The Bradshaw Family

Aw dear Woody. What a fabulous boy - it’s been a long and patient time for you both but it’s lovely to see he’s ready to be back rather than rushed too early. So pleased for you both 😍
A good morning out thank you despite the goats, trains, sheep and loose horses 😬 not quite as calm and elegant as you and Woody 🤣
Oh no! Glad you had a good morning though

Woody may look calm, but I can assure you, even the mounting block was scary 🤣
Good morning ☀️

Sorry I’ve been MIA for a bit. We’ve had some family dramas to deal with 🤦🏻‍♀️ like I’m not busy enough!

Hope everyone is well?

My boys are doing great. Koda actually has his cousin Arnie staying with us for a couple of weeks whilst my brother is holiday


They are both having a great time. Koda has been showing Arnie around the farm this morning. Though Arnie isn’t as confident with the horses, they are a bit scary in his opinion 😂


No matter how busy life is, Koda always gets his daily adventures 🐾💙



Woody is back in full training now. We’ve been to some more training days 🧡


I need to get some competitions booked for August. We have another dressage training clinic next Sunday.
Unfortunately he did lose his stable mate (to colic) a couple of weeks ago. At the moment he seems to be coping on his own as he comes in during the day but is back out in his paddock over night (where he can see horses either side of him). I do need to have a think about winter though, for when he’s in on his own more.
RIP Asante 🖤He was such a lovely boy and had a wonderful long life


Koda does his best to keep him company for now


Dan and I are extremely busy and motorsport season is brilliant so far. We’ve been enjoying lots of racing (including the British touring cars). We’ve also had different shows and events and Dan went to the 24 hour Le Mans race in France.

It was lovely to see all of my students graduate a couple of weeks ago. And I was honoured to be the photographer again. The pics are all on my business page on Facebook (Bradshaw Photography)

The horses at work were all super excited to get out for their well deserved summer break


How is everyone doing? Have I missed much?
Oh how lovely to hear your news but sad to hear about Woody’s friend Asante -
Woody and Koda are as beautiful as usual ❤️❤️
Lovely photos and always lovely to hear your news !
Motorsport is so exciting !
Hopefully you might get some quieter days with college breaking for the Summer 🥰
It’s great you keep in touch as I always love to hear how everyone is
What lovely pictures. So sorry to hear about Woody’s stablemate. When Alex’s close bonded field mate moved away I wondered how he would cope. Surprisingly well it seems. Fickle chap. I hope you can find a solution that works for Woody 🤞he’s looking very handsome as is Koda 😍
Lovely to catch up, hope the family dramas have settled.
You sound as busy as ever.
The photos are brilliant as ever and it’s always lovely to see Koda and Woody.
So sorry to hear about Asante.

We’ve moved house and I retired. Life is a bit chaotic as we try to get the house in order but we’re getting there.
We’re having a day off to go to the Driffield Country Fair on Wednesday so looking forward to that.

Enjoy the summer 🌧️🌧️🌧️🌧️
Lovely to catch up, hope the family dramas have settled.
You sound as busy as ever.
The photos are brilliant as ever and it’s always lovely to see Koda and Woody.
So sorry to hear about Asante.

We’ve moved house and I retired. Life is a bit chaotic as we try to get the house in order but we’re getting there.
We’re having a day off to go to the Driffield Country Fair on Wednesday so looking forward to that.

Enjoy the summer 🌧️🌧️🌧️🌧️
Hope you enjoyed the fair, and hope the weather behaved 🤞🏻🥰
Koda is loving his cousin staying with him for his holidays!


Woody is great with dogs (as we know), but Koda’s tiny cousin finds the horses to be very scary! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣

Woody was a very good boy for his recent saddle check appointment! He has one again in a few weeks, so I’ve booked his physio appointment for the same day; that way we can make sure everything is well 🧡
What a hot one today was 🥵☀️☀️ glad summer made an appearance!

Perfect for getting Woody a bath. Thanks to Dan for his valeting skills 😂🧡


Much better…. 🌟🌟🌟


Koda and Arnie had an early morning long walk before it got warm. And a 9.30pm walk once the sun started to go down. It was lovely to just sit out on the grass with them 💙🐾💙


trip out today, and another fantastic training session with my heart horse 🧡🧡🧡

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And, of course, these two enjoyed an afternoon adventure 💙💙💙

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And it’s Dan and I’s 8th wedding anniversary today. 8 years has flown by! 💕💕💕

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Congratulations from me and Merlin!
Thank you 🥰🥰🥰
How is he?

He is doing fine and is getting on well with tricky lady Sulwen (Sisu) through the bars. He also likes visiting the other piggies on the ground and saying hello to them.

Unfortunately, we've had a really bad run with several times postponed or last minute cancelled NHS procedures and human illnesses to get him to Northampton for neutering this year. :(
He is doing fine and is getting on well with tricky lady Sulwen (Sisu) through the bars. He also likes visiting the other piggies on the ground and saying hello to them.

Unfortunately, we've had a really bad run with several times postponed or last minute cancelled NHS procedures and human illnesses to get him to Northampton for neutering this year. :(
Awww glad he’s doing well! 🥰

Hope you are all feeling better soon 🤞🏻
Awww glad he’s doing well! 🥰

Hope you are all feeling better soon 🤞🏻

I do rely on my hub for transport to Northampton; it is has been mainly his health concerns with me usually being ill whenever he was better... And him not being able to drive for 2 weeks after his post-poned procedure, which has wrecked any planning.
I do rely on my hub for transport to Northampton; it is has been mainly his health concerns with me usually being ill whenever he was better... And him not being able to drive for 2 weeks after his post-poned procedure, which has wrecked any planning.
😢 You can’t catch a break!
I do hope things improve for you soon.
Thank you again for taking such wonderful care of little Merlin
😢 You can’t catch a break!
I do hope things improve for you soon.
Thank you again for taking such wonderful care of little Merlin

He's currently rumbling around the ground floor and engaging of some serius flirtation with dainty Lleian and Maelona (who has similar colours and markings to him but is a smooth)... He's definitely not unhappy!