TGPF Cavy Slave Gallery

I was going to say just the same thing but you beat me to it! I have seen one of Tim grinning like a drunken idiot at a meet in Manchester and one of him with a beard I'm not sure which was the best to be honest! I'd like to see one of him looking somewhat normal if that is at all possible of course!
I saw that too! Please be normal for 5 seconds and take a selfie for us!
I didn't even know this thread existed! I'm sure there's some mug shots of me with the pigs on here somewhere but thought I'd take a quick snap of me makeup-less mug :))

View attachment 68690

Now you can put an annoying face to this annoying screen name! :D :))
It's a thumbs up from me too, you don't need make up, lovely to see you! :luv: x
Why on earth do you hate having your picture taken? You are gorgeous! :wub:
Thank you. I'm just a bit of an introvert. If someone's taking a picture of me, that means their attention is on me and it often makes me uncomfortable! But my mum took those so it's ok!
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Thank you. I'm just a bit of an introvert. If someone's taking a picture of me, that means their attention is on me and it often makes me uncomfortable! But my mum took those so it's ok!
I understand. I used to take photographs of models and quite often they were uncomfortable, wine usually did the trick :))
Need to convert you to "crazy rat guy" come join the daaaaaark side, or at least the side with long ropey tails lol.

Lol this is going to be a little more complicated as I grew up in a city where the smallest ones are about 2 feet long without tail and they eat cats for breakfast!
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I hate having my picture taken, unless I can be distracted by an animal! I couldn't choose between the golden eagle and the gyr falcon

View attachment 68695 View attachment 68696

I share the whole hatred of having my picture taken. I have had hardly any pictures taken from about the age of 14 until now which I am sure I will regret one day when I am old!

You are very pretty and so are the animals distracting you.
Lol this is going to be a little more complicated as I grew up in a city where the smallest ones are about 2 feet long without tail and they eat cats for breakfast!

When I worked in a country village we had some pretty big ones like that living in the woods next to the edge of my work building. If you dared sit in the parking area at lunch to get some sunshine....they'd walk along the wall you were sat on and wait for food. They were not scared of anything and were huge!

Pet ones are less monstrous in size and looks. ;)
Lol this is going to be a little more complicated as I grew up in a city where the smallest ones are about 2 feet long without tail and they eat cats for breakfast!
What city was this mate? I could do with some of these for my garden :whistle:
I share the whole hatred of having my picture taken. I have had hardly any pictures taken from about the age of 14 until now which I am sure I will regret one day when I am old!

You are very pretty and so are the animals distracting you.

They were really stunning! The eagle is an army major or something crazy. When she's exercised on the army training land all the soldiers have to salute her!
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When I worked in a country village we had some pretty big ones like that living in the woods next to the edge of my work building. If you dared sit in the parking area at lunch to get some sunshine....they'd walk along the wall you were sat on and wait for food. They were not scared of anything and were huge!

Pet ones are less monstrous in size and looks. ;)

No , they aren't scared of anything , in fact will attack humans if they have to ....and they do!
I remember as a kid being scared to walk home in the dark alleys , they'd come out from manholes and canals ....bigger than cats in some cases.
I have a friend with a pet rat and he has the time of his life , extremely intelligent.
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