The Adventures of Popchop and Fuzzable


Teenage Guinea Pig
Nov 11, 2022
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Hello! It was suggested that I create a thread for my cheeky lads so as to have a place to post pictures and updates, so here it is!

For those who haven't read any of my other posts, Popchop and Fuzzable are a pair of rambunctious young boars who we adopted from an unfortunate Jerry Springer style guinea pig family situation (I don't know the details, but sexing mistakes had led to 7 surplus guinea pigs in at least 2 generations, almost certainly with a family bramble bush rather than a tree).

Here is Popchop. He is about 4 months old, dark gold with agouti speckles, a swirl on his shoulders and a shark fin on his back. He is bold, confident, greedy and athletic. Our money is on him ultimately being Head Pig, as he seems to us to have leadership qualities, though he is currently smaller than Fuzzable so he will have to bide his time.

This is Fuzzable, Popchop's big brother/father (this might be a bit strong for Jerry Springer, now I come to think about it - it's better suited to Greek mythology. Perhaps we should have named him Oedipus). He is around 9 months old, about half again as big as Popchop, although only about 100g heavier! He is a pale blond/creamy colour with a white streak on one shoulder and a beautiful mane of tufty hair with rosettes on his shoulders. He is rather anxious and jumpy, more timid than Popchop. At the moment he is still holding the line in dominance battles, but we think once Popchop catches up to him in size, he will probably be glad to abdicate to a more confident leader.


We have had these two for three weeks now, and they've just been to the vet for their first checkup. They've got a sparkling bill of health, impressive weights (over 800g for Popchop, over 900g for Fuzzable - these are going to be some mighty haggises when they grow up!) and Popchop managed to escape and have a thorough investigation of the treatment room floor before we could catch him.

I hope you will enjoy following our boys as they grow up and take their rightful place in charge of our household!
A quick "aww" picture today of the boys chilling. The little pet bed was a present from a friend who tried to buy a bed for her cat and fell into one of the classic pitfalls of online shopping! Our previous pigs enjoyed it, and Fuzzable certainly likes it.


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Please give us treats! Look how cute we are! Double decker cuteness! How can you not give us treats?


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Latest news on the guinea pig leadership contest: I'm not sure I understand all the stages but we're definitely well into the process. The smart money is still on Popchop, but Fuzzable hasn't given up on the top spot.


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I really hope so too! But they're both swimming in puberty hormones. It could go on for a while.
I need to share these pics of Fuzzable relaxing in his fuzzy bed. He absolutely loves this bed. Luckily Popchop has no interest in it for some reason, so Fuzzable has it all to himself. He loves it so much that if you put it down on the floor during floor time and suggest he gets into it, he will, and then you can lift him up in it like a little furry cablecar. It is his own little safe space.


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I need to share these pics of Fuzzable relaxing in his fuzzy bed. He absolutely loves this bed. Luckily Popchop has no interest in it for some reason, so Fuzzable has it all to himself. He loves it so much that if you put it down on the floor during floor time and suggest he gets into it, he will, and then you can lift him up in it like a little furry cablecar. It is his own little safe space.
What a cute little face 🥰
Thank you! They really are very pretty pigs. Fuzzable in particular, with his fuzzy mane and big eyes, is a real looker, and he's going to be huge. He's already really long when he stretches out.
Drama! Violence! Just when we were getting optimistic that these two were well on the way to sorting out their hierarchy, Fuzzable bit Popchop's ear clean in two! So now they are separated and both at the vet, one to get his ear sorted and the other for anger management classes or whatever.

I hope we are not going to end up with a permanently separated cage.
The vet is quite happy with how it is looking but does not think it is worthwhile stitching it, so he's going to have an ear it two halves! We had just been admiring his beautiful ears before this happened.

Oh well. He is still beautiful.

We have Fuzzable in a makeshift sin bin made out of the panels from the playpen, but they are both really unhappy being apart. I'm waiting for grids coming tomorrow so I can build them a cage with a divider and at least they can see and talk to each other (rather than just screaming across the living room).

I really hope this is not forever. They are at a very awkward age, and I don't think they are both dominant, so much as Fuzzable is scared and paranoid, and that causes him to react as if Popchop is trying to murder him every time he walks past. Now that Popchop is coming into his own teens, he won't put up with all the rumbling and chattering without responding in kind. And that sends Fuzzable off the deep end.

I very much hope that he can get over it. He is never going to be the boss, he is just too timid. And Popchop is not aggressive, and would not start things if Fuzzable wasn't on such a hair trigger. That's how I interpret it, anyway. The vet found two separate scratches on Popchop's face as well as the ear, but could find no damage on Fuzzable at all.

We are going to get them both neutered, in case that might make a slight difference - though I know it generally doesn't. It's worth it, anyway, as it opens up possibilities for the future if these two can't live together.
Here is a video of Fuzzable telling the story of how none of it is his fault and he doesn't understand why he isn't allowed to live with Popchop, who he loves very much and you only bite off the ears of the ones you love...

This morning they are still desperate to get out and be with each other. Fuzzable has demonstrated that if he stands on his tippy toes he is taller than a C&C panel (at 10 months!) and we had to put an extra roof section over his castle so he didn't use it to stage a dramatic escape.

Oddly, Fuzzable has also indicated that he dislikes the phrase "poor Poppychop" by burring every time I said it. I don't know if it has too many Ps in it and annoys his little ears, or if he objects to sympathy being given to Popchop when he still sees himself as the injured party. There is certainly a lack of remorse.
Glad the ear is ok.
Micah has raggedy ears from being bullied as a baby but it’s never bothered him.