TGPF Cavy Slave Gallery

delete it pleaseeeeee the brown haired one with the black thing on my top :)
I take it the one on the right as I know kelly has her piercing :-\
yea i have a piercing ;) because i dont like that pic i look horrible i will put up a nice on at the weekend O0
:o :o :o :o :o You sexual deviant! ;D ;D ;D

I am still happy no-one was mean about my pic! ;D ;D ;D

Me usually, scruffy hair, jumper smelling of animals

Occasionally i scrub up a bit lol
Awwwww I love that last pic with your doggy, sooo adorable!

You look sooo young in those pics! Do you have a pic of you taken in like a study with a printer in the background and u with diff colour hair? If so you look toootally dif in these ;D ;D
I imagined you to be older(sorry), you dont even look 24! ;D
ROFL I am 31 and those pictures are recent, I still get ID'd for ciggys by the old lady in the co-op lol
Haven't got a pic with different colour hair last time i dyed it was at Uni 7 years ago ;D

I think it is the fact I have spent the last 5 years playing with animals rather than a typical 'job' that keeps me a bit youthfulish, but as Ron will tell you some days I do look a bit ruff and have been known to be able to culture a quite respectable beard! (I have an old lady chin LOL)
Oh god, ive totally offended someone :o :o :o ;D ;D ;D

I get ID'd for cigs ALL the time ;D ;D ;D

Unless I have my breasticles out, but since becoming a full time piggymum, I live in big fleeces covered in hay and guinea poop, and smell of dog ;D ;D ;D ;D
LOl I am not offended, living in jumpers and smelling of animals is definately the best way to be O0 O0 O0
I merged 2 pics together...

Did the effects on my new webcam :)


Taken on Sunday before i got ill :P :)