TGPF Cavy Slave Gallery

Pictures of the piggy slave over the years and one of the piggy slave family!

Me and my first dog, Brandy :)

Feeding the penguins at the Calgary Zoo

Ugly Christmas Sweater photo last Christmas. Big Heather the dog is no longer with us :(

My lead dog and I when we went dogsledding one Christmas!

Me at work lol
Pictures of the piggy slave over the years and one of the piggy slave family!

Me and my first dog, Brandy :)

Feeding the penguins at the Calgary Zoo

Ugly Christmas Sweater photo last Christmas. Big Heather the dog is no longer with us :(

My lead dog and I when we went dogsledding one Christmas!

Me at work lol
You seem to have always had animals in your life. I can tell how much they mean to you.
Pictures of the piggy slave over the years and one of the piggy slave family!

Me and my first dog, Brandy :)

Feeding the penguins at the Calgary Zoo

Ugly Christmas Sweater photo last Christmas. Big Heather the dog is no longer with us :(

My lead dog and I when we went dogsledding one Christmas!

Me at work lol
You at work?? My word! Now that's a job. I'm really super boring :(
You are so young! For some reason I always pictured you as blond.

Hahah! No, not blonde! Is it because I have a girly avatar and forum name lol? I'm not actually very girls in the slightest! But no, definitely not blonde. At the moment I'm a red-head :) I'm 27 on new years eve so not that young! :P
Hahah! No, not blonde! Is it because I have a girly avatar and forum name lol? I'm not actually very girls in the slightest! But no, definitely not blonde. At the moment I'm a red-head :) I'm 27 on new years eve so not that young! :P
An yes, it must be the girly avatar. You are younger then me so you are young!
I've only just found this thread! After someone mentioned it (Durrrr it was right at the top)