The person below me.

True but that's tomorrow's job.

The person below me has just been out for a drive with the OH.

The person below me has just done a shopping list for tomorro
That’s later

The person below me has just put away the shopping
How exciting! ! !
The person below me made an improvement on their piggy's cage.
Not sure that being in a Zoom meeting counts as a lovely evening, but it was a good meeting

The person below me can smell bread baking

The person below me thinks Boris Johnson will hang on til he’s pushed

The person below me thinks Boris Johnson will hang on til he’s pushed
As of this morning 50 MP's have resigned. Last night it was 4! He surely has to go now. The rats are leaving the sinking ship ......


The person below me is dreading to do the laundry

The person below me has a gym class this morning.

The person below me is relieved Boris Johnson has resigned !
True - but he's still refusing to leave! He's like a spoilt little boy having a hissy fit.

The person below me has been busy baking this afternoon. I've made 2 fruit cakes, a marble ring cake, some ginger biscuits and put some bread ingredients in the bread maker that in another 4 hours will have been magically transformed into a loaf of bread.

The person below me now has a wifi extender (it means I can now sit in my new Conservatory with a laptop)
the person below me accidentally cut their finger when they were cutting breakfast veggies for the guinea pig. 🙁