The person below me.

So close, already went shopping not too long ago.
The person below me has other pets, apart from guinea pigs.

The person below me has just put out some piggy washing and hopes it doesn't rain today.
Is that why there’s so many wine related posts from you in the Naughty Corner?

Yes but I haven't had any ...... yet!

False to 3 boxes of hay in the hall. There is half a bale of hay in the garage though.

The person below me has to finish the ironing off tomorrow.
Have a lovely time Betsy 🥰

The person below me is having a shed demolished today

The person below me is looking forward to going back to the gym on Monday (I sure I've put on a bit of weight in the 5 weeks I've not been able to go :(. However, I'm refusing to go on the scales as I don't want to get depressed!)