Still not sure about these two. They are sleeping a lot and seem okay in the hay pile together then someone's hackles go up and they start teeth chattering and chasing again.
Just separated them after 8.5 hours, such a shame. Bertie just got bowled over onto his back, sat on and had his tummy hair pulled out. All by a little pig who weighs at least 150gms less than him. So disappointed, it really looked like this could be the one. I think this was number 8. I feel we should all have a rest from this bonding lark now.
It was really the foster piggy who caused the fall out this time. Bertie behaved well n the whole. I think the problem came from Bertie refusing to be humped. He was big enough to just shrug the little fella off, who then got very agitated and nippy.
We all live to fight another day in one way or another!
I have not been able to come online for a month or so (Luna baby was living her best bunny life and bit through my macbook cable), so I have just been catching up!

I am sorry Mint didn't work out, it sounds like that was a little intense for you all. What a stunner little roan is! I am crossing absolutely everything that I can for you. I am so sorry the pressure this is still putting on you! I can understand why you feel the way you do. I really truly hope you are ok.

The ears flapping got me though :)) I did not know that could happen lol xx
Thank you @CherryCoke_x I am absolutely fine. I've had guinea pigs over the years (mostly boars) and have experienced many bondings. I knew Bertie was going to be difficult, he has everything going against him really, which is why I felt he needed to be with someone experienced with boars. I feel sad for him that he doesn't have a live in friend but I don't have a problem with him being neighbours with my other boys if that's the best we can manage. I know I am doing everything I can for him and I always will. We haven't given up yet, there are still many options, the rescue has a lot of single boars and are prepared to work with me. I am considering possibly going down the neutering route and getting him some girlfriends. The little roan is still here at the moment as a neighbour. I've not heard from the rescue yet, they are very busy and know I'm happy to keep their boy as a foster until they have another potential home lined up for him. He is very settled here, knows our routine and behaves as if he's one of mine. I will be sad to say goodbye but I know he will be going to an excellent home.
Just looked up and saw Bertie sound asleep in the middle of his cage, right out in the open. He's got a snuggle sack, a fleece tunnel, wooden house and step stool to tuck himself away in!
We worked out how we can get a bigger cage into the room for him. 4x3 C&C on a stand, I've got enough grids. Looking at the cage charts that means one boyfriend or possibly 2 girls. Much better than the 5x2 we were going to have stuck in the way across the room. I think I'm going to ring the vets in the next couple of days to ask about neutering. I've read all the guides in the info section. My partner's not keen on having girls, he's worried about us putting Bertie through the operation and then him still not getting on with other guinea pigs. Also having girls might upset Timmy and Freddie's bond. I think it's a risk we have to take, they will be across the room and even on a stand lower than T&Fs table. I need them on a stand so Red and Brillo can have the floor time they are used to or in case one of them escaped their cages.
So much to think about, who would believe one little piggy could cause so much turmoil?