Stone me! George's secret...

It is strange - it's not that because I've tried offering him the bottle by hand and he'll have a token nuzzle at it but glug down the syringe water. When he's having a perkier day he'll go to the pellet bowl and use the bottle as normal. I can tell in his head it all makes sense and he gets annoyed/baffled with me that I don't get it and keep offering him stuff he's not bothered about. Nobody uses a water bowl here - they just tip it.
Today he wouldn't eat any dandelion leaves or morning meadow grass and I felt sad. He'd taken about 7ml Recovery after his breakfast veggies and that was it. But then hubs texted he'd wandered right out into the kitchen at lunchtime to see if anything was on offer while the girls hung back - he was rewarded with a small piece of apple which he gobbled. Then I took a chance and brought grass in from school - it looks the same to me but he got excited and ate quite a bit with no prompting. Whether it's different grass or just at an unusual time of day I don't know... there was still a pile of morning grass that the girls were eating this evening but he didn't touch that. Daft old sausage!
Aw poor George, I’m so sorry for you. I hope he continues to eat what he fancies. Just like us when we are poorly, we do become picky, don’t we. I would just tempt him with his favourite stuff, it’s good for you to see him eat :hug:
felt like eating grass.webp
"So today I felt like eating grass again, seeing as it was the special school grass, and I also have been bopping about a bit more. Not just the odd blade mind you, but mouthfuls at a time and nearly as much as Louise! I suddenly decided I would like to try the 'dual care' slurry that was being offered yet again and I took 5 ml this morning all by myself while I was having a little think, and another 5 at lunchtime while I staked out the hay cube... it's great in there! I'm still not eating hay but I hear that the grass will help with my teeth a bit too. I have been obliged to eat 15 - 20 mls of Recovery food each day as a 'top up', even though I didn't really feel like it but maybe it has done some good after all. Last night I sat and ate a whole fetid plug of my own poop that the slave extracted so she knows I'm feeling a bit better even if my breath isn't so sweet. And apparently I've maintained weight at just over a kilo for the past few days so, you know, maybe I'm doing OK for a bit..."

"In other news Flora has been strutting about, trying on the big trousers and nose bumping Louise all over, just to make sure she's still bottom pig even if I'm ill. Louise has been chased from her favourite lounging spot a few times and you can tell she's especially naffed off as she never tries to be anything other than bottom of the piggy hierarchy. But this morning the final straw was a passing nose bump as Louise was just shuffling about minding her own business - finally the worm turned and Louise suddenly mounted Flora which really startled her as Louise has never done that to anyone!"
Good to hear George is feeling chipper enough to chomp on grass and his own special brewed eatypoops.
Little George update. It's important to me to pop anything new on here for the future in case people are in this position themselves one day so we know what to expect - not in every case but I suspect George will be pretty typical in the challenges he faces as an old boy living with a stone.

A few posts ago was when George had to have Baytril for 5 days, and was then switched to Septrin for 10 days, but halfway through that we decided to try the Feliway cystease too and for George it was a bit of a disaster as it was one thing too many for his gut (pooping jelly) and he stopped eating completely. So there was something of a struggle to get everything back on track and it was OK for a bit (re last post) and then of course his UTI came back because I didn't finish the course - and what do I always tell people? Finish the course! It couldn't be helped at the time though. So he went back onto the Septrin for 10 days with Emeprid and some syringing (pounding up his joint support lozenge with support food and probiotic to about 15 ml) and he wasn't at all impressed and he stank, poor lad. But in between all this he's still be bopping round and apart from one or two quiet days he's been eating grass and hay and is still boss pig. But he's thinner now - at 970g - and that's just how it's going to be. We have a bit of time together for a mid-afternoon tea break and yesterday he was happy in his cuddle sack on my lap and I felt him move to rest his puffy arthritic front feet on my warm hand 💕

Of course I ask myself every day whether I should have opted for the op but I still come to the conclusion that in overall it wouldn't have helped. Two huge stones forming in such rapid succession - there'd be another soon after - and that's if he made it. He's been busy today chewing the holes in the latest hay cube bigger so he can get in. Louise wedged herself in the last one with such determination we were convinced she'd come out square! Then she peed in it mercilessly until the whole thing started to collapse. She looks cute but she's got pretty low standards...

So hopefully his infection has cleared (at least for now) and his poops look a bit better (as soon as the Septrin finished) and although he chirps when he pees it's quiet again not like the pained squeak that went with the UTI. He's a bit damp down below rather than sodden.

I've felt a bit more adjusted to things so I'm going to put George's x-rays in here. You can see there's a clear bladder stone and also a line of white towards the back which is where he had sludge in his urethra at the time. It's eye-opening really. On the first x-ray the vet thought he might have got away with it as his knee was blocking the stone but on the second it can be seen clearly. He's a brave boy x

George stone knee.webp George's stone.webp
Just saw your thread, poor little George, and I thought my RB Rupert’s first bladder stone was big! (I’ve saved it for 5+ years because I’m mad!)
His got stuck in the urethra and couldn’t pee at all, so an emergency op and thank goodness he was ok as around 5 at the time, also a bladder flush as quite a bit of sludge in there, gave me no clues at all until I came home to find him struggling that afternoon and rushed him to local vets. He also had another come back about a year later, C&R did X-rays but that one was small enough to pass, although he was quite sore and had a UTI (well a few of those in his last few years before I lost him just before his 7th bday, bladder troubles galore!), he was always treated with sulfatrim for 2-3 weeks ish, which he handled pretty well, as well as metacam and Cystease. So stressful though, I was on edge a lot with the slightest funny look after that first stone! So sending you ginormous hugs :hug:
What a brave boy he is, hope he keeps up that chomping bless him, sending him lots of love and healing vibes ❤️ x
Poor Gorge I hope he continues to enjoy life and have loads of good days, eating loads of cubes x
He's actually perked up today and has been rumbling around again, eating lots and chirping less. And seeing as he's the thinnest pig now he's been able to force his way into a fresh hay cube earlier than the others... their back ends are too fat! So he's staked out his territory 😂
Vet did say he'd have good days and less good days - it's when the latter outweighs the former we'll re-assess 💕
Wednesday was a cracking day. George had been stuffing his cakehole for almost 48 hours solid and had started to eat some cucumber and even a bit of bell pepper again - both of which he'd gone right off. His poops looked great. He was actively looking for the syringe and took 20 ml with relish as a top-up. He even tried to popcorn when the grass arrived! Don't get me wrong, he chirped when he peed, but quietly, then he carried on as usual. The future suddenly seemed a bit brighter for him. I'd noticed a bit of blood tint to his pee and foolishly thought, "isn't that strange, when his pee is clear he's off his food, when there's blood he wants to eat..." So guess what's coming.

Today we were back in the doldrums. He sat in the hay box this morning for his veg but didn't seem so hungry. He was unbunged, then he burrowed down to the end of the cuddle sack and ate nothing - no hay, no grass. He squeaked pitifully when he peed - about every 30 minutes - it was more red tinted. He's had about 20ml of slurry over the day, but I wasn't his friend. You could tell he felt like sh*t. I'm thinking exactly like before, "Oh no, I must have nudged the bladder stone unbunging him" until I realised tonight it's exactly the same as two weeks ago. I put him back on the Septrin (he'd completed 10 days of it on Sunday). We'll see how he is in the morning. This happened with Ivy one time but we had to have over two weeks of it and then repeat that to clear her infection - but Ivy had a rock solid digestion and it didn't affect her at all. She didn't even mind the taste by the end! George is not so lucky - his guts are going to be a balancing act. I tried to get a pee sample before I dosed him - managed eventually - waited half an hour for a meagre 1ml of strawberry juice then accidentally dropped a celery slice in it, so I don't know if it's any use to the vet. Will call them tomorrow to see.

Am going to stock up with probiotics etc to try and sort this out and make some poop soup from Louise's prolific output. We've got to find some use for it! Hang in there little mate x
Oh poor George - sounds like a rollercoaster of a couple of days. I have everything crossed that tomorrow is another happier day.
He was in much less pain today (antibiotic last night, another this morning) and sniffing again for veggies. Nibbled at hay - waded into the grass pile - although still did spend a lot of the day in his bag. Made a mix of mush, Fibreplex, ground Oxbow lozenge, and a touch of Louise(!) which I'm topping him up with throughout the day to try and balance out the effects of the ABs. So although they're affecting his guts again it's obvs not as bad as the UTI is making him feel. He's in for a vet check on Monday to restock meds and make a longer term plan - whether to 'do an Ivy' and just keep ploughing on or whether there's some sort of alternative. After a few more days I'll hopefully have a better handle on the best way to help his poor gut.

Investigating the hay cube this morning... decided to chew at the cardboard for a bit!
George likes the hay.webp He's actually in it now...
Just had a read through the thread, what an emotional rollercoaster! Glad he’s had a good day today, bless him
George (back on Septrin) went to see the vet today. Urine sample sent off. Couldn't get him to produce for the life of me but after a rectal temp was taken he showed his disgust by peeing on the vet and we rushed to get a syringe and suck it up! It's a long shot - he's on ABs after all, but I hope they'll find enough to culture and look at AB resistance. Won't get result till Friday. Pain relief upped. Blood tint better and squeaking quieter on Septrin than off (his underside soaked with pee and blood last Thursday). Whatever he's got is barely affected by Baytril but more sensitive to Septrin. Everything crossed they can find something and identify an antibiotic that works even better. He's currently enjoying his heat pad and I can hear he's chewing hay in the bedroom. He's doing OK enough x
Hope you can find a good AB for this infection 🤞and George stays comfortable in the meantime x
Another George update - he's just chugging along.
Urine analysis came back with no infection which considering he'd been back on the Septrin for 5 days at that point I could understand and in many ways was reassuring. The bloody urine took nearly a week to clear. By that time I was mixing fibreplex and poop soup into his recovery food and his appetite did pick up - he was plunging into the hay at all hours of the day and night. His poops have improved no end, his inflammation has reduced and he's pooping by himself. Fewer poops but decent size. Then he had a trickier weekend - still chirping only quietly when he pees so that's no worse - upped the probiotic and crossed fingers.

He's going to be on Septrin for 3 weeks which means Thursday after next. His appetite is OK... but very up and down. Friday I would have been happy to keep him on it for ever, Monday I was dreading giving the dose - although he doesn't mind it. He obvs doesn't relate it to how he's feeling. He maintained at 960g for over a week but then dropped to 900g over the last couple of days which is a bit frustrating. So the battle is on - if the pattern is the same as last time his appetite should return after the AB finishes. Even though he's thinner he's still in the grass with gusto and playing in the hay cube. He's quiet tonight as usual after a vet visit - I put it down to him getting his bladder and kidneys poked (and his scary curly nails cut this time!) which can't be comfy. He's peed a good gush for an old boy so touch wood no sludge build-up. His pee is virtually colourless - all his life it's been yellow or occasionally scary orange but now there's no colour on a white tissue and that's even when I check it the next day. Shouldn't worry about that - but you worry about everything don't you. Lovely vet is kindly holding my hand through what reason tells me is going to be his (hopefully) gentle decline...

George likes Flora, but he loves Louise with all his gentle heart. Louise doesn't quite feel the same way - she's really only interested in eating. Hubs saw Louise nuzzling George's face tonight and thought what a lovely gesture - it turned out she was just hoovering up the pinch of oats I'd snuck into the snuggle tunnel to try and tempt him but George will take that!
triple grass.webp
What a lucky boy he is to have you looking after him. Bladder issues are so horrible.
Keep going George! ❤️
The ups and downs of caring for a piggy can be exhausting.
Make time for yourself as well.
Hugs :hug:

George is a very lucky boy having such a caring owner
Time for another little George update - he's doing OK. Touch wood we've had no infection signs since the 3 week course of Septrin finished. His weight had stabilised around 940g by the end of that which is a lot lower than he was, but then his appetite came back with a vengeance. However, weight gain is not so straightforward. Here he is leading the charge for the morning veggies!
pigs by the fridge 3.webp
He's unbunged twice a day so that his impaction doesn't put pressure on the bladder or urethra. He still chirps when he pees but it's that quiet some days you barely notice. Then other days its louder. He's still got his stone. He has his snuggle tunnel with a heat pad beneath as he feels the cold now he's a skinny boy. He has a 4 o'clock snack of 15ml CC with a side salad and water if he's interested. He sometimes gets an extra 5 ml CC in the morning if he's looking quiet, or some soaked pellets at night. He tends to eat when the others do but less casual chewing during the day (and presumably at night). Little weird things happen every now and again that freak me out. I check his penis for lumps as seemed to be a little one in there one day but that had gone by night time. The night before I started my new job he woke me chirping at 4 am, so quiet but it was every 5 minutes. He'd had a less good day on the Sunday so I was worried as anything. I went and sat with him, gave him his morning metacam dose early (and 6u this time) and refreshed the heat pad and hot water bottle. After about 20 mins it calmed down and he went back to sleep. He was quiet all Monday and didn't eat much but had perked right up by Tuesday and has had a fine few days.

He seems keen on syringe water again and I was remembering back to last time he was like that - guzzling away - and I didn't twig then that it must have been related to the stone forming. But he's also eating and drinking by himself and he's still top pig... even if he's not in his heated tunnel it's rare to find one of the ladies in there. He gets more veg than he 'should' and a lot of naughties because I think, "what the heck, he might be on borrowed time so if he's pooping ok..." and he seems more determined for veggies than he's ever been. No wonder his groupies follow him round! 😂
Time for another little George update - he's doing OK. Touch wood we've had no infection signs since the 3 week course of Septrin finished. His weight had stabilised around 940g by the end of that which is a lot lower than he was, but then his appetite came back with a vengeance. However, weight gain is not so straightforward. Here he is leading the charge for the morning veggies!
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He's unbunged twice a day so that his impaction doesn't put pressure on the bladder or urethra. He still chirps when he pees but it's that quiet some days you barely notice. Then other days its louder. He's still got his stone. He has his snuggle tunnel with a heat pad beneath as he feels the cold now he's a skinny boy. He has a 4 o'clock snack of 15ml CC with a side salad and water if he's interested. He sometimes gets an extra 5 ml CC in the morning if he's looking quiet, or some soaked pellets at night. He tends to eat when the others do but less casual chewing during the day (and presumably at night). Little weird things happen every now and again that freak me out. I check his penis for lumps as seemed to be a little one in there one day but that had gone by night time. The night before I started my new job he woke me chirping at 4 am, so quiet but it was every 5 minutes. He'd had a less good day on the Sunday so I was worried as anything. I went and sat with him, gave him his morning metacam dose early (and 6u this time) and refreshed the heat pad and hot water bottle. After about 20 mins it calmed down and he went back to sleep. He was quiet all Monday and didn't eat much but had perked right up by Tuesday and has had a fine few days.

He seems keen on syringe water again and I was remembering back to last time he was like that - guzzling away - and I didn't twig then that it must have been related to the stone forming. But he's also eating and drinking by himself and he's still top pig... even if he's not in his heated tunnel it's rare to find one of the ladies in there. He gets more veg than he 'should' and a lot of naughties because I think, "what the heck, he might be on borrowed time so if he's pooping ok..." and he seems more determined for veggies than he's ever been. No wonder his groupies follow him round! 😂
Thanksfor the update. George seems to be plodding along nicely. It’s lovely that he gets extra treats and enjoys his syringe food, I hope you both have loads of happy times together x
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Well, an update and some news. After a big vet conflab George has been booked in for stone surgery next Thursday(!)

George had a very decent Christmas with the full range of veggies on offer, but then decided to barber his tummy almost bald. It took him just a few days. He was actually trying to eat more but I think the sensation of full guts moving past his tender bladder has been putting him off. He has a greedy day but then a pained evening and he's wary of eating the next day. He knows something is wrong down there. I spent a lot of that night lying and thinking, and crying, and thinking some more. So yesterday we went back in for a check over and review.

All those weeks of Septrin knocked his weight right back but with a little CC top-up every afternoon (with a side salad, obvs!) he's maintained pretty well between 910 and 940g. He's eating his own glucosamine lozenge again rather than having to have it ground in with the CC. He's still first out for veg in the morning and he's still top pig. But he has days like today where he's all over the shop and others where he's pretty down and hiding in his tunnel. He's eating hay and grass but he's fussier with it. Vet checked him all over and said his heart sounded good, his coat looked shiny, and apart from his skinny ass and arthritic knees he's in pretty good shape. Which, to be honest, wasn't what we were expecting at this stage. We both thought he was on his way out - but it turns out that once his infection had shifted he's perked right up. He's thinner now, but he's not shedding hair. And we don't see blood in his urine apart from the days he sees the vet and has his bladder poked, so the worry of repeated infections has lifted a little. His 'wet' diet and his supplemental water syringe - which he still really enjoys - has meant his urine is clear and not milky or gritty. So although in my heart I was basically waiting for him to die, it seems George has other ideas.

I'm under no illusions here - he's already 6 and anaesthetic is always a risk. This time apparently it will just be gas, whereas before we've had injectables. Zara, for instance, had an injected anaesthetic because she was having a tooth out and it would have been very difficult to do that while using a gas mask to cover her little face. But sadly it was the anaesthetic that killed her - she just couldn't recover from it. It does make you very wary. But my main thing is that I don't want George to suffer any more than necessary. If they open him up and there's something else nasty in there I'll understand the choices that have to be made. And I know he'll have pain after - but he has pain now. So we've decided it's make or break. George is a gentle, timid fellow, but he's shown a steely determination over these past couple of months and I think - I hope - he'd agree with this choice 💕
Good luck for Thursday, I think you are making the right decision. There’s lots of if’s and but’s but I think you must give him a chance of the op and remove that stone. Your sounds sounds quite positive so be guided by him. Although George is getting on a bit he is in otherwise good health and these oldies can bounce back in my experience. I’ll be thinking about you both and wishing George well on Thursday 🤞
I think you are doing the right thing, giving him a chance. I've had 2 boars have stone surgery, younger (2 & 4) but they have bounced back quickly after gas sedation. Bracken was eating a few hours afterwards and acting as if nothing had happened. Rusty was a little slower to recover completely but it was a different vet who insisted on keeping him overnight, he was a very timid boy and would have been upset at that. He picked up once he was home.
Sending you and George my very best wishes and good luck for Thursday.
Fingers crossed for George’s operation next Thursday. 🤞🏻