The Boys Are Home. :)

I saw my first live popcorning today! I left the cage uncovered whilst I was at work so they'd get used to the cover being off the cage.
When I got back home I half covered it against because they live in the study where I work.
When Womble thought I wasn't watching, he was chunnering away to his brother encouraging him to come out of his hidey hole, was eating away at some hay, basil and a small sprig of parsley when he jumped in place a couple of times! He sort of jumped in place turned himself around and did a couple of hops. It makes me happy to see them relaxed and happy so soon after I got them. It almost makes me sad I have to take them the vet this weekend for their first check up as they probably won't talk to me if I put them in the cat carrier again. Oh well. Back to square one. Lol. They still won't take food off me though but it's early days. :)
I saw my first live popcorning today! I left the cage uncovered whilst I was at work so they'd get used to the cover being off the cage.
When I got back home I half covered it against because they live in the study where I work.
When Womble thought I wasn't watching, he was chunnering away to his brother encouraging him to come out of his hidey hole, was eating away at some hay, basil and a small sprig of parsley when he jumped in place a couple of times! He sort of jumped in place turned himself around and did a couple of hops. It makes me happy to see them relaxed and happy so soon after I got them. It almost makes me sad I have to take them the vet this weekend for their first check up as they probably won't talk to me if I put them in the cat carrier again. Oh well. Back to square one. Lol. They still won't take food off me though but it's early days. :)
It's lovely seeing them popcorn! Zoomies is even more fun! They'll soon forgive you for putting them back in the cat carrier to see the vet man. Nasty vet man according to Dennis!
It really is amazing to see them popcorning and generally being happy.
Aw your first popcorn! You're doing really well then :) My first pigs didn't grace me with a popcorn for quite a while as they were nervous. Hope the check up goes okay! :)
They sort of keep making this purring/growling/chunnering sort of sound in their bed. When I'm in the room, sometimes when I have music on (softly) or the printer is going.
They do it without that sometimes as well. Haven't heard any wheeking yet. They made the noise at the rescue at each other even when no one had touched them or were bothering them. The lady said they did it all the time. What do you think it means? Are they just communicating with one another?
They sort of keep making this purring/growling/chunnering sort of sound in their bed. When I'm in the room, sometimes when I have music on (softly) or the printer is going.
They do it without that sometimes as well. Haven't heard any wheeking yet. They made the noise at the rescue at each other even when no one had touched them or were bothering them. The lady said they did it all the time. What do you think it means? Are they just communicating with one another?

I find that full on wheeling is normally for human benefit, when my piggies are chatting to each other it's a lot softer little twitterings.

They break out the big wheeks for a bag rustle or the sound of the fridge door :))
I find that full on wheeling is normally for human benefit, when my piggies are chatting to each other it's a lot softer little twitterings.

They break out the big wheeks for a bag rustle or the sound of the fridge door :))
Yeah they don't wheek for me at all yet, They don't take food off me. They'll only eat out of their bowls.
You'll get there! It does take them a while to trust you and come for food but it won't be long before they'll hound you for veg every second of every day :P
Yup I know I have to be patient. I picked them up for a couple of minutes today whilst I spot cleaned them to check their nails.
Womble's are really long and Stripes is short. I'm going to wait until we go the vet on Saturday and have them demonstrate I've never cut the nails of something as small as a guinea pig so just want to check I've got it right in my head.
Yup I know I have to be patient. I picked them up for a couple of minutes today whilst I spot cleaned them to check their nails.
Womble's are really long and Stripes is short. I'm going to wait until we go the vet on Saturday and have them demonstrate I've never cut the nails of something as small as a guinea pig so just want to check I've got it right in my head.

I was terrible with patience when I first got the piggies, couldn't help but be upset when they fled at the sight of me :))

That's the best bet! I chicken out with nail cuts now that I have pigs with dark nails :)) It's much cheaper to do it yourself though! I did it for a year when I only had 2. My vet's are really good actually, if I'm taking them for a check up or anything they'll give a nail trim for free which is nice.
I was terrible with patience when I first got the piggies, couldn't help but be upset when they fled at the sight of me :))

That's the best bet! I chicken out with nail cuts now that I have pigs with dark nails :)) It's much cheaper to do it yourself though! I did it for a year when I only had 2. My vet's are really good actually, if I'm taking them for a check up or anything they'll give a nail trim for free which is nice.
Well I am taking them for a general check over if I'm lucky it might be included in the price. Womble's long haired (As we all know) and I think he has a bit of dry skin, although he doesn't stick around long enough for me to have a proper look, so I'll have the vet give that a glance too, just to check it isn't ringworm or mites or something else...which it probably isn't.
Well I am taking them for a general check over if I'm lucky it might be included in the price. Womble's long haired (As we all know) and I think he has a bit of dry skin, although he doesn't stick around long enough for me to have a proper look, so I'll have the vet give that a glance too, just to check it isn't ringworm or mites or something else...which it probably isn't.

Hopefully it will be included! Fingers crossed that it's not ringworm, it can be hard to see with long haired piggies! :)
Hopefully it will be included! Fingers crossed that it's not ringworm, it can be hard to see with long haired piggies! :)
Yup. It's making me itchy just thinking about it. I remember when I was on my animal care course when I was planning to do vetinary. I had to clean out quantine. There were a couple of animals there with scabies. That made me itchy all day. Then it didn't help we did a lesson on zoonoses around that time!
Yup. It's making me itchy just thinking about it. I remember when I was on my animal care course when I was planning to do vetinary. I had to clean out quantine. There were a couple of animals there with scabies. That made me itchy all day. Then it didn't help we did a lesson on zoonoses around that time!

Oh god how terrible! At least you know what you're talking about and you're well trained! I fear the dreaded ringworm, I've never had to deal with all that before.

I work with animals so have had ringworm myself, luckily it didn't get to the pigs as I quarantined myself until I was 100% sure it was gone!
Oh god how terrible! At least you know what you're talking about and you're well trained! I fear the dreaded ringworm, I've never had to deal with all that before.

I work with animals so have had ringworm myself, luckily it didn't get to the pigs as I quarantined myself until I was 100% sure it was gone!
That's terrible! How long did it take to get rid of? Did you realise straight away?
That's terrible! How long did it take to get rid of? Did you realise straight away?

Yea luckily it was clearly ringworm so caught it early. I think it was about a week and a half before it seemed to disappear but I kept treating it just in case. It never came back so it worked quite quickly! It was about the size of a penny when I noticed it. I must have picked it up from a dog as it was on my leg.

A colleague of mine had it on her arm a while back and was like "I wonder what this is" and I knew right away haha. Took her a bit longer to get rid of it I think.
Yea luckily it was clearly ringworm so caught it early. I think it was about a week and a half before it seemed to disappear but I kept treating it just in case. It never came back so it worked quite quickly! It was about the size of a penny when I noticed it. I must have picked it up from a dog as it was on my leg.

A colleague of mine had it on her arm a while back and was like "I wonder what this is" and I knew right away haha. Took her a bit longer to get rid of it I think.
Digressing, so i dont start worrying about that sort of thing, I love your username it's awesome.:P
Omg there so cute just make sure there both boys lol they will warm up to you soon good luck
I am so sorry i missed this thread! Congratulations! They are stunning, hope to see lots more of them on forum :)
I am so sorry i missed this thread! Congratulations! They are stunning, hope to see lots more of them on forum :)
No problem and thanks!
They're still nervous and hiding away from me unless there's food in their bowl, then they ignore me and eat their dinner after much deliberation. (Chunnering between themselves.) :)
I have got two boys.
Stuck on names. :)
They're sticking to the cover of their bed at the moment and are a little timid, but it's to be expected.
To them a half an hour journey in a cat carrier must have been an ordeal.
The 'mop' as I call him, has eaten a little bit of broccoli and a small chunk of pepper but not much, since they've only been home for half an hour, they aren't doing bad. :)

Here they are, they haven't really moved but occasionally I hear a couple of rumbles and grumbles.
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Aww they are both gorgeous!