TGPF Cavy Slave Gallery

@Rochester Piggy I've just spotted where your location is...
*unpacksbag* :soz:
But be warned, if I ever go to Seattle to see a friend of mine I might have to pop down to see you and find that tree ;) :))
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I keep threatening to go to Seattle, but the journey puts me off and so does the price of the tickets! :yikes:
I beg to differ! :hug:
Make up is expensive and you don't need it. Just think of all those pennies you've saved, kerching! :)

Expensive isn't the word! I recently got some from a great animal friendly/vegan make up company and spent a fortune :eek:

I've been reliably informed that I could have bought sixty THOUSAND blueberries for that price! Wonder who told me that... :hmm: