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Snot like stuff coming from bum?

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I'd take him IMO to be honest.

It needs to be drained and flushed otherwise more will form and you'll be at square 1 again!

Glad he's feeling better, it's such a relief when they eat!
Oh he is definately going tonight, but when you have comes such a long way its a worry that they will take a step back again, i'm just hoping he will feel even better than he did on friday and go the extra 30%.

What can i do about the smell? I had been bathing it with salt water to keep it clean but obviously this wasn't taking the smell away, it lasted for a good 12hours.
Oh he is definately going tonight, but when you have comes such a long way its a worry that they will take a step back again, i'm just hoping he will feel even better than he did on friday and go the extra 30%.

What can i do about the smell? I had been bathing it with salt water to keep it clean but obviously this wasn't taking the smell away, it lasted for a good 12hours.
I cant smell it anymore, but could friday evening when he came back from having it squeezed and flushed, come saturday the smell had gone.
I must be really wierd because I get so much pleasure out of squeezing and flusing abscesses! I don't know whether it's to do with feeling I am making things better, or what! :)) The smell is so disgusing, yet I find it somewhat satisfying to get it out!

I think I had better shut up before you all think i'm a completely raving loony!
There is no way i could do it, i cant even squeeze a spot without shutting my eyes, its disgusting lol.

Jan said she loves doing it and finds it so satisfying, so it must be an expert thing :))
There is no way i could do it, i cant even squeeze a spot without shutting my eyes, its disgusting lol.

Jan said she loves doing it and finds it so satisfying, so it must be an expert thing :))
I must be really wierd because I get so much pleasure out of squeezing and flusing abscesses! I don't know whether it's to do with feeling I am making things better, or what! :)) The smell is so disgusing, yet I find it somewhat satisfying to get it out!

I think I had better shut up before you all think i'm a completely raving loony!

Nah, I completely agree!

There's not much you can do about the smell. Now that the main bulk of the pus (for want of a better term) is gone, it won't smell so bad next time it's drained and flushed.
Well he had it squeezed and flushed again last night, not much puss came out, but some solid lumps which apparently are the cause of it all came out.....? I wasn't there so dont know the correct names but hopefully someone will know what i mean. He is back on wednesday for more!

His weight is now stable at approx 980- 990g, but before all of this started he was a good weight of just over 1200g, so he lost a fair bit, and although i have been syringe feeding him plenty aswell as what he has eaten on his own, especially since friday he hasn't really put much weigh back on, its just stabilised, and Jan said he may not ever put much more weight back on due to his age 3.5years, is this true?

Thanks xx
My Boy is back to his old noisyy self and gaining weight steadily, the abscess is gone, and normal eating, pooping, drinking from water bottle and just general naughtiness has resumed! I am one very happy satisfied piggy mum. x
Great news!! Was only thinking of him last night!
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