TGPF Cavy Slave Gallery

Sorry just was showing off my effects! Not me... Jane is prettier than me! she is veryyyy pretty! Lucky you... Me jealous!

So this is me...


Erm.. I am quite new to this thing (both owning guineapigs and forum-ing) so you may have to bear with me! I am trying to get a nice one of me with my piggies.. but they aren't playing nice this evening!

Stef x
Rach-x said:
Sorry just was showing off my effects! Not me... Jane is prettier than me! she is veryyyy pretty! Lucky you... Me jealous!

Haha ;D ;D don't be silly, you're the pretty one Rach ;)

great to see you stef :D
OK Rach and Jane I'm sure many will agree with me when i say you are both equally gorgeous :)
do you mind if I add a more recnt piccy of me? :embarassed: I know I look terrible compared to everyone else on here! :embarassed:
Of course we dont mind ;D
You dont look terrible >:( I wish everyone thought they were beautiful as other people see them - oops saying it to myself too :D anyway you are sooo pretty ;)
ps: your avatar text underneath it says merry Christmas ;D O0
Pics of y new ahir cut and colour, used to be long normal brown, looks better in person pics make it lok fat :P Please ignore my ugly face :embarassed:




Hey love smile you've got a lovely face :smitten: :smitten:
Hair is great i love the colour it really suits you O0
3 hours tho :o :o :o eeek my butt would've been sore sitting for that long ;D ;D ;D
Thanks :embarassed: :embarassed:

lol Glynis i don't smile in pics makes me look weird unless i've had a few beforehand ;D ;D lol when i was sitting for half an hour for the colour i couldn't sit still, sat there fidgiting and looking around. Worse than a 5 year old ;D ;D

OK this is me....................
Well it was a couple of yrs ago.

or heres another view although its no better LOL
You look lovely! I have friends who still do that and they're well into their 20's! And I recently managed to have my picture taken where people think I look about 12....which is quite worrying...what with me being 28! :o

Can we please, please, PLEASE stop with the 'I'm ugly' bits on these posts? None of us are! 98)
Okay pics of I've only added one here before! :) I'm feeling brave! ;D


Caitlin and I when she was a month old


Emily and I when she was 10 months old


Emily and I when she was 6 months old


Me in Bewts y coyd Wales (Think I spelt that right)


Me when I popped into my old workplace


Caitlin and I in the kitchen, think we were sorting the cupboards out!


Emily, Caitlin, Fizz, Jake and I at the St Helens Show July 2006


Caitlin and I in Norfolk July 2005


Emily and I at Banham Zoo, we qued for ages to get on the Zebra train July 2005


Emily, Caitlin and I March 2006 getting ready for my Aunts 50th Wedding Anniversary Party
Awwww :smitten: I got confused as to who caitlyn and emily were as they looked alike when they were younger :D