TGPF Cavy Slave Gallery

Haa haa thanks @Tim :lol: You've made my day :))

Although you haven't seen me first thing in the morning, no make-up and bleary eyed cleaning out the guinea pigs!
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I only need them for distance/driving at the moment. I'm still fine for reading. ;)
on another subject, you appear to have lost a lot of weight Mr.Hogg, at least since that mankini episode.
That's cos I had a half marathon to train for. ;)
And a very admiral job you did of it too! raising 1400 last time I checked your posted total!
Shame about the feet, they looked VERY sore.
Much better now, going to have to find another small race to keep me motivated, I've had a small gain in weight as I'm not training as much. :(