The Adventures of Popchop and Fuzzable

I read somewhere that guinea pigs like roses, and we have a gorgeous thornless climbing rose that needs dead-headed. So I thought I would give it a try.

Fuzzable LOVES it. Popchop really doesn't know what to make of it. He can see Fuzzable is eating something and really enjoying it, so he keeps sticking his nose in Fuzzable's face like "give me some!" - he could get some himself easily, but he doesn't seem to have made the connection that the weird pink thing on the floor IS what Fuzzable is eating!
Pigs enjoying the spoils of my auntie's allotment corn harvest!

We thought they didn't like corn husks and silks, but it turns out they just don't like the old dried out ones from the supermarket. Fresh home-grown ones are super popular.


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What cuties they are! I love their names too!
Thank you! We found the names years ago in a blog post where someone generated guinea pig names for a rescue using AI. We said right there that those would be the names for our next pigs!

If we hadn't already decided that, I would have been tempted by the names suggested by the friends we got them from: Simba and Mufasa. That would have suited better than we could have predicted, as they were speckled when they were little, they only turned plain blonde when they grew up. Besides, the big lad with the fluffy mane is suspected to be the other one's dad as well as his brother (!) and he often strikes Pride Rock-style poses.

However, we are more than happy with the names they've got.