TGPF Cavy Slave Gallery


Thought it was about time I put my pic on here as well! Hello everyone!
gosh you are totally different to what I had thought lol very pretty tho :) :)
Awww you are beautiful! Remind me of my bestest friend charlotte :smitten:

Look different to i thought to (in a good way ;D ) i thought you were older :embarassed:

Is that your kitchen in the b/ground? I love it!! :o
Thanks peeps! Yes, that's my kitchen, the bad thing is that the colour orange is supposed to stimulate the appetite!

I'm 41 btw (so I am quite old ;D)
Its luurvlly...and you are not old...and look about 32 id say, maybe a bit younger...

the OH just said 30 ;) ;D
yeh i would be happy if i looked like you at 41... i thought you were 30
:embarassed: Thanks for your nice comments! Good to see all the other faces in this thread too . . :)

Funny how you imagine what people look like and then they're usually different!
You're really pretty gingerpig, totally not how I imagined you...then again, I imagined you as someone ginger and piggish hahahah ::)
41 ? Blimey :o You look really good :)

I have one question..... you're smiling and have no eye wrinkles :o Whats your secret? :)
yesh i wanna know the secret too! shes gotta be lying about her age surely LMAO
Puggies Rule said:
yesh i wanna know the secret too! shes gotta be lying about her age surely LMAO

No secret just an oily skin - it was a pain when I was younger ::)

but thank you :)
You are absolutly beautiful!! :o

Not a presley fan much then! ;D ;D

You are a lot different to I imagined you! (not that I thought you'd be ugly :-\ :P) ;D

You are so pretty! Well done! ;D
Aww, well thanks PP! :D

I LOVE Elvis.. I was born on his birthday, you know. :)
Ahhhh lovely to put a face to the name, your very attractive O0 :smitten:
If your mum looks half like you do no wonder she was out and about and you couldn't reach her ;) ;D ;D ;D
Aww thanks sweet heart! (P.s. I just learned how to take compliments gracefully so excuse me if they are rather.. "oh I know I am beautiful.." lol.. I'm still not comfortable with saying "Oh thanks!" rather than "NO I'm NOT!")

You guys really know how to boost someones self esteem!

Lots of loves,
I know what you mean Kay and i'm twice your age, it's just hard to have someone say, oh you're beautiful or you have lovely hair or such compliments i too still get embarassed.

Glad you can say thankies cause we all mean it kiddo O0
Glynis, I saw your picture a couple pages back and realized exactly why I liked you so much from the begining! You look like such a kind hearted person! ^-^
Awww I wish you were my sister, I really do! You are so sweet and lovely and :smitten:

Your little mole is V V V cute, I bet the boys love you! ;D

Wheres glynis' pic? I cant find it? :(
Glynis is alllllllllllll the way back on page 16, right at the bottom
PerfectPiggies said:
Your little mole is V V V cute, I bet the boys love you! ;D

LOL! Sorry to break it to you but the boys have never loved me.. well, boys my age anyways. It was always way older guys that wanted to date me for some reason..And of course you know what they wanted! Boys my age have always wanted the primiscuous girls though.. the drinker girl, the one who smokes to look cool. lol.. And that's never been me.. so I waited until almost out of high school to even think about dating anyone. lol.. Met a nice gentlemen too! 0:)
ARRRAAAAAAA this is so mad, ive seen glynis!! I am alllways seeing her around the forum and it feels so fantastic to see her! :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: Brilliant! She is like i imagined her and I'm so glad :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

i love it when people put their pics up :smitten:
Lol! I was just as happy when I saw Glynis.

Glynis! You are a lovely, very kind hearted woman! We love you around here! ;D
bev said:
And here at long last we have a lovely pic of our dear friend Glynis!! with her equally lovely Duke :-*


Aha! I found Glynis! Hi Glynis you look nice! And hi Tearsinheaven, you look great as well :)