Have a read through this link as it involves baytril & doxycycline together
Looks like it was an improvement in the Guineas condition.
(think I've read somewhere on here that the doxy might be detrimental to their appetite, the vet might need to monitor/consider this?)
@Pinki I'm not sure baytril will be strong enough on its own either ?
It might be worth asking the vet about sulfatrim as it's generally considered effective for a range of URI illnesses.
Zithromax is considered the big guns of Guinea pig antibiotics so ask if this may be suitable or something to consider?
It would also be useful to have a swab done & identify the offending bacteria to establish the most effective antibiotics to treat Spike with?
Also discuss with the vet about diuretics to reduce any fluid on his chest if there's any present?
I used furosomide years ago when my Ellie had a heart condition to reduce the fluid retention (although hers was due to the heart not pumping properly, not pneumonia).
Dandelions & celery are natural diuretics.
I found these quotes which you might find useful in one of
@-Drezella- s posts when her Paddy was ill
Personally I'd ask the vet for Sulfatrim, I've always had good results with it for URI's etc. Sending healing vibes for Paddy xx
If it’s aspirational pneumonia,Zithromax has had very good results.i hope your Piggie gets better soon.
Hi! It depends on the type of bacteria. A swab and a culture may be able to help your vet work out which antibiotic is most effective.
Maybe a diuretic would also help if there is any fluid on his chest? Sending you a huge hug and love to Paddy x
Guinea Lynx :: URI
Guinea lynx doesn't have much info really ref pneumonia specifically but some general URI info.
Good luck for Spikes
treatment & sending masses of healing vibes love the girls & I xx