The person below me.

False but I wish! Have tons of fun Betsy!

The person below me is up at 3 a.m. planning a new guinea pig feeding system...

The person below me is wondering whether to finish the ironing or do some baking before it get too hot.
False it's not here!

The person below me has just done 4 hours of ironing and still hasn't finished!
False. Stayed home and had a busy day!

The person below me went for a 3 mile walk today and needs to wash their feet before going to bed tonight.
But I love a footbath with bubbles 😂

The person below me has just cleaned out the veg rack and found some ‘not very nice red onions’
How lovely tho LeeLee_:)

The person below me below me wants to open the windows but it’s cooler indoors …..!